Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 142.1
(2) Three takeoffs and three landings to a
full stop (with each landing involving a
flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport
with an operating control tower.
For a combined private pilot certification
and instrument rating course involving a pow-
Five hours of flying solo in a pow-
ered-lift on the appropriate areas of oper-
ation in paragraph (d)(4) of section 4 of this
appendix that includes at least—
(1) One solo cross-country flight of at least
100 nautical miles with landings at a min-
imum of three points, and one segment of
the flight consisting of a straight-line dis-
tance of at least 50 nautical miles between
the takeoff and landing locations.
(2) Three takeoffs and three landings to a
full stop (with each landing involving a
flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport
with an operating control tower.
Stage checks and end-of-course tests.
(a) Each student enrolled in a private pilot
course must satisfactorily accomplish the
stage checks and end-of-course tests in ac-
cordance with the school’s approved training
course that consists of the approved areas of
operation listed in paragraph (d) of section 4
of this appendix that are appropriate to the
aircraft category and class rating for which
the course applies.
(b) Each student must demonstrate satis-
factory proficiency prior to receiving an en-
dorsement to operate an aircraft in solo
[Doc. No. FAA–2008–0938, 76 FR 54108, Aug. 31,
2011, as amended by Docket FAA–2015–1846,
Amdt. 141–18, 81 FR 21462, Apr. 12, 2016]
Subpart A—General
Certificate and training specifications
Duration of a certificate.
Deviations or waivers.
Application for issuance or amend-
Management and personnel require-
Employment of former FAA employ-
Satellite training centers.
Display of certificate.
Advertising limitations.
Training agreements.
Subpart B—Aircrew Curriculum and
Syllabus Requirements
Approval of flight aircrew training
Training program curriculum re-
Subpart C—Personnel and Flight Training
Equipment Requirements
Training center instructor eligibility
Training center instructor and eval-
uator privileges and limitations.
Training center instructor training
and testing requirements.
Airline transport pilot certification
training program.
Training center evaluator require-
Aircraft requirements.
Flight simulators and flight training
Subpart D—Operating Rules
Subpart E—Recordkeeping
Recordkeeping requirements.
Subpart F—Other Approved Courses
Conduct of other approved courses.
: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g), 40113,
40119, 44101, 44701–44703, 44705, 44707, 44709–
44711, 45102–45103, 45301–45302.
: Docket No. 26933, 61 FR 34562, July
2, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
Subpart A—General
§ 142.1 Applicability.
(a) This subpart prescribes the re-
quirements governing the certification
and operation of training centers. Ex-
cept as provided in paragraph (b) of
this section, this part provides an al-
ternative means to accomplish train-
ing required by parts 61, 63, 65, 91, 121,
125, 135, or 137 of this chapter.
(b) Certification under this part is
not required for training that is—
(1) Approved under the provisions of
parts 63, 91, 121, 127, 135, or 137 of this
14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 142.3
(2) Approved under subpart Y of part
121 of this chapter, Advanced Qualifica-
tion Programs, for the authorization
holder’s own employees;
(3) Conducted under part 61 unless
that part requires certification under
this part;
(4) Conducted by a part 121 certificate
holder for another part 121 certificate
(5) Conducted by a part 135 certificate
holder for another part 135 certificate
holder; or
(6) Conducted by a part 91 fractional
ownership program manager for an-
other part 91 fractional ownership pro-
gram manager.
(c) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, after August 3, 1998,
no person may conduct training, test-
ing, or checking in advanced flight
training devices or flight simulators
without, or in violation of, the certifi-
cate and training specifications re-
quired by this part.
[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34562, July 2, 1996, as
amended by Amdt. 142–4, 66 FR 21067, Apr. 27,
2001; Amdt. 142–5, 68 FR 54588, Sept. 17, 2003;
Amdt. 142–9, 78 FR 42380, July 15, 2013]
§ 142.3 Definitions.
As used in this part:
Advanced Flight Training Device
used in this part, means a flight train-
ing device as defined in part 61 of this
chapter that has a cockpit that accu-
rately replicates a specific make,
model, and type aircraft cockpit, and
handling characteristics that accu-
rately model the aircraft handling
Core Curriculum
means a set of
courses approved by the Administrator,
for use by a training center and its sat-
ellite training centers. The core cur-
riculum consists of training which is
required for certification. It does not
include training for tasks and cir-
cumstances unique to a particular
(1) A program of instruction to ob-
tain pilot certification, qualification,
authorization, or currency;
(2) A program of instruction to meet
a specified number of requirements of a
program for pilot training, certifi-
cation, qualification, authorization, or
currency; or
(3) A curriculum, or curriculum seg-
ment, as defined in subpart Y of part
121 of this chapter.
means instructional ma-
terial developed for each course or cur-
riculum, including lesson plans, flight
event descriptions, computer software
programs, audiovisual programs, work-
books, and handouts.
means a person employed
by a training center certificate holder
who performs tests for certification,
added ratings, authorizations, and pro-
ficiency checks that are authorized by
the certificate holder’s training speci-
fication, and who is authorized by the
Administrator to administer such
checks and tests.
Flight training equipment
means full
flight simulators, as defined in § 1.1 of
this chapter, flight training devices, as
defined in § 1.1 of this chapter, and air-
means a person employed
by a training center and designated to
provide instruction in accordance with
subpart C of this part.
