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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 145.109 

§ 145.103 Housing and facilities re-


(a) Each certificated repair station 

must provide— 

(1) Housing for the facilities, equip-

ment, materials, and personnel con-
sistent with its ratings and limita-

(2) Facilities for properly performing 

the maintenance, preventive mainte-
nance, or alterations of articles or the 
specialized service for which it is rated. 
Facilities must include the following: 

(i) Sufficient work space and areas 

for the proper segregation and protec-
tion of articles during all maintenance, 
preventive maintenance, or alter-

(ii) Segregated work areas enabling 

environmentally hazardous or sensitive 
operations such as painting, cleaning, 
welding, avionics work, electronic 
work, and machining to be done prop-
erly and in a manner that does not ad-
versely affect other maintenance or al-
teration articles or activities; 

(iii) Suitable racks, hoists, trays, 

stands, and other segregation means 
for the storage and protection of all ar-
ticles undergoing maintenance, preven-
tive maintenance, or alterations, and; 

(iv) Space sufficient to segregate ar-

ticles and materials stocked for instal-
lation from those articles undergoing 
maintenance, preventive maintenance, 
or alterations to the standards re-
quired by this part. 

(v) Ventilation, lighting, and control 

of temperature, humidity, and other 
climatic conditions sufficient to ensure 
personnel perform maintenance, pre-
ventive maintenance, or alterations to 
the standards required by this part. 

(b) A certificated repair station may 

perform maintenance, preventive 
maintenance, or alterations on articles 
outside of its housing if it provides 
suitable facilities that are acceptable 
to the FAA and meet the requirements 
of § 145.103(a) so that the work can be 
done in accordance with the require-
ments of part 43 of this chapter. 

[Docket FAA–2016–8744, Amdt. 145–31, 81 FR 
49163, July 27, 2016] 

§ 145.105 Change of location, housing, 

or facilities. 

(a) A certificated repair station may 

not change the location of its housing 

without written approval from the 

(b) A certificated repair station may 

not make any changes to its housing or 
facilities required by § 145.103 that 
could have a significant effect on its 
ability to perform the maintenance, 
preventive maintenance, or alterations 
under its repair station certificate and 
operations specifications without writ-
ten approval from the FAA. 

(c) The FAA may prescribe the condi-

tions, including any limitations, under 
which a certificated repair station 
must operate while it is changing its 
location, housing, or facilities. 

§ 145.107 Satellite repair stations. 

(a) A certificated repair station 

under the managerial control of an-
other certificated repair station may 
operate as a satellite repair station 
with its own certificate issued by the 
FAA. A satellite repair station— 

(1) May not hold a rating not held by 

the certificated repair station with 
managerial control; 

(2) Must meet the requirements for 

each rating it holds; 

(3) Must submit a repair station man-

ual acceptable to the FAA as required 
by § 145.207; and 

(4) Must submit a quality control 

manual acceptable to the FAA as re-
quired by § 145.211(c). 

(b) Unless the FAA indicates other-

wise, personnel and equipment from 
the certificated repair station with 
managerial control and from each of 
the satellite repair stations may be 
shared. However, inspection personnel 
must be designated for each satellite 
repair station and available at the sat-
ellite repair station any time a deter-
mination of airworthiness or return to 
service is made. In other cir-
cumstances, inspection personnel may 
be away from the premises but must be 
available by telephone, radio, or other 
electronic means. 

(c) A satellite repair station may not 

be located in a country other than the 
domicile country of the certificated re-
pair station with managerial control. 

§ 145.109 Equipment, materials, and 

data requirements. 

(a) Except as otherwise prescribed by 

the FAA, a certificated repair station 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 145.151 

must have the equipment, tools, and 
materials necessary to perform the 
maintenance, preventive maintenance, 
or alterations under its repair station 
certificate and operations specifica-
tions in accordance with part 43. The 
equipment, tools, and material must be 
located on the premises and under the 
repair station’s control when the work 
is being done. 

(b) A certificated repair station must 

ensure all test and inspection equip-
ment and tools used to make air-
worthiness determinations on articles 
are calibrated to a standard acceptable 
to the FAA. 

(c) The equipment, tools, and mate-

rial must be those recommended by the 
manufacturer of the article or must be 
at least equivalent to those rec-
ommended by the manufacturer and 
acceptable to the FAA. 

(d) A certificated repair station must 

maintain, in a format acceptable to the 
FAA, the documents and data required 
for the performance of maintenance, 
preventive maintenance, or alterations 
under its repair station certificate and 
operations specifications in accordance 
with part 43. The following documents 
and data must be current and acces-
sible when the relevant work is being 

(1) Airworthiness directives, 
(2) Instructions for continued air-


(3) Maintenance manuals, 
(4) Overhaul manuals, 
(5) Standard practice manuals, 
(6) Service bulletins, and 
(7) Other applicable data acceptable 

to or approved by the FAA. 

Subpart D—Personnel 



: Docket No. FAA–1999–5836, 66 FR 

41117, Aug. 6, 2001, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 145.151 Personnel requirements. 

Each certificated repair station 


(a) Designate a repair station em-

ployee as the accountable manager; 

(b) Provide qualified personnel to 

plan, supervise, perform, and approve 
for return to service the maintenance, 
preventive maintenance, or alterations 
performed under the repair station cer-
tificate and operations specifications; 

(c) Ensure it has a sufficient number 

of employees with the training or 
knowledge and experience in the per-
formance of maintenance, preventive 
maintenance, or alterations authorized 
by the repair station certificate and 
operations specifications to ensure all 
work is performed in accordance with 
part 43; and 

(d) Determine the abilities of its non-

certificated employees performing 
maintenance functions based on train-
ing, knowledge, experience, or prac-
tical tests. 

§ 145.153 Supervisory personnel re-


(a) A certificated repair station must 

ensure it has a sufficient number of su-
pervisors to direct the work performed 
under the repair station certificate and 
operations specifications. The super-
visors must oversee the work per-
formed by any individuals who are un-
familiar with the methods, techniques, 
practices, aids, equipment, and tools 
used to perform the maintenance, pre-
ventive maintenance, or alterations. 

(b) Each supervisor must— 
(1) If employed by a repair station lo-

cated inside the United States, be ap-
propriately certificated as a mechanic 
or repairman under part 65 of this 
chapter for the work being supervised. 

(2) If employed by a repair station lo-

cated outside the United States— 

(i) Have a minimum of 18 months of 

practical experience in the work being 
performed; or 

(ii) Be trained in or thoroughly fa-

miliar with the methods, techniques, 
practices, aids, equipment, and tools 
used to perform the maintenance, pre-
ventive maintenance, or alterations. 

(c) A certificated repair station must 

ensure its supervisors understand, 
read, and write English. 

[Doc. No. FAA–1999–5836, 66 FR 41117, Aug. 6, 
2001, as amended by Amdt. 145–30, 79 FR 
46984, Aug. 12, 2014] 

§ 145.155 Inspection personnel require-


(a) A certificated repair station must 

ensure that persons performing inspec-
tions under the repair station certifi-
cate and operations specifications 