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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

Pt. 145 

Subpart E—Recordkeeping 

§ 142.71 Applicability. 

This subpart prescribes the training 

center recordkeeping requirements for 
trainees enrolled in a course, and in-
structors and evaluators designated to 
instruct a course, approved in accord-
ance with subpart B of this part. 

§ 142.73 Recordkeeping requirements. 

(a) A certificate holder must main-

tain a record for each trainee that con-

(1) The name of the trainee; 
(2) A copy of the trainee’s pilot cer-

tificate, if any, and medical certificate; 

(3) The name of the course and the 

make and model of flight training 
equipment used; 

(4) The trainee’s prerequisite experi-

ence and course time completed; 

(5) The trainee’s performance on each 

lesson and the name of the instructor 
providing instruction; 

(6) The date and result of each end-of- 

course practical test and the name of 
the evaluator conducting the test; and 

(7) The number of hours of additional 

training that was accomplished after 
any unsatisfactory practical test. 

(b) A certificate holder shall main-

tain a record for each instructor or 
evaluator designated to instruct a 
course approved in accordance with 
subpart B of this part that indicates 
that the instructor or evaluator has 
complied with the requirements of 
§§ 142.13, 142.45, 142.47, 142.49, and 142.53, 
as applicable. 

(c) The certificate holder shall— 
(1) Maintain the records required by 

paragraphs (a) of this section for at 
least 1 year following the completion 
of training, testing or checking; 

(2) Maintain the qualification records 

required by paragraph (b) of this sec-
tion while the instructor or evaluator 
is in the employ of the certificate hold-
er and for 1 year thereafter; and 

(3) Maintain the recurrent dem-

onstration of proficiency records re-
quired by paragraph (b) of this section 
for at least 1 year. 

(d) The certificate holder must pro-

vide the records required by this sec-
tion to the Administrator, upon re-
quest and at a reasonable time, and 
shall keep the records required by— 

(1) Paragraph (a) of this section at 

the training center, or satellite train-
ing center where the training, testing, 
or checking, if appropriate, occurred; 

(2) Paragraph (b) of this section at 

the training center or satellite training 
center where the instructor or eval-
uator is primarily employed. 

(e) The certificate holder shall pro-

vide to a trainee, upon request and at a 
reasonable time, a copy of his or her 
training records. 

Subpart F—Other Approved 


§ 142.81 Conduct of other approved 


(a) An applicant for, or holder of, a 

training center certificate may apply 
for approval to conduct a course for 
which a curriculum is not prescribed 
by this part. 

(b) The course for which application 

is made under paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion may be for flight crewmembers 
other than pilots, airmen other than 
flight crewmembers, material handlers, 
ground servicing personnel, and secu-
rity personnel, and others approved by 
the Administrator. 

(c) An applicant for course approval 

under this subpart must comply with 
the applicable requirements of subpart 
A through subpart F of this part. 

(d) The Administrator approves the 

course for which the application is 
made if the training center or training 
center applicant shows that the course 
contains a curriculum that will achieve 
a level of competency equal to, or 
greater than, that required by the ap-
propriate part of this chapter. 

PART 143 




Subpart A—General 




Definition of terms. 


Certificate and operations specifica-

tions requirements. 


Repair station records: Falsification, 

reproduction, alteration, or omission.