Line-Operational Simulation
simulation conducted using oper-
ational-oriented flight scenarios that
accurately replicate interaction among
flightcrew members and between
flightcrew members and dispatch fa-
cilities, other crewmembers, air traffic
control, and ground operations. Line
operational simulation simulations are
conducted for training and evaluation
purposes and include random, abnor-
mal, and emergency occurrences. Line
operational simulation specifically in-
cludes line-oriented flight training,
special purpose operational training,
and line operational evaluation.
Specialty Curriculum
means a set of
courses that is designed to satisfy a re-
quirement of the Federal Aviation Reg-
ulations and that is approved by the
Administrator for use by a particular
training center or satellite training
center. The specialty curriculum in-
cludes training requirements unique to
one or more training center clients.
Training center
means an organiza-
tion governed by the applicable re-
quirements of this part that provides
training, testing, and checking under
contract or other arrangement to air-
men subject to the requirements of this
Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 142.11
Training program
consists of courses,
courseware, facilities, flight training
equipment, and personnel necessary to
accomplish a specific training objec-
tive. It may include a core curriculum
and a specialty curriculum.
Training specifications
means a docu-
ment issued to a training center cer-
tificate holder by the Administrator
that prescribes that center’s training,
checking, and testing authorizations
and limitations, and specifies training
program requirements.
[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34562, July 2, 1996, as
amended by Amdt. 142–2, 62 FR 68137, Dec. 30,
1997; Amdt. 142–7, 76 FR 54110, Aug. 31, 2011;
Amdt. 142–9, 78 FR 42380, July 15, 2013]
§ 142.5 Certificate and training speci-
fications required.
(a) No person may operate a certifi-
cated training center without, or in
violation of, a training center certifi-
cate and training specifications issued
under this part.
(b) An applicant will be issued a
training center certificate and training
specifications with appropriate limita-
tions if the applicant shows that it has
adequate facilities, equipment, per-
sonnel, and courseware required by
§ 142.11 to conduct training approved
under § 142.37.
§ 142.7 Duration of a certificate.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, a training center
certificate issued under this part is ef-
fective until the certificate is surren-
dered or until the Administrator sus-
pends, revokes, or terminates it.
(b) Unless sooner surrendered, sus-
pended, or revoked, a certificate issued
under this part for a training center lo-
cated outside the United States expires
at the end of the twelfth month after
the month in which it is issued or re-
(c) If the Administrator suspends, re-
vokes, or terminates a training center
certificate, the holder of that certifi-
cate shall return the certificate to the
Administrator within 5 working days
after being notified that the certificate
is suspended, revoked, or terminated.
§ 142.9 Deviations or waivers.
(a) The Administrator may issue de-
viations or waivers from any of the re-
quirements of this part.
(b) A training center applicant re-
questing a deviation or waiver under
this section must provide the Adminis-
trator with information acceptable to
the Administrator that shows—
(1) Justification for the deviation or
waiver; and
(2) That the deviation or waiver will
not adversely affect the quality of in-
struction or evaluation.
§ 142.11 Application for issuance or
(a) An application for a training cen-
ter certificate and training specifica-
tions shall—
(1) Be made on a form and in a man-
ner prescribed by the Administrator;
(2) Be filed with the responsible
Flight Standards office for the area in
which the applicant’s principal busi-
ness office is located; and
(3) Be made at least 120 calendar days
before the beginning of any proposed
training or 60 calendar days before ef-
fecting an amendment to any approved
training, unless a shorter filing period
is approved by the Administrator.
(b) Each application for a training
center certificate and training speci-
fication shall provide—
(1) A statement showing that the
minimum qualification requirements
for each management position are met
or exceeded;
(2) A statement acknowledging that
the applicant shall notify the Adminis-
trator within 10 working days of any
change made in the assignment of per-
sons in the required management posi-
(3) The proposed training authoriza-
tions and training specifications re-
quested by the applicant;
(4) The proposed evaluation author-
(5) A description of the flight train-
ing equipment that the applicant pro-
poses to use;
(6) A description of the applicant’s
training facilities, equipment, quali-
fications of personnel to be used, and
proposed evaluation plans;
(7) A training program curriculum,
including syllabi, outlines, courseware,
14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 142.11
procedures, and documentation to sup-
port the items required in subpart B of
this part, upon request by the Adminis-
(8) A description of a recordkeeping
system that will identify and document
the details of training, qualification,
and certification of students, instruc-
tors, and evaluators;
(9) A description of quality control
measures proposed; and
(10) A method of demonstrating the
applicant’s qualification and ability to
provide training for a certificate or
rating in fewer than the minimum
hours prescribed in part 61 of this chap-
ter if the applicant proposes to do so.
(c) The facilities and equipment de-
scribed in paragraph (b)(6) of this sec-
tion shall—
(1) Be available for inspection and
evaluation prior to approval; and
(2) Be in place and operational at the
location of the proposed training cen-
ter prior to issuance of a certificate
under this part.
