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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 142.47 

Subpart B—Aircrew Curriculum 

and Syllabus Requirements 

§ 142.35 Applicability. 

This subpart prescribes the cur-

riculum and syllabus requirements for 
the issuance of a training center cer-
tificate and training specifications for 
training, testing, and checking con-
ducted to meet the requirements of 
part 61 of this chapter. 

§ 142.37 Approval of flight aircrew 

training program. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(b) of this section, each applicant for, 
or holder of, a training center certifi-
cate must apply to the Administrator 
for training program approval. 

(b) A curriculum approved under 

SFAR 58 of part 121 of this chapter is 
approved under this part without modi-

(c) Application for training program 

approval shall be made in a form and in 
a manner acceptable to the Adminis-

(d) Each application for training pro-

gram approval must indicate— 

(1) Which courses are part of the core 

curriculum and which courses are part 
of the specialty curriculum; 

(2) Which requirements of part 61 of 

this chapter would be satisfied by the 
curriculum or curriculums; and 

(3) Which requirements of part 61 of 

this chapter would not be satisfied by 
the curriculum or curriculums. 

(e) If, after a certificate holder begins 

operations under an approved training 
program, the Administrator finds that 
the certificate holder is not meeting 
the provisions of its approved training 
program, the Administrator may re-
quire the certificate holder to make re-
visions to that training program. 

(f) If the Administrator requires a 

certificate holder to make revisions to 
an approved training program and the 
certificate holder does not make those 
required revisions, within 30 calendar 
days, the Administrator may suspend, 
revoke, or terminate the training cen-
ter certificate under the provisions of 
§ 142.11(e). 

§ 142.39 Training program curriculum 


Each training program curriculum 

submitted to the Administrator for ap-
proval must meet the applicable re-
quirements of this part and must con-

(a) A syllabus for each proposed cur-


(b) Minimum aircraft and flight 

training equipment requirements for 
each proposed curriculum; 

(c) Minimum instructor and eval-

uator qualifications for each proposed 

(d) A curriculum for initial training 

and continuing training of each in-
structor or evaluator employed to in-
struct in a proposed curriculum; and 

(e) For each curriculum that provides 

for the issuance of a certificate or rat-
ing in fewer than the minimum hours 
prescribed by part 61 of this chapter— 

(1) A means of demonstrating the 

ability to accomplish such training in 
the reduced number of hours; and 

(2) A means of tracking student per-


Subpart C—Personnel and Flight 

Training Equipment Requirements 

§ 142.45 Applicability. 

This subpart prescribes the personnel 

and flight training equipment require-
ments for a certificate holder that is 
training to meet the requirements of 
part 61 of this chapter. 

§ 142.47 Training center instructor eli-

gibility requirements. 

(a) A certificate holder may not em-

ploy a person as an instructor in a 
flight training course that is subject to 
approval by the Administrator unless 
that person— 

(1) Is at least 18 years of age; 
(2) Is able to read, write, and speak 

and understand in the English lan-

(3) If instructing in an aircraft in 

flight, is qualified in accordance with 
subpart H of part 61 of this chapter; 

(4) Satisfies the requirements of 

paragraph (c) of this section; and 

(5) Meets at least one of the following 


(i) Except as allowed by paragraph 

(a)(5)(ii) of this section, meets the