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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 145.61 

tachometers, airspeed indicators, pres-
sure gauges drift sights, magnetic com-
passes, altimeters, or similar mechan-
ical instruments. 


Class 2: 

Electrical. Self-syn-

chronous and electrical-indicating in-
struments and systems, including re-
mote indicating instruments, cylinder 
head temperature gauges, or similar 
electrical instruments. 


Class 3: 

Gyroscopic. An instru-

ment or system using gyroscopic prin-
ciples and motivated by air pressure or 
electrical energy, including automatic 
pilot control units, turn and bank indi-
cators, directional gyros, and their 
parts, and flux gate and gyrosyn com-


Class 4: 

Electronic. An instrument 

whose operation depends on electron 
tubes, transistors, or similar devices, 
including capacitance type quantity 
gauges, system amplifiers, and engine 


Accessory ratings. 


Class 1: 

A me-

chanical accessory that depends on 
friction, hydraulics, mechanical link-
age, or pneumatic pressure for oper-
ation, including aircraft wheel brakes, 
mechanically driven pumps, carbu-
retors, aircraft wheel assemblies, shock 
absorber struts and hydraulic servo 


Class 2: 

An electrical accessory 

that depends on electrical energy for 
its operation, and a generator, includ-
ing starters, voltage regulators, elec-
tric motors, electrically driven fuel 
pumps magnetos, or similar electrical 


Class 3: 

An electronic accessory 

that depends on the use of an electron 
tube transistor, or similar device, in-
cluding supercharger, temperature, air 
conditioning controls, or similar elec-
tronic controls. 

§ 145.61 Limited ratings. 

(a) The FAA may issue a limited rat-

ing to a certificated repair station that 
maintains or alters only a particular 
type of airframe, powerplant, propeller, 
radio, instrument, or accessory, or part 
thereof, or performs only specialized 
maintenance requiring equipment and 
skills not ordinarily performed under 
other repair station ratings. Such a 
rating may be limited to a specific 
model aircraft, engine, or constituent 

part, or to any number of parts made 
by a particular manufacturer. 

(b) The FAA issues limited ratings 


(1) Airframes of a particular make 

and model; 

(2) Engines of a particular make and 


(3) Propellers of a particular make 

and model; 

(4) Instruments of a particular make 

and model; 

(5) Radio equipment of a particular 

make and model; 

(6) Accessories of a particular make 

and model; 

(7) Landing gear components; 
(8) Floats, by make; 
(9) Nondestructive inspection, test-

ing, and processing; 

(10) Emergency equipment; 
(11) Rotor blades, by make and 


(12) Aircraft fabric work; 
(13) Any other purpose for which the 

FAA finds the applicant’s request is ap-

(c) For a limited rating for special-

ized services, the operations specifica-
tions of the repair station must con-
tain the specification used to perform 
the specialized service. The specifica-
tion may be— 

(1) A civil or military specification 

currently used by industry and ap-
proved by the FAA, or 

(2) A specification developed by the 

applicant and approved by the FAA. 

[Docket No. FAA–1999–5836, 66 FR 41117, Aug. 
6, 2001, as amended by Docket FAA–2016–8744, 
Amdt. 145–31, 81 FR 49163, July 27, 2016] 

Subpart C—Housing, Facilities, 

Equipment, Materials, and Data 



: Docket No. FAA–1999–5836, 66 FR 

41117, Aug. 6, 2001, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 145.101 General. 

A certificated repair station must 

provide housing, facilities, equipment, 
materials, and data that meet the ap-
plicable requirements for the issuance 
of the certificate and ratings the repair 
station holds.