(d) An applicant who meets the re-
quirements of this part and is approved
by the Administrator is entitled to—
(1) A training center certificate con-
taining all business names included on
the application under which the certifi-
cate holder may conduct operations
and the address of each business office
used by the certificate holder; and
(2) Training specifications, issued by
the Administrator to the certificate
holder, containing—
(i) The type of training authorized,
including approved courses;
(ii) The category, class, and type of
aircraft that may be used for training,
testing, and checking;
(iii) For each flight simulator or
flight training device, the make,
model, and series of airplane or the set
of airplanes being simulated and the
qualification level assigned, or the
make, model, and series of rotorcraft,
or set of rotorcraft being simulated and
the qualification level assigned;
(iv) For each flight simulator and
flight training device subject to quali-
fication evaluation by the Adminis-
trator, the identification number as-
signed by the FAA;
(v) The name and address of all sat-
ellite training centers, and the ap-
proved courses offered at each satellite
training center;
(vi) Authorized deviations or waivers
from this part; and
(vii) Any other items the Adminis-
trator may require or allow.
(e) The Administrator may deny, sus-
pend, revoke, or terminate a certificate
under this part if the Administrator
finds that the applicant or the certifi-
cate holder—
(1) Held a training center certificate
that was revoked, suspended, or termi-
nated within the previous 5 years; or
(2) Employs or proposes to employ a
person who—
(i) Was previously employed in a
management or supervisory position by
the holder of a training center certifi-
cate that was revoked, suspended, or
terminated within the previous 5 years;
(ii) Exercised control over any cer-
tificate holder whose certificate has
been revoked, suspended, or terminated
within the last 5 years; and
(iii) Contributed materially to the
revocation, suspension, or termination
of that certificate and who will be em-
ployed in a management or supervisory
position, or who will be in control of or
have a substantial ownership interest
in the training center.
(3) Has provided incomplete, inac-
curate, fraudulent, or false information
for a training center certificate;
(4) Should not be granted a certifi-
cate if the grant would not foster avia-
tion safety.
(f) At any time, the Administrator
may amend a training center certifi-
(1) On the Administrator’s own ini-
tiative, under section 609 of the Federal
Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1429), as
amended, and part 13 of this chapter; or
(2) Upon timely application by the
certificate holder.
(g) The certificate holder must file
an application to amend a training cen-
ter certificate at least 60 calendar days
prior to the applicant’s proposed effec-
tive amendment date unless a different
filing period is approved by the Admin-
[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34562, July 2, 1996, as
amended by Amdt. 142–1, 62 FR 13791, Mar. 21,
1997; Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 142–10, 83
FR 9176, Mar. 5, 2018]
Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 142.15
§ 142.13 Management and personnel
An applicant for a training center
certificate must show that—
(a) For each proposed curriculum, the
training center has, and shall main-
tain, a sufficient number of instructors
who are qualified in accordance with
subpart C of this part to perform the
duties to which they are assigned;
(b) The training center has des-
ignated, and shall maintain, a suffi-
cient number of approved evaluators to
provide required checks and tests to
graduation candidates within 7 cal-
endar days of training completion for
any curriculum leading to airman cer-
tificates or ratings, or both;
(c) The training center has, and shall
maintain, a sufficient number of man-
agement personnel who are qualified
and competent to perform required du-
ties; and
(d) A management representative,
and all personnel who are designated
by the training center to conduct di-
rect student training, are able to un-
derstand, read, write, and fluently
speak the English language.
§ 142.14 Employment of former FAA
(a) Except as specified in paragraph
(c) of this section, no holder of a train-
ing center certificate may knowingly
employ or make a contractual arrange-
ment which permits an individual to
act as an agent or representative of the
certificate holder in any matter before
the Federal Aviation Administration if
the individual, in the preceding 2
(1) Served as, or was directly respon-
sible for the oversight of, a Flight
Standards Service aviation safety in-
spector; and
(2) Had direct responsibility to in-
spect, or oversee the inspection of, the
operations of the certificate holder.
(b) For the purpose of this section, an
individual shall be considered to be
acting as an agent or representative of
a certificate holder in a matter before
the agency if the individual makes any
written or oral communication on be-
half of the certificate holder to the
agency (or any of its officers or em-
ployees) in connection with a par-
ticular matter, whether or not involv-
ing a specific party and without regard
to whether the individual has partici-
pated in, or had responsibility for, the
particular matter while serving as a
Flight Standards Service aviation safe-
ty inspector.
(c) The provisions of this section do
not prohibit a holder of a training cen-
ter certificate from knowingly employ-
ing or making a contractual arrange-
ment which permits an individual to
act as an agent or representative of the
certificate holder in any matter before
the Federal Aviation Administration if
the individual was employed by the
certificate holder before October 21,
[Doc. No. FAA–2008–1154, 76 FR 52237, Aug. 22,
§ 142.15 Facilities.
(a) An applicant for, or holder of, a
training center certificate shall ensure
(1) Each room, training booth, or
other space used for instructional pur-
poses is heated, lighted, and ventilated
to conform to local building, sanita-
tion, and health codes; and
(2) The facilities used for instruction
are not routinely subject to significant
distractions caused by flight oper-
ations and maintenance operations at
the airport.
(b) An applicant for, or holder of, a
training center certificate shall estab-
lish and maintain a principal business
office that is physically located at the
address shown on its training center
(c) The records required to be main-
tained by this part must be located in
facilities adequate for that purpose.
(d) An applicant for, or holder of, a
training center certificate must have
available exclusively, for adequate pe-
riods of time and at a location ap-
proved by the Administrator, adequate
flight training equipment and
courseware, including at least one
flight simulator or advanced flight
training device.
