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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 142.17 

§ 142.17 Satellite training centers. 

(a) The holder of a training center 

certificate may conduct training in ac-
cordance with an approved training 
program at a satellite training center 

(1) The facilities, equipment, per-

sonnel, and course content of the sat-
ellite training center meet the applica-
ble requirements of this part; 

(2) The instructors and evaluators at 

the satellite training center are under 
the direct supervision of management 
personnel of the principal training cen-

(3) The Administrator is notified in 

writing that a particular satellite is to 
begin operations at least 60 days prior 
to proposed commencement of oper-
ations at the satellite training center; 

(4) The certificate holder’s training 

specifications reflect the name and ad-
dress of the satellite training center 
and the approved courses offered at the 
satellite training center. 

(b) The certificate holder’s training 

specifications shall prescribe the oper-
ations required and authorized at each 
satellite training center. 

[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34562, July 2, 1996, as 
amended by Amdt. 142–3, 63 FR 53537, Oct. 5, 

§§ 142.21–142.25 [Reserved] 

§ 142.27 Display of certificate. 

(a) Each holder of a training center 

certificate must prominently display 
that certificate in a place accessible to 
the public in the principal business of-
fice of the training center. 

(b) A training center certificate and 

training specifications must be made 
available for inspection upon request 

(1) The Administrator; 
(2) An authorized representative of 

the National Transportation Safety 
Board; or 

(3) Any Federal, State, or local law 

enforcement agency. 

§ 142.29 Inspections. 

Each certificate holder must allow 

the Administrator to inspect training 
center facilities, equipment, and 
records at any reasonable time and in 
any reasonable place in order to deter-

mine compliance with or to determine 
initial or continuing eligibility under 
49 U.S.C. 44701, 44707, formerly the Fed-
eral Aviation Act of 1958, as amended, 
and the training center’s certificate 
and training specifications. 

§ 142.31 Advertising limitations. 

(a) A certificate holder may not con-

duct, and may not advertise to con-
duct, any training, testing, and check-
ing that is not approved by the Admin-
istrator if that training is designed to 
satisfy any requirement of this chap-

(b) A certificate holder whose certifi-

cate has been surrendered, suspended, 
revoked, or terminated must— 

(1) Promptly remove all indications, 

including signs, wherever located, that 
the training center was certificated by 
the Administrator; and 

(2) Promptly notify all advertising 

agents, or advertising media, or both, 
employed by the certificate holder to 
cease all advertising indicating that 
the training center is certificated by 
the Administrator. 

§ 142.33 Training agreements. 

A pilot school certificated under part 

141 of this chapter may provide train-
ing, testing, and checking for a train-
ing center certificated under this part 

(a) There is a training, testing, and 

checking agreement between the cer-
tificated training center and the pilot 

(b) The training, testing, and check-

ing provided by the certificated pilot 
school is approved and conducted in ac-
cordance with this part; 

(c) The pilot school certificated 

under part 141 obtains the Administra-
tor’s approval for a training course 
outline that includes the portion of the 
training, testing, and checking to be 
conducted under part 141; and 

(d) Upon completion of training, test-

ing, and checking conducted under part 
141, a copy of each student’s training 
record is forwarded to the part 142 
training center and becomes part of the 
student’s permanent training record.