14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 15.9
of expected expenses for such treat-
(5) If a claim is made for loss of time
from employment, a written statement
from the claimant’s employer showing
actual time lost from employment,
whether the claimant is a full or part-
time employee, and wages or salary ac-
tually lost.
(6) If a claim is made for loss of in-
come and the claimant is self-em-
ployed, documentary evidence showing
the amount of earnings actually lost.
(7) Any other evidence or information
which may have a bearing on the re-
sponsibility of the United States for
the personal injury or the damages
Property damage. In support of a
claim for injury to or loss of property,
real or personal, the claimant may be
required to submit the following evi-
dence or information:
(1) Proof of ownership of the property
interest which is the subject of the
(2) A detailed statement of the
amount claimed with respect to each
item of property.
(3) An itemized receipt of payment
for necessary repairs or itemized writ-
ten estimates of the cost of such re-
(4) A statement listing date of pur-
chase, purchase price, and salvage
value, where repair is not economical.
(5) Any other evidence or information
which may have a bearing on either the
responsibility of the United States for
the injury to or loss of property or the
damages claimed.
§ 15.9
Investigation and examination.
The FAA may investigate a claim or
conduct a physical examination of a
claimant. The FAA may request any
other Federal agency to investigate a
claim or conduct a physical examina-
tion of a claimant and provide a report
of the investigation or examination to
the FAA.
Subpart B—Indemnification Under
Section 1118 of the Federal
Aviation Act of 1958
: Amdt. 15–2, 55 FR 18710, May 3,
1990, unless otherwise noted.
§ 15.101
This subpart prescribes procedural
requirements for the indemnification
of a publisher of aeronautical charts or
maps under section 1118 of the Federal
Aviation Act of 1958, as amended, when
the publisher incurs liability as a re-
sult of publishing—
(a) A chart or map accurately depict-
ing a defective or deficient flight pro-
cedure or airway that was promulgated
by the FAA; or
(b) Aeronautical data that—
(1) Is visually displayed in the cock-
pit of an aircraft; and
(2) When visually displayed, accu-
rately depicts a defective or deficient
flight procedure or airway promulgated
by the FAA.
§ 15.103
A publisher that requests indem-
nification under this part will not be
indemnified if—
(a) The complaint filed against the
publisher, or demand for payment
against the publisher, first occurred be-
fore December 19, 1985;
(b) The publisher does not negotiate
a good faith settlement;
(c) The publisher does not conduct a
good faith defense;
(d) The defective or deficient flight
procedure or airway—
(1) Was not promulgated by the FAA;
(2) Was not accurately depicted on
the publisher’s chart or map;
(3) Was not accurately displayed on a
visual display in the cockpit, or
(4) Was obviously defective or defi-
(e) The publisher does not give notice
as required by § 15.107 of this part and
that failure is prejudicial to the Gov-
ernment; or
(f) The publisher does not appeal a
lower court’s decision pursuant to a re-
quest by the Administrator under
§ 15.111(d)(2) of this part.
§ 15.105
Filing of requests for indem-
A request for indemnification under
this part—
(a) May be filed by—
(1) A publisher described in § 15.101 of
this part; or
(2) The publisher’s duly authorized
agent or legal representative;
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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 15.111
(b) Shall be filed with the Chief
Counsel, Federal Aviation Administra-
tion, 800 Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20591; and
(c) Shall state the basis for the pub-
lisher’s assertion that indemnification
under this part is required.
§ 15.107
Notification requirements.
A request for indemnification will
not be considered by the FAA unless
the following conditions are met:
(a) The publisher must notify the
Chief Counsel of the FAA, within the
time limits prescribed in paragraph (b)
or (c) of this section, of the publisher’s
first receipt of a demand for payment,
or service of a complaint in any pro-
ceeding, federal or state, in which it
appears that indemnification under
this part may be required.
(b) For each complaint filed, or de-
mand for payment made, on or after
December 19, 1985, and before June 4,
1990, the notice required by paragraph
(a) of this section must be received by
the FAA on or before July 2, 1990.
(c) For each complaint filed, or de-
mand for payment made, on or after
June 4, 1990, the notice required by
paragraph (a) of this section must be
received by the FAA within 60 days
after the day the publisher first re-
ceives the demand for payment or serv-
ice of the complaint.
(d) Within 5 days after the day a
judgment is rendered against the pub-
lisher in any proceeding, or within 30
days of the denial of an appeal, which-
ever is later, the publisher must notify
the FAA Chief Counsel that—
(1) There is an adverse judgment
against the publisher; and
(2) The publisher has a claim for in-
demnification against the FAA arising
out of that judgment.
§ 15.109
(a) A publisher may not settle a
claim with another party, for which
the publisher has sought, or intends to
seek, indemnification under this part,
(1) The publisher submits a copy of
the proposed settlement, and a state-
ment justifying the settlement, to the
Chief Counsel of the FAA; and
(2) The Administrator and where nec-
essary, the appropriate official of the
Department of Justice, approves the
proposed settlement.
(3) The publisher submits a signed re-
lease that clearly releases the United
States from any further liability to the
publisher and the claimant.
(b) If the Administrator does not ap-
prove the proposed settlement, the Ad-
ministrator will—
(1) So notify the publisher by reg-
istered mail within 60 days of receipt of
the proposed settlement; and
(2) Explain why the request for in-
demnification was not approved.
(c) If the Administrator approves the
proposed settlement, the Adminis-
trator will so notify the publisher by
registered mail within 60 days after the
FAA’s receipt of the proposed settle-
(d) If the Administrator does not
have sufficient information to approve
or disapprove the proposed settlement,
the Administrator will request, within
60 days after receipt of the proposed
settlement, the additional information
needed to make a determination.
§ 15.111
Conduct of litigation.
(a) If a lawsuit is filed against the
publisher and the publisher has sought,
or intends to seek, indemnification
under this part, the publisher shall—
(1) Give notice as required by § 15.107
of this part;
(2) If requested by the United
(i) Implead the United States as a
third-party defendant in the action;
(ii) Arrange for the removal of the
action to Federal Court;
(3) Promptly provide any additional
information requested by the United
States; and
(4) Cooperate with the United States
in the defense of the lawsuit.
(b) If the lawsuit filed against the
publisher results in a proposed settle-
ment, the publisher shall submit that
proposed settlement to the FAA for ap-
proval in accordance with § 15.109 of
this part.
(c) If the lawsuit filed against the
publisher results in a judgment against
the publisher and the publisher has
sought, or intends to seek, indem-
nification under this part as a result of
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