[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34562, July 2, 1996, as
amended by Amdt. 142–3, 63 FR 53537, Oct. 5,
14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 142.17
§ 142.17 Satellite training centers.
(a) The holder of a training center
certificate may conduct training in ac-
cordance with an approved training
program at a satellite training center
(1) The facilities, equipment, per-
sonnel, and course content of the sat-
ellite training center meet the applica-
ble requirements of this part;
(2) The instructors and evaluators at
the satellite training center are under
the direct supervision of management
personnel of the principal training cen-
(3) The Administrator is notified in
writing that a particular satellite is to
begin operations at least 60 days prior
to proposed commencement of oper-
ations at the satellite training center;
(4) The certificate holder’s training
specifications reflect the name and ad-
dress of the satellite training center
and the approved courses offered at the
satellite training center.
(b) The certificate holder’s training
specifications shall prescribe the oper-
ations required and authorized at each
satellite training center.
[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34562, July 2, 1996, as
amended by Amdt. 142–3, 63 FR 53537, Oct. 5,
§§ 142.21–142.25 [Reserved]
§ 142.27 Display of certificate.
(a) Each holder of a training center
certificate must prominently display
that certificate in a place accessible to
the public in the principal business of-
fice of the training center.
(b) A training center certificate and
training specifications must be made
available for inspection upon request
(1) The Administrator;
(2) An authorized representative of
the National Transportation Safety
Board; or
(3) Any Federal, State, or local law
enforcement agency.
§ 142.29 Inspections.
Each certificate holder must allow
the Administrator to inspect training
center facilities, equipment, and
records at any reasonable time and in
any reasonable place in order to deter-
mine compliance with or to determine
initial or continuing eligibility under
49 U.S.C. 44701, 44707, formerly the Fed-
eral Aviation Act of 1958, as amended,
and the training center’s certificate
and training specifications.
§ 142.31 Advertising limitations.
(a) A certificate holder may not con-
duct, and may not advertise to con-
duct, any training, testing, and check-
ing that is not approved by the Admin-
istrator if that training is designed to
satisfy any requirement of this chap-
(b) A certificate holder whose certifi-
cate has been surrendered, suspended,
revoked, or terminated must—
(1) Promptly remove all indications,
including signs, wherever located, that
the training center was certificated by
the Administrator; and
(2) Promptly notify all advertising
agents, or advertising media, or both,
employed by the certificate holder to
cease all advertising indicating that
the training center is certificated by
the Administrator.
§ 142.33 Training agreements.
A pilot school certificated under part
141 of this chapter may provide train-
ing, testing, and checking for a train-
ing center certificated under this part
(a) There is a training, testing, and
checking agreement between the cer-
tificated training center and the pilot
(b) The training, testing, and check-
ing provided by the certificated pilot
school is approved and conducted in ac-
cordance with this part;
(c) The pilot school certificated
under part 141 obtains the Administra-
tor’s approval for a training course
outline that includes the portion of the
training, testing, and checking to be
conducted under part 141; and
(d) Upon completion of training, test-
ing, and checking conducted under part
141, a copy of each student’s training
record is forwarded to the part 142
training center and becomes part of the
student’s permanent training record.
Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 142.47
Subpart B—Aircrew Curriculum
and Syllabus Requirements
§ 142.35 Applicability.
This subpart prescribes the cur-
riculum and syllabus requirements for
the issuance of a training center cer-
tificate and training specifications for
training, testing, and checking con-
ducted to meet the requirements of
part 61 of this chapter.
§ 142.37 Approval of flight aircrew
training program.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, each applicant for,
or holder of, a training center certifi-
cate must apply to the Administrator
for training program approval.
(b) A curriculum approved under
SFAR 58 of part 121 of this chapter is
approved under this part without modi-
(c) Application for training program
approval shall be made in a form and in
a manner acceptable to the Adminis-
(d) Each application for training pro-
gram approval must indicate—
(1) Which courses are part of the core
curriculum and which courses are part
of the specialty curriculum;
(2) Which requirements of part 61 of
this chapter would be satisfied by the
curriculum or curriculums; and
(3) Which requirements of part 61 of
this chapter would not be satisfied by
the curriculum or curriculums.
(e) If, after a certificate holder begins
operations under an approved training
program, the Administrator finds that
the certificate holder is not meeting
the provisions of its approved training
program, the Administrator may re-
quire the certificate holder to make re-
visions to that training program.
(f) If the Administrator requires a
certificate holder to make revisions to
an approved training program and the
certificate holder does not make those
required revisions, within 30 calendar
days, the Administrator may suspend,
revoke, or terminate the training cen-
ter certificate under the provisions of
§ 142.11(e).
§ 142.39 Training program curriculum
Each training program curriculum
submitted to the Administrator for ap-
proval must meet the applicable re-
quirements of this part and must con-
(a) A syllabus for each proposed cur-
(b) Minimum aircraft and flight
training equipment requirements for
each proposed curriculum;
(c) Minimum instructor and eval-
uator qualifications for each proposed
(d) A curriculum for initial training
and continuing training of each in-
structor or evaluator employed to in-
struct in a proposed curriculum; and
(e) For each curriculum that provides
for the issuance of a certificate or rat-
ing in fewer than the minimum hours
prescribed by part 61 of this chapter—
(1) A means of demonstrating the
ability to accomplish such training in
the reduced number of hours; and
(2) A means of tracking student per-
Subpart C—Personnel and Flight
Training Equipment Requirements
§ 142.45 Applicability.
