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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 142.11 

Training program 

consists of courses, 

courseware, facilities, flight training 
equipment, and personnel necessary to 
accomplish a specific training objec-
tive. It may include a core curriculum 
and a specialty curriculum. 

Training specifications 

means a docu-

ment issued to a training center cer-
tificate holder by the Administrator 
that prescribes that center’s training, 
checking, and testing authorizations 
and limitations, and specifies training 
program requirements. 

[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34562, July 2, 1996, as 
amended by Amdt. 142–2, 62 FR 68137, Dec. 30, 
1997; Amdt. 142–7, 76 FR 54110, Aug. 31, 2011; 
Amdt. 142–9, 78 FR 42380, July 15, 2013] 

§ 142.5 Certificate and training speci-

fications required. 

(a) No person may operate a certifi-

cated training center without, or in 
violation of, a training center certifi-
cate and training specifications issued 
under this part. 

(b) An applicant will be issued a 

training center certificate and training 
specifications with appropriate limita-
tions if the applicant shows that it has 
adequate facilities, equipment, per-
sonnel, and courseware required by 
§ 142.11 to conduct training approved 
under § 142.37. 

§ 142.7 Duration of a certificate. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(b) of this section, a training center 
certificate issued under this part is ef-
fective until the certificate is surren-
dered or until the Administrator sus-
pends, revokes, or terminates it. 

(b) Unless sooner surrendered, sus-

pended, or revoked, a certificate issued 
under this part for a training center lo-
cated outside the United States expires 
at the end of the twelfth month after 
the month in which it is issued or re-

(c) If the Administrator suspends, re-

vokes, or terminates a training center 
certificate, the holder of that certifi-
cate shall return the certificate to the 
Administrator within 5 working days 
after being notified that the certificate 
is suspended, revoked, or terminated. 

§ 142.9 Deviations or waivers. 

(a) The Administrator may issue de-

viations or waivers from any of the re-
quirements of this part. 

(b) A training center applicant re-

questing a deviation or waiver under 
this section must provide the Adminis-
trator with information acceptable to 
the Administrator that shows— 

(1) Justification for the deviation or 

waiver; and 

(2) That the deviation or waiver will 

not adversely affect the quality of in-
struction or evaluation. 

§ 142.11 Application for issuance or 


(a) An application for a training cen-

ter certificate and training specifica-
tions shall— 

(1) Be made on a form and in a man-

ner prescribed by the Administrator; 

(2) Be filed with the responsible 

Flight Standards office for the area in 
which the applicant’s principal busi-
ness office is located; and 

(3) Be made at least 120 calendar days 

before the beginning of any proposed 
training or 60 calendar days before ef-
fecting an amendment to any approved 
training, unless a shorter filing period 
is approved by the Administrator. 

(b) Each application for a training 

center certificate and training speci-
fication shall provide— 

(1) A statement showing that the 

minimum qualification requirements 
for each management position are met 
or exceeded; 

(2) A statement acknowledging that 

the applicant shall notify the Adminis-
trator within 10 working days of any 
change made in the assignment of per-
sons in the required management posi-

(3) The proposed training authoriza-

tions and training specifications re-
quested by the applicant; 

(4) The proposed evaluation author-


(5) A description of the flight train-

ing equipment that the applicant pro-
poses to use; 

(6) A description of the applicant’s 

training facilities, equipment, quali-
fications of personnel to be used, and 
proposed evaluation plans; 

(7) A training program curriculum, 

including syllabi, outlines, courseware, 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 142.11 

procedures, and documentation to sup-
port the items required in subpart B of 
this part, upon request by the Adminis-

(8) A description of a recordkeeping 

system that will identify and document 
the details of training, qualification, 
and certification of students, instruc-
tors, and evaluators; 

(9) A description of quality control 

measures proposed; and 

(10) A method of demonstrating the 

applicant’s qualification and ability to 
provide training for a certificate or 
rating in fewer than the minimum 
hours prescribed in part 61 of this chap-
ter if the applicant proposes to do so. 

(c) The facilities and equipment de-

scribed in paragraph (b)(6) of this sec-
tion shall— 

(1) Be available for inspection and 

evaluation prior to approval; and 

(2) Be in place and operational at the 

location of the proposed training cen-
ter prior to issuance of a certificate 
under this part. 

(d) An applicant who meets the re-

quirements of this part and is approved 
by the Administrator is entitled to— 

(1) A training center certificate con-

taining all business names included on 
the application under which the certifi-
cate holder may conduct operations 
and the address of each business office 
used by the certificate holder; and 

(2) Training specifications, issued by 

the Administrator to the certificate 
holder, containing— 

(i) The type of training authorized, 

including approved courses; 

(ii) The category, class, and type of 

aircraft that may be used for training, 
testing, and checking; 

(iii) For each flight simulator or 

flight training device, the make, 
model, and series of airplane or the set 
of airplanes being simulated and the 
qualification level assigned, or the 
make, model, and series of rotorcraft, 
or set of rotorcraft being simulated and 
the qualification level assigned; 

(iv) For each flight simulator and 

flight training device subject to quali-
fication evaluation by the Adminis-
trator, the identification number as-
signed by the FAA; 

(v) The name and address of all sat-

ellite training centers, and the ap-

proved courses offered at each satellite 
training center; 

(vi) Authorized deviations or waivers 

from this part; and 

(vii) Any other items the Adminis-

trator may require or allow. 

(e) The Administrator may deny, sus-

pend, revoke, or terminate a certificate 
under this part if the Administrator 
finds that the applicant or the certifi-
cate holder— 

(1) Held a training center certificate 

that was revoked, suspended, or termi-
nated within the previous 5 years; or 

(2) Employs or proposes to employ a 

person who— 

(i) Was previously employed in a 

management or supervisory position by 
the holder of a training center certifi-
cate that was revoked, suspended, or 
terminated within the previous 5 years; 

(ii) Exercised control over any cer-

tificate holder whose certificate has 
been revoked, suspended, or terminated 
within the last 5 years; and 

(iii) Contributed materially to the 

revocation, suspension, or termination 
of that certificate and who will be em-
ployed in a management or supervisory 
position, or who will be in control of or 
have a substantial ownership interest 
in the training center. 

(3) Has provided incomplete, inac-

curate, fraudulent, or false information 
for a training center certificate; 

(4) Should not be granted a certifi-

cate if the grant would not foster avia-
tion safety. 

(f) At any time, the Administrator 

may amend a training center certifi-

(1) On the Administrator’s own ini-

tiative, under section 609 of the Federal 
Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1429), as 
amended, and part 13 of this chapter; or 

(2) Upon timely application by the 

certificate holder. 

(g) The certificate holder must file 

an application to amend a training cen-
ter certificate at least 60 calendar days 
prior to the applicant’s proposed effec-
tive amendment date unless a different 
filing period is approved by the Admin-

[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34562, July 2, 1996, as 
amended by Amdt. 142–1, 62 FR 13791, Mar. 21, 
1997; Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 142–10, 83 
FR 9176, Mar. 5, 2018]