Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 145.205
(1) Perform maintenance, preventive
maintenance, or alterations in accord-
ance with part 43 on any article for
which it is rated and within the limita-
tions in its operations specifications.
(2) Arrange for another person to per-
form the maintenance, preventive
maintenance, or alterations of any ar-
ticle for which the certificated repair
station is rated. If that person is not
certificated under part 145, the certifi-
cated repair station must ensure that
the noncertificated person follows a
quality control system equivalent to
the system followed by the certificated
repair station.
(3) Approve for return to service any
article for which it is rated after it has
performed maintenance, preventive
maintenance, or an alteration in ac-
cordance with part 43.
(b) A certificated repair station may
not maintain or alter any article for
which it is not rated, and may not
maintain or alter any article for which
it is rated if it requires special tech-
nical data, equipment, or facilities
that are not available to it.
(c) A certificated repair station may
not approve for return to service’
(1) Any article unless the mainte-
nance, preventive maintenance, or al-
teration was performed in accordance
with the applicable approved technical
data or data acceptable to the FAA.
(2) Any article after a major repair or
major alteration unless the major re-
pair or major alteration was performed
in accordance with applicable approved
technical data; and
(3) Any experimental aircraft after a
major repair or major alteration per-
formed under § 43.1(b) unless the major
repair or major alteration was per-
formed in accordance with methods
and applicable technical data accept-
able to the FAA.
§ 145.203 Work performed at another
A certificated repair station may
temporarily transport material, equip-
ment, and personnel needed to perform
maintenance, preventive maintenance,
alterations, or certain specialized serv-
ices on an article for which it is rated
to a place other than the repair sta-
tion’s fixed location if the following re-
quirements are met:
(a) The work is necessary due to a
special circumstance, as determined by
the FAA; or
(b) It is necessary to perform such
work on a recurring basis, and the re-
pair station’s manual includes the pro-
cedures for accomplishing mainte-
nance, preventive maintenance, alter-
ations, or specialized services at a
place other than the repair station’s
fixed location.
§ 145.205 Maintenance, preventive
maintenance, and alterations per-
formed for certificate holders under
parts 121, 125, and 135, and for for-
eign air carriers or foreign persons
operating a U.S.-registered aircraft
in common carriage under part 129.
(a) A certificated repair station that
performs maintenance, preventive
maintenance, or alterations for an air
carrier or commercial operator that
has a continuous airworthiness mainte-
nance program under part 121 or part
135 must follow the air carrier’s or
commercial operator’s program and ap-
plicable sections of its maintenance
(b) A certificated repair station that
performs inspections for a certificate
holder conducting operations under
part 125 must follow the operator’s
FAA-approved inspection program.
(c) A certificated repair station that
performs maintenance, preventive
maintenance, or alterations for a for-
eign air carrier or foreign person oper-
ating a U.S.-registered aircraft under
part 129 must follow the operator’s
FAA-approved maintenance program.
(d) The FAA may grant approval for
a certificated repair station to perform
line maintenance for an air carrier cer-
tificated under part 121 or part 135 of
this chapter, or a foreign air carrier or
foreign person operating a U.S.-reg-
istered aircraft in common carriage
under part 129 of this chapter on any
aircraft of that air carrier or person,
(1) The certificated repair station
performs such line maintenance in ac-
cordance with the operator’s manual, if
applicable, and approved maintenance
(2) The certificated repair station has
the necessary equipment, trained per-
sonnel, and technical data to perform
such line maintenance; and