This subpart prescribes the personnel
and flight training equipment require-
ments for a certificate holder that is
training to meet the requirements of
part 61 of this chapter.
§ 142.47 Training center instructor eli-
gibility requirements.
(a) A certificate holder may not em-
ploy a person as an instructor in a
flight training course that is subject to
approval by the Administrator unless
that person—
(1) Is at least 18 years of age;
(2) Is able to read, write, and speak
and understand in the English lan-
(3) If instructing in an aircraft in
flight, is qualified in accordance with
subpart H of part 61 of this chapter;
(4) Satisfies the requirements of
paragraph (c) of this section; and
(5) Meets at least one of the following
(i) Except as allowed by paragraph
(a)(5)(ii) of this section, meets the
14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 142.49
aeronautical experience requirements
of § 61.129 (a), (b), (c), or (e) of this chap-
ter, as applicable, excluding the re-
quired hours of instruction in prepara-
tion for the commercial pilot practical
(ii) If instructing in flight simulator
or flight training device that rep-
resents an airplane requiring a type
rating or if instructing in a curriculum
leading to the issuance of an airline
transport pilot certificate or an added
rating to an airline transport pilot cer-
tificate, meets the aeronautical experi-
ence requirements of § 61.159, § 61.161, or
§ 61.163 of this chapter, as applicable; or
(iii) Is employed as a flight simulator
instructor or a flight training device
instructor for a training center pro-
viding instruction and testing to meet
the requirements of part 61 of this
chapter on August 1, 1996.
(b) A training center must designate
each instructor in writing to instruct
in each approved course, prior to that
person functioning as an instructor in
that course.
(c) Prior to initial designation, each
instructor shall:
(1) Complete at least 8 hours of
ground training on the following sub-
ject matter:
(i) Instruction methods and tech-
(ii) Training policies and procedures.
(iii) The fundamental principles of
the learning process.
(iv) Instructor duties, privileges, re-
sponsibilities, and limitations.
(v) Proper operation of simulation
controls and systems.
(vi) Proper operation of environ-
mental control and warning or caution
(vii) Limitations of simulation.
(viii) Minimum equipment require-
ments for each curriculum.
(ix) Revisions to the training courses.
(x) Cockpit resource management
and crew coordination.
(2) Satisfactorily complete a written
(i) On the subjects specified in para-
graph (c)(1) of this section; and
(ii) That is accepted by the Adminis-
trator as being of equivalent difficulty,
complexity, and scope as the tests pro-
vided by the Administrator for the
flight instructor airplane and instru-
ment flight instructor knowledge tests.
[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34562, July 2, 1996, as
amended by Amdt. 142–2, 62 FR 68137, Dec. 30,
§ 142.49 Training center instructor and
evaluator privileges and limita-
(a) A certificate holder may allow an
instructor to provide:
(1) Instruction for each curriculum
for which that instructor is qualified.
(2) Testing and checking for which
that instructor is qualified.
(3) Instruction, testing, and checking
intended to satisfy the requirements of
any part of this chapter.
(b) A training center whose instruc-
tor or evaluator is designated in ac-
cordance with the requirements of this
subpart to conduct training, testing, or
checking in qualified and approved
flight training equipment, may allow
its instructor or evaluator to give en-
dorsements required by part 61 of this
chapter if that instructor or evaluator
is authorized by the Administrator to
instruct or evaluate in a part 142 cur-
riculum that requires such endorse-
(c) A training center may not allow
an instructor to—
(1) Excluding briefings and
debriefings, conduct more than 8 hours
of instruction in any 24-consecutive-
hour period;
(2) Provide flight training equipment
instruction unless that instructor
meets the requirements of § 142.53 (a)(1)
through (a)(4), and § 142.53(b), as appli-
cable; or
(3) Provide flight instruction in an
aircraft unless that instructor—
(i) Meets the requirements of
§ 142.53(a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(5);
(ii) Is qualified and authorized in ac-
cordance with subpart H of part 61 of
this chapter;
(iii) Holds certificates and ratings
specified by part 61 of this chapter ap-
propriate to the category, class, and
type aircraft in which instructing;
(iv) If instructing or evaluating in an
aircraft in flight while serving as a re-
quired crewmember, holds at least a
valid second class medical certificate;
Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 142.53
(v) Meets the recency of experience
requirements of part 61 of this chapter.
[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34562, July 2, 1996, as
amended by Amdt. 142–2, 62 FR 68137, Dec. 30,
1997; Amdt. 142–9, 78 FR 42380, July 15, 2013]
§ 142.51 [Reserved]
§ 142.53 Training center instructor
training and testing requirements.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(c) of this section, prior to designation
and every 12 calendar months begin-
ning the first day of the month fol-
lowing an instructor’s initial designa-
tion, a certificate holder must ensure
that each of its instructors meets the
following requirements:
(1) Each instructor must satisfac-
torily demonstrate to an authorized
evaluator knowledge of, and pro-
ficiency in, instructing in a representa-
tive segment of each curriculum for
which that instructor is designated to
instruct under this part.
