14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 145.215
(2) An inspector inspects the article
on which the repair station has per-
formed work and determines it to be
airworthy with respect to the work
(c) For the purposes of paragraphs (a)
and (b) of this section, an inspector
must meet the requirements of
§ 145.155.
(d) Except for individuals employed
by a repair station located outside the
United States, only an employee appro-
priately certificated as a mechanic or
repairman under part 65 is authorized
to sign off on final inspections and
maintenance releases for the repair
[Doc. No. FAA–1999–5836, 66 FR 41117, Aug. 6,
2001, as amended by Amdt. 145–30, 79 FR
46985, Aug. 12, 2014]
§ 145.215 Capability list.
(a) A certificated repair station with
a limited rating may perform mainte-
nance, preventive maintenance, or al-
terations on an article if the article is
listed on a current capability list ac-
ceptable to the FAA or on the repair
station’s operations specifications.
(b) The capability list must identify
each article by make and model or
other nomenclature designated by the
article’s manufacturer and be available
in a format acceptable to the FAA.
(c) An article may be listed on the
capability list only if the article is
within the scope of the ratings of the
repair station’s certificate, and only
after the repair station has performed
a self-evaluation in accordance with
the procedures under § 145.209(d)(2). The
repair station must perform this self-
evaluation to determine that the repair
station has all of the housing, facili-
ties, equipment, material, technical
data, processes, and trained personnel
in place to perform the work on the ar-
ticle as required by part 145. The repair
station must retain on file documenta-
tion of the evaluation.
(d) Upon listing an additional article
on its capability list, the repair station
must provide its responsible Flight
Standards office with a copy of the re-
vised list in accordance with the proce-
dures required in § 145.209(d)(1).
[Docket No. FAA–1999–5836, 66 FR 41117, Aug.
6, 2001, as amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119,
Amdt. 145–32, 83 FR 9176, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 145.217 Contract maintenance.
(a) A certificated repair station may
contract a maintenance function per-
taining to an article to an outside
source provided—
(1) The FAA approves the mainte-
nance function to be contracted to the
outside source; and
(2) The repair station maintains and
makes available to its responsible
Flight Standards office, in a format ac-
ceptable to the FAA, the following in-
(i) The maintenance functions con-
tracted to each outside facility; and
(ii) The name of each outside facility
to whom the repair station contracts
maintenance functions and the type of
certificate and ratings, if any, held by
each facility.
(b) A certificated repair station may
contract a maintenance function per-
taining to an article to a noncertifi-
cated person provided—
(1) The noncertificated person follows
a quality control system equivalent to
the system followed by the certificated
repair station;
(2) The certificated repair station re-
mains directly in charge of the work
performed by the noncertificated per-
son; and
(3) The certificated repair station
verifies, by test and/or inspection, that
the work has been performed satisfac-
torily by the noncertificated person
and that the article is airworthy before
approving it for return to service.
(c) A certificated repair station may
not provide only approval for return to
service of a complete type-certificated
product following contract mainte-
nance, preventive maintenance, or al-
[Docket No. FAA–1999–5836, 66 FR 41117, Aug.
6, 2001, as amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119,
Amdt. 145–32, 83 FR 9176, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 145.219 Recordkeeping.
(a) A certificated repair station must
retain records in English that dem-
onstrate compliance with the require-
ments of part 43. The records must be
retained in a format acceptable to the
(b) A certificated repair station must
provide a copy of the maintenance re-
lease to the owner or operator of the
Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
Pt. 147
article on which the maintenance, pre-
ventive maintenance, or alteration was
(c) A certificated repair station must
retain the records required by this sec-
tion for at least 2 years from the date
the article was approved for return to
(d) A certificated repair station must
make all required records available for
inspection by the FAA and the Na-
tional Transportation Safety Board.
§ 145.221 Service difficulty reports.
(a) A certificated repair station must
report to the FAA within 96 hours after
it discovers any serious failure, mal-
function, or defect of an article. The
report must be in a format acceptable
to the FAA.
(b) The report required under para-
graph (a) of this section must include
as much of the following information
as is available:
(1) Aircraft registration number;
(2) Type, make, and model of the ar-
(3) Date of the discovery of the fail-
ure, malfunction, or defect;
(4) Nature of the failure, malfunc-
tion, or defect;
(5) Time since last overhaul, if appli-
(6) Apparent cause of the failure,
malfunction, or defect; and
(7) Other pertinent information that
is necessary for more complete identi-
fication, determination of seriousness,
or corrective action.
(c) The holder of a repair station cer-
tificate that is also the holder of a part
121, 125, or 135 certificate; type certifi-
cate (including a supplemental type
certificate); parts manufacturer ap-
proval; or technical standard order au-
thorization, or that is the licensee of a
type certificate holder, does not need
to report a failure, malfunction, or de-
fect under this section if the failure,
malfunction, or defect has been re-
ported under parts 21, 121, 125, or 135 of
this chapter.
(d) A certificated repair station may
submit a service difficulty report for
the following:
(1) A part 121 certificate holder, pro-
vided the report meets the require-
ments of part 121 of this chapter, as ap-
(2) A part 125 certificate holder, pro-
vided the report meets the require-
ments of part 125 of this chapter, as ap-
(3) A part 135 certificate holder, pro-
vided the report meets the require-
ments of part 135 of the chapter, as ap-
(e) A certificated repair station au-
thorized to report a failure, malfunc-
tion, or defect under paragraph (d) of
this section must not report the same
failure, malfunction, or defect under
paragraph (a) of this section. A copy of
the report submitted under paragraph
(d) of this section must be forwarded to
the certificate holder.
[Doc. No. FAA–1999–5836, 66 FR 41117, Aug. 6,
2001, as amended by Amdt. 22, 68 FR 75382,
Dec. 30, 2003; Amdt. 145–26, 70 FR 76979, Dec.
29, 2005; Amdt. 145–30, 79 FR 46985, Aug. 12,
2014; Amdt. 145–30A, 79 FR 66607, Nov. 10, 2014]
§ 145.223 FAA inspections.
(a) A certificated repair station must
allow the FAA to inspect that repair
station at any time to determine com-
pliance with this chapter.
(b) A certificated repair station may
not contract for the performance of a
maintenance function on an article
with a noncertificated person unless it
provides in its contract with the non-
certificated person that the FAA may
make an inspection and observe the
performance of the noncertificated per-
son’s work on the article.
(c) A certificated repair station may
not return to service any article on
which a maintenance function was per-
formed by a noncertificated person if
the noncertificated person does not
permit the FAA to make the inspection
described in paragraph (b) of this sec-
Subpart A—General
Certificate required.
Application requirements.
Duration of certificates.