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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 142.53 

(v) Meets the recency of experience 

requirements of part 61 of this chapter. 

[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34562, July 2, 1996, as 
amended by Amdt. 142–2, 62 FR 68137, Dec. 30, 
1997; Amdt. 142–9, 78 FR 42380, July 15, 2013] 

§ 142.51 [Reserved] 

§ 142.53 Training center instructor 

training and testing requirements. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(c) of this section, prior to designation 
and every 12 calendar months begin-
ning the first day of the month fol-
lowing an instructor’s initial designa-
tion, a certificate holder must ensure 
that each of its instructors meets the 
following requirements: 

(1) Each instructor must satisfac-

torily demonstrate to an authorized 
evaluator knowledge of, and pro-
ficiency in, instructing in a representa-
tive segment of each curriculum for 
which that instructor is designated to 
instruct under this part. 

(2) Each instructor must satisfac-

torily complete an approved course of 
ground instruction in at least— 

(i) The fundamental principles of the 

learning process; 

(ii) Elements of effective teaching, 

instruction methods, and techniques; 

(iii) Instructor duties, privileges, re-

sponsibilities, and limitations; 

(iv) Training policies and procedures; 
(v) Cockpit resource management 

and crew coordination; and 

(vi) Evaluation. 
(3) Each instructor who instructs in a 

qualified and approved flight simulator 
or flight training device must satisfac-
torily complete an approved course of 
training in the operation of the flight 
simulator, and an approved course of 
ground instruction, applicable to the 
training courses the instructor is des-
ignated to instruct. 

(4) The flight simulator training 

course required by paragraph (a)(3) of 
this section which must include— 

(i) Proper operation of flight simu-

lator and flight training device con-
trols and systems; 

(ii) Proper operation of environ-

mental and fault panels; 

(iii) Limitations of simulation; and 
(iv) Minimum equipment require-

ments for each curriculum. 

(5) Each flight instructor who pro-

vides training in an aircraft must sat-
isfactorily complete an approved 
course of ground instruction and flight 
training in an aircraft, flight simu-
lator, or flight training device. 

(6) The approved course of ground in-

struction and flight training required 
by paragraph (a)(5) of this section 
which must include instruction in— 

(i) Performance and analysis of flight 

training procedures and maneuvers ap-
plicable to the training courses that 
the instructor is designated to in-

(ii) Technical subjects covering air-

craft subsystems and operating rules 
applicable to the training courses that 
the instructor is designated to in-

(iii) Emergency operations; 
(iv) Emergency situations likely to 

develop during training; and 

(v) Appropriate safety measures. 
(7) Each instructor who instructs in 

qualified and approved flight training 
equipment must pass a written test 
and annual proficiency check— 

(i) In the flight training equipment in 

which the instructor will be instruct-
ing; and 

(ii) On the subject matter and ma-

neuvers of a representative segment of 
each curriculum for which the instruc-
tor will be instructing. 

(b) In addition to the requirements of 

paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(7) of this 
section, each certificate holder must 
ensure that each instructor who in-
structs in a flight simulator that the 
Administrator has approved for all 
training and all testing for the airline 
transport pilot certification test, air-
craft type rating test, or both, has met 
at least one of the following three re-

(1) Each instructor must have per-

formed 2 hours in flight, including 
three takeoffs and three landings as 
the sole manipulator of the controls of 
an aircraft of the same category and 
class, and, if a type rating is required, 
of the same type replicated by the ap-
proved flight simulator in which that 
instructor is designated to instruct; 

(2) Each instructor must have par-

ticipated in an approved line-observa-
tion program under part 121 or part 135 
of this chapter, and that—