(2) Each instructor must satisfac-
torily complete an approved course of
ground instruction in at least—
(i) The fundamental principles of the
learning process;
(ii) Elements of effective teaching,
instruction methods, and techniques;
(iii) Instructor duties, privileges, re-
sponsibilities, and limitations;
(iv) Training policies and procedures;
(v) Cockpit resource management
and crew coordination; and
(vi) Evaluation.
(3) Each instructor who instructs in a
qualified and approved flight simulator
or flight training device must satisfac-
torily complete an approved course of
training in the operation of the flight
simulator, and an approved course of
ground instruction, applicable to the
training courses the instructor is des-
ignated to instruct.
(4) The flight simulator training
course required by paragraph (a)(3) of
this section which must include—
(i) Proper operation of flight simu-
lator and flight training device con-
trols and systems;
(ii) Proper operation of environ-
mental and fault panels;
(iii) Limitations of simulation; and
(iv) Minimum equipment require-
ments for each curriculum.
(5) Each flight instructor who pro-
vides training in an aircraft must sat-
isfactorily complete an approved
course of ground instruction and flight
training in an aircraft, flight simu-
lator, or flight training device.
(6) The approved course of ground in-
struction and flight training required
by paragraph (a)(5) of this section
which must include instruction in—
(i) Performance and analysis of flight
training procedures and maneuvers ap-
plicable to the training courses that
the instructor is designated to in-
(ii) Technical subjects covering air-
craft subsystems and operating rules
applicable to the training courses that
the instructor is designated to in-
(iii) Emergency operations;
(iv) Emergency situations likely to
develop during training; and
(v) Appropriate safety measures.
(7) Each instructor who instructs in
qualified and approved flight training
equipment must pass a written test
and annual proficiency check—
(i) In the flight training equipment in
which the instructor will be instruct-
ing; and
(ii) On the subject matter and ma-
neuvers of a representative segment of
each curriculum for which the instruc-
tor will be instructing.
(b) In addition to the requirements of
paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(7) of this
section, each certificate holder must
ensure that each instructor who in-
structs in a flight simulator that the
Administrator has approved for all
training and all testing for the airline
transport pilot certification test, air-
craft type rating test, or both, has met
at least one of the following three re-
(1) Each instructor must have per-
formed 2 hours in flight, including
three takeoffs and three landings as
the sole manipulator of the controls of
an aircraft of the same category and
class, and, if a type rating is required,
of the same type replicated by the ap-
proved flight simulator in which that
instructor is designated to instruct;
(2) Each instructor must have par-
ticipated in an approved line-observa-
tion program under part 121 or part 135
of this chapter, and that—
14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 142.54
(i) Was accomplished in the same air-
plane type as the airplane represented
by the flight simulator in which that
instructor is designated to instruct;
(ii) Included line-oriented flight
training of at least 1 hour of flight dur-
ing which the instructor was the sole
manipulator of the controls in a flight
simulator that replicated the same
type aircraft for which that instructor
is designated to instruct; or
(3) Each instructor must have par-
ticipated in an approved in-flight ob-
servation training course that—
(i) Consisted of at least 2 hours of
flight time in an airplane of the same
type as the airplane replicated by the
flight simulator in which the instruc-
tor is designated to instruct; and
(ii) Included line-oriented flight
training of at least 1 hour of flight dur-
ing which the instructor was the sole
manipulator of the controls in a flight
simulator that replicated the same
type aircraft for which that instructor
is designated to instruct.
(c) An instructor who satisfactorily
completes a curriculum required by
paragraph (a) or (b) of this section in
the calendar month before or after the
month in which it is due is considered
to have taken it in the month in which
it was due for the purpose of computing
when the next training is due.
(d) The Administrator may give cred-
it for the requirements of paragraph (a)
or (b) of this section to an instructor
who has satisfactorily completed an in-
structor training course for a part 121
or part 135 certificate holder if the Ad-
ministrator finds such a course equiva-
lent to the requirements of paragraph
(a) or (b) of this section.
[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34562, July 2, 1996, as
amended by Amdt. 142–1, 62 FR 13791, Mar. 21,
§ 142.54 Airline transport pilot certifi-
cation training program.
No certificate holder may use a per-
son nor may any person serve as an in-
structor in a training program ap-
proved to meet the requirements of
§ 61.156 of this chapter unless the in-
(a) Holds an airline transport pilot
certificate with an airplane category
multiengine class rating;
(b) Has at least 2 years of experience
as a pilot in command in operations
conducted under § 91.1053(a)(2)(i) or
§ 135.243(a)(1) of this chapter, or as a
pilot in command or second in com-
mand in any operation conducted
under part 121 of this chapter;
(c) Except for the holder of a flight
instructor certificate, receives initial
training on the following topics:
(1) The fundamental principles of the
learning process;
(2) Elements of effective teaching, in-
struction methods, and techniques;
(3) Instructor duties, privileges, re-
sponsibilities, and limitations;
(4) Training policies and procedures;
(5) Evaluation.
(d) If providing training in a flight
simulation training device—
(1) Holds an aircraft type rating for
the aircraft represented by the flight
simulation training device utilized in
the training program and have received
training and evaluation within the pre-
ceding 12 months from the certificate
holder on the maneuvers that will be
demonstrated in the flight simulation
training device; and
(2) Satisfies the requirements of
§ 142.53(a)(4).
