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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 150.33 

map, any air carriers and other users of 
the airport. 

(5) The actual or anticipated effect of 

the program on reducing noise expo-
sure to individuals and noncompatible 
land uses and preventing the introduc-
tion of additional noncompatible uses 
within the area covered by the noise 
exposure map. The effects must be 
based on expressed assumptions con-
cerning the type and frequency of air-
craft operations, number of nighttime 
operations, flight patterns, airport lay-
out including planned airport develop-
ment, planned land use changes, and 
demographic changes within the L



dB noise contours. 

(6) A description of how the proposed 

future actions may change any noise 
control or compatibility plans or ac-
tions previously adopted by the airport 

(7) A summary of the comments at 

any public hearing on the program and 
a copy of all written material sub-
mitted to the operator under para-
graphs (c) and (d) of this section, to-
gether with the operator’s response and 
disposition of those comments and ma-
terials to demonstrate the program is 
feasible and reasonably consistent with 
obtaining the objectives of airport 
noise compatibility planning under 
this part. 

(8) The period covered by the pro-

gram, the schedule for implementation 
of the program, the persons responsible 
for implementation of each measure in 
the program, and, for each measure, 
documentation supporting the feasi-
bility of implementation, including 
any essential governmental actions, 
costs, and anticipated sources of fund-
ing, that will demonstrate that the 
program is reasonably consistent with 
achieving the goals of airport noise 
compatibility planning under this part. 

(9) Provision for revising the program 

if made necessary by revision of the 
noise exposure map. 

[Doc. No. 18691, 49 FR 49269, Dec. 18, 1984; 50 
FR 5063, Feb. 6, 1985; Amdt. 150–2, 54 FR 39295, 
Sept. 25, 1989; Amdt. 150–4, 69 FR 57626, Sept. 
24, 2004] 

Subpart C—Evaluations and De-

terminations of Effects of 
Noise Compatibility Programs 

§ 150.31 Preliminary review: Acknowl-


(a) Upon receipt of a noise compat-

ibility program submitted under 
§ 150.23, the Regional Airports Division 
Manager acknowledges to the airport 
operator receipt of the program and 
conducts a preliminary review of the 

(b) If, based on the preliminary re-

view, the Regional Airports Division 
Manager finds that the submission does 
not conform to the requirements of 
this part, he disapproves and returns 
the unacceptable program to the air-
port operator for reconsideration and 
development of a program in accord-
ance with this part. 

(c) If, based on the preliminary re-

view, the Regional Airports Division 
Manager finds that the program con-
forms to the requirements of this part, 
the Regional Airports Division Man-
ager publishes in the F






a notice of receipt of the pro-

gram for comment which indicates the 

(1) The airport covered by the pro-

gram, and the date of receipt. 

(2) The availability of the program 

for examination in the offices of the 
Regional Airports Division Manager 
and the airport operator. 

(3) That comments on the program 

are invited and, will be considered by 
the FAA. 

(d) The date of signature of the pub-

lished notice of receipt starts the 180- 
day approval period for the program. 

[Doc. No. 18691, 49 FR 49269, Dec. 18, 1984, as 
amended by Amdt. 150–2, 54 FR 39295, Sept. 
25, 1989] 

§ 150.33 Evaluation of programs. 

(a) The FAA conducts an evaluation 

of each noise compatibility program 
and, based on that evaluation, either 
approves or disapproves the program. 
The evaluation includes consideration 
of proposed measures to determine 
whether they— 

(1) May create an undue burden on 

interstate or foreign commerce (includ-
ing unjust discrimination); 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 150.35 

(2) Are reasonably consistent with 

obtaining the goal of reducing existing 
noncompatible land uses and pre-
venting the introduction of additional 
noncompatible land uses; and 

(3) Include the use of new or modified 

flight procedures to control the oper-
ation of aircraft for purposes of noise 
control, or affect flight procedures in 
any way. 

(b) The evaluation may also include 

an evaluation of those proposed meas-
ures to determine whether they may 
adversely affect the exercise of the au-
thority and responsibilities of the Ad-
ministrator under the Federal Aviation 
Act of 1958, as amended. 

(c) To the extent considered nec-

essary, the FAA may— 

(1) Confer with the airport operator 

and other persons known to have infor-
mation and views material to the eval-

(2) Explore the objectives of the pro-

gram and the measures, and any alter-
native measures, for achieving the ob-

(3) Examine the program for devel-

oping a range of alternatives that 
would eliminate the reasons, if any, for 
disapproving the program. 

(4) Convene an informal meeting with 

the airport operator and other persons 
involved in developing or imple-
menting the program for the purposes 
of gathering all facts relevant to the 
determination of approval or dis-
approval of the program and of dis-
cussing any needs to accommodate or 
modify the program as submitted. 

(d) If requested by the FAA, the air-

port operator shall furnish all informa-
tion needed to complete FAA’s review 
under (c). 

(e) An airport operator may, at any 

time before approval or disapproval of 
a program, withdraw or revise the pro-
gram. If the airport operator with-
draws or revises the program or indi-
cates to the Regional Airports Division 
Manager, in writing, the intention to 
revise the program, the Regional Air-
ports Division Manager terminates the 
evaluation and notifies the airport op-
erator of that action. That termination 
cancels the 180-day review period. The 
FAA does not evaluate a second pro-
gram for any airport until any pre-
viously submitted program has been 

withdrawn or a determination on it is 
issued. A new evaluation is commenced 
upon receipt of a revised program, and 
a new 180-day approval period is begun, 
unless the Regional Airports Division 
Manager finds that the modification 
made, in light of the overall revised 
program, can be integrated into the un-
modified portions of the revised pro-
gram without exceeding the original 
180-day approval period or causing 
undue expense to the government. 

[Doc. No. 18691, 49 FR 49269, Dec. 18, 1984, as 
amended by Amdt. 150–2, 54 FR 39295, Sept. 
25, 1989] 

§ 150.35 Determinations; publications; 


(a) The FAA issues a determination 

approving or disapproving each airport 
noise compatibility program (and re-
vised program). Portions of a program 
may be individually approved or dis-
approved. No conditional approvals 
will be issued. A determination on a 
program acceptable under this part is 
issued within 180 days after the pro-
gram is received under § 150.23 of this 
part or it may be considered approved, 
except that this time period may be ex-
ceeded for any portion of a program re-
lating to the use of flight procedures 
for noise control purposes. A deter-
mination on portions of a program cov-
ered by the exceptions to the 180-day 
review period for approval will be 
issued within a reasonable time after 
receipt of the program. Determinations 
relating to the use of any flight proce-
dure for noise control purposes may be 
issued either in connection with the de-
termination on other portions of the 
program or separately. Except as pro-
vided by this paragraph, no approval of 
any noise compatibility program, or 
any portion of a program, may be im-
plied in the absence of the FAA’s ex-
press approval. 

(b) The Administrator approves pro-

grams under this part, if— 

(1) It is found that the program meas-

ures to be implemented would not cre-
ate an undue burden on interstate or 
foreign commerce (including any un-
just discrimination) and are reasonably 
consistent with achieving the goals of 
reducing existing noncompatible land