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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 142.61 

(2) If applicable, the particular vari-

ation within type, for which the train-
ing, testing, or checking is being con-
ducted; and 

(3) The particular maneuver, proce-

dure, or crewmember function to be 

(c) Each qualified and approved flight 

simulator or flight training device used 
by a training center must— 

(1) Be maintained to ensure the reli-

ability of the performances, functions, 
and all other characteristics that were 
required for qualification; 

(2) Be modified to conform with any 

modification to the aircraft being sim-
ulated if the modification results in 
changes to performance, function, or 
other characteristics required for qual-

(3) Be given a functional preflight 

check each day before being used; and 

(4) Have a discrepancy log in which 

the instructor or evaluator, at the end 
of each training session, enters each 

(d) Unless otherwise authorized by 

the Administrator, each component on 
a qualified and approved flight simu-
lator or flight training device used by a 
training center must be operative if 
the component is essential to, or in-
volved in, the training, testing, or 
checking of airmen. 

(e) Training centers shall not be re-

stricted to specific— 

(1) Route segments during line-ori-

ented flight training scenarios; and 

(2) Visual data bases replicating a 

specific customer’s bases of operation. 

(f) Training centers may request 

evaluation, qualification, and con-
tinuing evaluation for qualification of 
flight simulators and flight training 
devices without— 

(1) Holding an air carrier certificate; 


(2) Having a specific relationship to 

an air carrier certificate holder. 

Subpart D—Operating Rules 

§ 142.61 Applicability. 

This subpart prescribes the operating 

rules applicable to a training center 
certificated under this part and oper-
ating a course or training program cur-
riculum approved in accordance with 
subpart B of this part. 

§ 142.63 Privileges. 

A certificate holder may allow flight 

simulator instructors and evaluators 
to meet recency of experience require-
ments through the use of a qualified 
and approved flight simulator or quali-
fied and approved flight training device 
if that flight simulator or flight train-
ing device is— 

(a) Used in a course approved in ac-

cordance with subpart B of this part; or 

(b) Approved under the Advanced 

Qualification Program for meeting 
recency of experience requirements. 

§ 142.65 Limitations. 

(a) A certificate holder shall— 
(1) Ensure that a flight simulator or 

flight training device freeze, slow mo-
tion, or repositioning feature is not 
used during testing or checking; and 

(2) Ensure that a repositioning fea-

ture is used during line operational 
simulation for evaluation and line-ori-
ented flight training only to advance 
along a flight route to the point where 
the descent and approach phase of the 
flight begins. 

(b) When flight testing, flight check-

ing, or line operational simulation is 
being conducted, the certificate holder 
must ensure that one of the following 
occupies each crewmember position: 

(1) A crewmember qualified in the 

aircraft category, class, and type, if a 
type rating is required, provided that 
no flight instructor who is giving in-
struction may occupy a crewmember 

(2) A student, provided that no stu-

dent may be used in a crewmember po-
sition with any other student not in 
the same specific course. 

(c) The holder of a training center 

certificate may not recommend a 
trainee for a certificate or rating, un-
less the trainee— 

(1) Has satisfactorily completed the 

training specified in the course ap-
proved under § 142.37; and 

(2) Has passed the final tests required 

by § 142.37. 

(d) The holder of a training center 

certificate may not graduate a student 
from a course unless the student has 
satisfactorily completed the cur-
riculum requirements of that course.