(e) A certificate holder may not issue
a graduation certificate to a student
unless that student has completed all
the curriculum requirements of the
(f) A certificate holder must conduct
evaluations to ensure that training
techniques, procedures, and standards
are acceptable to the Administrator.
[Doc. No. FAA–2010–0100, 78 FR 42380, July 15,
§ 142.55 Training center evaluator re-
(a) Except as provided by paragraph
(d) of this section, a training center
must ensure that each person author-
ized as an evaluator—
(1) Is approved by the Administrator;
(2) Is in compliance with §§ 142.47,
142.49, and 142.53 and applicable sec-
tions of part 183 of this chapter; and
(3) Prior to designation, and except
as provided in paragraph (b) of this sec-
tion, every 12-calendar-month period
following initial designation, the cer-
tificate holder must ensure that the
Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 142.59
evaluator satisfactorily completes a
curriculum that includes the following:
(i) Evaluator duties, functions, and
(ii) Methods, procedures, and tech-
niques for conducting required tests
and checks;
(iii) Evaluation of pilot performance;
(iv) Management of unsatisfactory
tests and subsequent corrective action;
(4) If evaluating in qualified and ap-
proved flight training equipment must
satisfactorily pass a written test and
annual proficiency check in a flight
simulator or aircraft in which the eval-
uator will be evaluating.
(b) An evaluator who satisfactorily
completes a curriculum required by
paragraph (a) of this section in the cal-
endar month before or the calendar
month after the month in which it is
due is considered to have taken it in
the month is which it was due for the
purpose of computing when the next
training is due.
(c) The Administrator may give cred-
it for the requirements of paragraph
(a)(3) of this section to an evaluator
who has satisfactorily completed an
evaluator training course for a part 121
or part 135 certificate holder if the Ad-
ministrator finds such a course equiva-
lent to the requirements of paragraph
(a)(3) of this section.
(d) An evaluator who is qualified
under subpart Y of part 121 of this
chapter shall be authorized to conduct
evaluations under the Advanced Quali-
fication Program without complying
with the requirements of this section.
[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34562, July 2, 1996, as
amended by Amdt. 142–9, 78 FR 42380, July 15,
§ 142.57 Aircraft requirements.
(a) An applicant for, or holder of, a
training center certificate must ensure
that each aircraft used for flight in-
struction and solo flights meets the
following requirements:
(1) Except for flight instruction and
solo flights in a curriculum for agricul-
tural aircraft operations, external load
operations, and similar aerial work op-
erations, the aircraft must have an
FAA standard airworthiness certificate
or a foreign equivalent of an FAA
standard airworthiness certificate, ac-
ceptable to the Administrator.
(2) The aircraft must be maintained
and inspected in accordance with—
(i) The requirements of part 91, sub-
part E, of this chapter; and
(ii) An approved program for mainte-
nance and inspection.
(3) The aircraft must be equipped as
provided in the training specifications
for the approved course for which it is
(b) Except as provided in paragraph
(c) of this section, an applicant for, or
holder of, a training center certificate
must ensure that each aircraft used for
flight instruction is at least a two-
place aircraft with engine power con-
trols and flight controls that are easily
reached and that operate in a conven-
tional manner from both pilot stations.
(c) Airplanes with controls such as
nose-wheel steering, switches, fuel se-
lectors, and engine air flow controls
that are not easily reached and oper-
ated in a conventional manner by both
pilots may be used for flight instruc-
tion if the certificate holder deter-
mines that the flight instruction can
be conducted in a safe manner consid-
ering the location of controls and their
nonconventional operation, or both.
§ 142.59 Flight simulators and flight
training devices.
(a) An applicant for, or holder of, a
training center certificate must show
that each flight simulator and flight
training device used for training, test-
ing, and checking (except AQP) will be
or is specifically qualified and ap-
proved by the Administrator for—
(1) Each maneuver and procedure for
the make, model, and series of aircraft,
set of aircraft, or aircraft type simu-
lated, as applicable; and
(2) Each curriculum or training
course in which the flight simulator or
flight training device is used, if that
curriculum or course is used to satisfy
any requirement of 14 CFR chapter I.
(b) The approval required by para-
graph (a)(2) of this section must in-
(1) The set of aircraft, or type air-
14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 142.61
(2) If applicable, the particular vari-
ation within type, for which the train-
ing, testing, or checking is being con-
ducted; and
(3) The particular maneuver, proce-
dure, or crewmember function to be
(c) Each qualified and approved flight
simulator or flight training device used
by a training center must—
(1) Be maintained to ensure the reli-
ability of the performances, functions,
and all other characteristics that were
required for qualification;
(2) Be modified to conform with any
modification to the aircraft being sim-
ulated if the modification results in
changes to performance, function, or
other characteristics required for qual-
(3) Be given a functional preflight
check each day before being used; and
(4) Have a discrepancy log in which
the instructor or evaluator, at the end
of each training session, enters each
(d) Unless otherwise authorized by
the Administrator, each component on
a qualified and approved flight simu-
lator or flight training device used by a
training center must be operative if
the component is essential to, or in-
volved in, the training, testing, or
checking of airmen.
