Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 142.15
§ 142.13 Management and personnel
An applicant for a training center
certificate must show that—
(a) For each proposed curriculum, the
training center has, and shall main-
tain, a sufficient number of instructors
who are qualified in accordance with
subpart C of this part to perform the
duties to which they are assigned;
(b) The training center has des-
ignated, and shall maintain, a suffi-
cient number of approved evaluators to
provide required checks and tests to
graduation candidates within 7 cal-
endar days of training completion for
any curriculum leading to airman cer-
tificates or ratings, or both;
(c) The training center has, and shall
maintain, a sufficient number of man-
agement personnel who are qualified
and competent to perform required du-
ties; and
(d) A management representative,
and all personnel who are designated
by the training center to conduct di-
rect student training, are able to un-
derstand, read, write, and fluently
speak the English language.
§ 142.14 Employment of former FAA
(a) Except as specified in paragraph
(c) of this section, no holder of a train-
ing center certificate may knowingly
employ or make a contractual arrange-
ment which permits an individual to
act as an agent or representative of the
certificate holder in any matter before
the Federal Aviation Administration if
the individual, in the preceding 2
(1) Served as, or was directly respon-
sible for the oversight of, a Flight
Standards Service aviation safety in-
spector; and
(2) Had direct responsibility to in-
spect, or oversee the inspection of, the
operations of the certificate holder.
(b) For the purpose of this section, an
individual shall be considered to be
acting as an agent or representative of
a certificate holder in a matter before
the agency if the individual makes any
written or oral communication on be-
half of the certificate holder to the
agency (or any of its officers or em-
ployees) in connection with a par-
ticular matter, whether or not involv-
ing a specific party and without regard
to whether the individual has partici-
pated in, or had responsibility for, the
particular matter while serving as a
Flight Standards Service aviation safe-
ty inspector.
(c) The provisions of this section do
not prohibit a holder of a training cen-
ter certificate from knowingly employ-
ing or making a contractual arrange-
ment which permits an individual to
act as an agent or representative of the
certificate holder in any matter before
the Federal Aviation Administration if
the individual was employed by the
certificate holder before October 21,
[Doc. No. FAA–2008–1154, 76 FR 52237, Aug. 22,
§ 142.15 Facilities.
(a) An applicant for, or holder of, a
training center certificate shall ensure
(1) Each room, training booth, or
other space used for instructional pur-
poses is heated, lighted, and ventilated
to conform to local building, sanita-
tion, and health codes; and
(2) The facilities used for instruction
are not routinely subject to significant
distractions caused by flight oper-
ations and maintenance operations at
the airport.
(b) An applicant for, or holder of, a
training center certificate shall estab-
lish and maintain a principal business
office that is physically located at the
address shown on its training center
(c) The records required to be main-
tained by this part must be located in
facilities adequate for that purpose.
(d) An applicant for, or holder of, a
training center certificate must have
available exclusively, for adequate pe-
riods of time and at a location ap-
proved by the Administrator, adequate
flight training equipment and
courseware, including at least one
flight simulator or advanced flight
training device.
[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34562, July 2, 1996, as
amended by Amdt. 142–3, 63 FR 53537, Oct. 5,