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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 142.59 

evaluator satisfactorily completes a 
curriculum that includes the following: 

(i) Evaluator duties, functions, and 


(ii) Methods, procedures, and tech-

niques for conducting required tests 
and checks; 

(iii) Evaluation of pilot performance; 


(iv) Management of unsatisfactory 

tests and subsequent corrective action; 

(4) If evaluating in qualified and ap-

proved flight training equipment must 
satisfactorily pass a written test and 
annual proficiency check in a flight 
simulator or aircraft in which the eval-
uator will be evaluating. 

(b) An evaluator who satisfactorily 

completes a curriculum required by 
paragraph (a) of this section in the cal-
endar month before or the calendar 
month after the month in which it is 
due is considered to have taken it in 
the month is which it was due for the 
purpose of computing when the next 
training is due. 

(c) The Administrator may give cred-

it for the requirements of paragraph 
(a)(3) of this section to an evaluator 
who has satisfactorily completed an 
evaluator training course for a part 121 
or part 135 certificate holder if the Ad-
ministrator finds such a course equiva-
lent to the requirements of paragraph 
(a)(3) of this section. 

(d) An evaluator who is qualified 

under subpart Y of part 121 of this 
chapter shall be authorized to conduct 
evaluations under the Advanced Quali-
fication Program without complying 
with the requirements of this section. 

[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34562, July 2, 1996, as 
amended by Amdt. 142–9, 78 FR 42380, July 15, 

§ 142.57 Aircraft requirements. 

(a) An applicant for, or holder of, a 

training center certificate must ensure 
that each aircraft used for flight in-
struction and solo flights meets the 
following requirements: 

(1) Except for flight instruction and 

solo flights in a curriculum for agricul-
tural aircraft operations, external load 
operations, and similar aerial work op-
erations, the aircraft must have an 
FAA standard airworthiness certificate 
or a foreign equivalent of an FAA 

standard airworthiness certificate, ac-
ceptable to the Administrator. 

(2) The aircraft must be maintained 

and inspected in accordance with— 

(i) The requirements of part 91, sub-

part E, of this chapter; and 

(ii) An approved program for mainte-

nance and inspection. 

(3) The aircraft must be equipped as 

provided in the training specifications 
for the approved course for which it is 

(b) Except as provided in paragraph 

(c) of this section, an applicant for, or 
holder of, a training center certificate 
must ensure that each aircraft used for 
flight instruction is at least a two- 
place aircraft with engine power con-
trols and flight controls that are easily 
reached and that operate in a conven-
tional manner from both pilot stations. 

(c) Airplanes with controls such as 

nose-wheel steering, switches, fuel se-
lectors, and engine air flow controls 
that are not easily reached and oper-
ated in a conventional manner by both 
pilots may be used for flight instruc-
tion if the certificate holder deter-
mines that the flight instruction can 
be conducted in a safe manner consid-
ering the location of controls and their 
nonconventional operation, or both. 

§ 142.59 Flight simulators and flight 

training devices. 

(a) An applicant for, or holder of, a 

training center certificate must show 
that each flight simulator and flight 
training device used for training, test-
ing, and checking (except AQP) will be 
or is specifically qualified and ap-
proved by the Administrator for— 

(1) Each maneuver and procedure for 

the make, model, and series of aircraft, 
set of aircraft, or aircraft type simu-
lated, as applicable; and 

(2) Each curriculum or training 

course in which the flight simulator or 
flight training device is used, if that 
curriculum or course is used to satisfy 
any requirement of 14 CFR chapter I. 

(b) The approval required by para-

graph (a)(2) of this section must in-

(1) The set of aircraft, or type air-