(e) Training centers shall not be re-
stricted to specific—
(1) Route segments during line-ori-
ented flight training scenarios; and
(2) Visual data bases replicating a
specific customer’s bases of operation.
(f) Training centers may request
evaluation, qualification, and con-
tinuing evaluation for qualification of
flight simulators and flight training
devices without—
(1) Holding an air carrier certificate;
(2) Having a specific relationship to
an air carrier certificate holder.
Subpart D—Operating Rules
§ 142.61 Applicability.
This subpart prescribes the operating
rules applicable to a training center
certificated under this part and oper-
ating a course or training program cur-
riculum approved in accordance with
subpart B of this part.
§ 142.63 Privileges.
A certificate holder may allow flight
simulator instructors and evaluators
to meet recency of experience require-
ments through the use of a qualified
and approved flight simulator or quali-
fied and approved flight training device
if that flight simulator or flight train-
ing device is—
(a) Used in a course approved in ac-
cordance with subpart B of this part; or
(b) Approved under the Advanced
Qualification Program for meeting
recency of experience requirements.
§ 142.65 Limitations.
(a) A certificate holder shall—
(1) Ensure that a flight simulator or
flight training device freeze, slow mo-
tion, or repositioning feature is not
used during testing or checking; and
(2) Ensure that a repositioning fea-
ture is used during line operational
simulation for evaluation and line-ori-
ented flight training only to advance
along a flight route to the point where
the descent and approach phase of the
flight begins.
(b) When flight testing, flight check-
ing, or line operational simulation is
being conducted, the certificate holder
must ensure that one of the following
occupies each crewmember position:
(1) A crewmember qualified in the
aircraft category, class, and type, if a
type rating is required, provided that
no flight instructor who is giving in-
struction may occupy a crewmember
(2) A student, provided that no stu-
dent may be used in a crewmember po-
sition with any other student not in
the same specific course.
(c) The holder of a training center
certificate may not recommend a
trainee for a certificate or rating, un-
less the trainee—
(1) Has satisfactorily completed the
training specified in the course ap-
proved under § 142.37; and
(2) Has passed the final tests required
by § 142.37.
(d) The holder of a training center
certificate may not graduate a student
from a course unless the student has
satisfactorily completed the cur-
riculum requirements of that course.
Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
Pt. 145
Subpart E—Recordkeeping
§ 142.71 Applicability.
This subpart prescribes the training
center recordkeeping requirements for
trainees enrolled in a course, and in-
structors and evaluators designated to
instruct a course, approved in accord-
ance with subpart B of this part.
§ 142.73 Recordkeeping requirements.
(a) A certificate holder must main-
tain a record for each trainee that con-
(1) The name of the trainee;
(2) A copy of the trainee’s pilot cer-
tificate, if any, and medical certificate;
(3) The name of the course and the
make and model of flight training
equipment used;
(4) The trainee’s prerequisite experi-
ence and course time completed;
(5) The trainee’s performance on each
lesson and the name of the instructor
providing instruction;
(6) The date and result of each end-of-
course practical test and the name of
the evaluator conducting the test; and
(7) The number of hours of additional
training that was accomplished after
any unsatisfactory practical test.
(b) A certificate holder shall main-
tain a record for each instructor or
evaluator designated to instruct a
course approved in accordance with
subpart B of this part that indicates
that the instructor or evaluator has
complied with the requirements of
§§ 142.13, 142.45, 142.47, 142.49, and 142.53,
as applicable.
(c) The certificate holder shall—
(1) Maintain the records required by
paragraphs (a) of this section for at
least 1 year following the completion
of training, testing or checking;
(2) Maintain the qualification records
required by paragraph (b) of this sec-
tion while the instructor or evaluator
is in the employ of the certificate hold-
er and for 1 year thereafter; and
(3) Maintain the recurrent dem-
onstration of proficiency records re-
quired by paragraph (b) of this section
for at least 1 year.
(d) The certificate holder must pro-
vide the records required by this sec-
tion to the Administrator, upon re-
quest and at a reasonable time, and
shall keep the records required by—
(1) Paragraph (a) of this section at
the training center, or satellite train-
ing center where the training, testing,
or checking, if appropriate, occurred;
(2) Paragraph (b) of this section at
the training center or satellite training
center where the instructor or eval-
uator is primarily employed.
(e) The certificate holder shall pro-
vide to a trainee, upon request and at a
reasonable time, a copy of his or her
training records.
Subpart F—Other Approved
§ 142.81 Conduct of other approved
(a) An applicant for, or holder of, a
training center certificate may apply
for approval to conduct a course for
which a curriculum is not prescribed
by this part.
(b) The course for which application
is made under paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion may be for flight crewmembers
other than pilots, airmen other than
flight crewmembers, material handlers,
ground servicing personnel, and secu-
rity personnel, and others approved by
the Administrator.
(c) An applicant for course approval
under this subpart must comply with
the applicable requirements of subpart
A through subpart F of this part.
(d) The Administrator approves the
course for which the application is
made if the training center or training
center applicant shows that the course
contains a curriculum that will achieve
a level of competency equal to, or
greater than, that required by the ap-
propriate part of this chapter.
PART 143
Subpart A—General
Definition of terms.
Certificate and operations specifica-
tions requirements.
Repair station records: Falsification,
reproduction, alteration, or omission.