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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 152.7 

§ 152.7 Certifications. 

(a) Subject to such terms and condi-

tions as the Administrator may pre-
scribe, a sponsor or a planning agency 
may submit, with respect to any provi-
sion of this part implementing a statu-
tory or administrative requirement im-
posed on the sponsor or planning agen-
cy under the AADA, a certification 
that the sponsor or planning agency 
has complied or will comply with the 
provision, instead of making the show-
ing required. 

(b) The Administrator exercises dis-

cretion in determining whether to ac-
cept a certification. 

(c) Acceptance by the Administrator 

of a certification from a sponsor or 
planning agency may be rescinded by 
the Administrator at any time if, in 
the Administrator’s opinion, it is nec-
essary to do so. 

(d) If the Administrator determines 

that it is necessary, the sponsor or 
planning agency, on request, shall 
show compliance with any requirement 
for which a certification was accepted. 

§ 152.9 Forms. 

Any form needed to comply with this 

part may be obtained at any FAA Re-
gional Office or Airports District Of-

§ 152.11 Incorporation by reference. 


Mandatory standards. 

The advisory 

circulars listed in appendix B to this 
part are incorporated into this part by 
reference. The Director, Office of Air-
port Standards, determines the scope 
and content of the technical standards 
to be included in each advisory circular 
in appendix B, and may add to, or de-
lete from, appendix B any advisory cir-
cular or part thereof. Except as pro-
vided in paragraph (c) of this section, 
these guidelines are mandatory stand-


Modification of standards. 


necessary to meet local conditions, any 
technical standard set forth in appen-
dix B may be modified for individual 
projects, if it is determined that the 
modifications will provide an accept-
able level of safety, economy, dura-
bility, and workmanship. The deter-
mination and modification may be 
made by the Director, Office of Airport 
Standards, or the appropriate Regional 

Director, in instances where the au-
thority has not been specifically re-
served by the Director, Office of Air-
port Standards. 


State standards. 

Standards estab-

lished by a state for airport develop-
ment at general aviation airports in 
the state may be the standards applica-
ble to those airports when they have 
been approved by the Director, Office 
of Airport Standards, or the appro-
priate Regional Director, in instances 
where approval authority has not been 
specifically reserved by the Director, 
Office of Airport Standards. 


Availability of advisory circulars. 

The advisory circulars listed in appen-
dix B may be inspected and copied at 
any FAA Regional Office or Airports 
District Office. Copies of the circulars 
that are available free of charge may 
be obtained from any of those offices or 
from the FAA Distribution Unit, M– 
443.1, Washington, DC 20590. Copies of 
the circulars that are for sale may be 
bought from the Superintendent of 
Documents, U.S. Government Printing 
Office, Washington, DC 20402. 

Subpart B—Eligibility Requirements 

and Application Procedures 



: Docket No. 19430, 45 FR 34786, May 

22, 1980, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 152.101 Applicability. 

This subpart contains requirements 

and application procedures applicable 
to airport development and planning 

§ 152.103 Sponsors: Airport develop-


(a) To be eligible to apply for a 

project for airport development with 
respect to a particular airport the fol-
lowing requirements must be met: 

(1) Each sponsor must be a public 

agency authorized by law to submit the 
project application; 

(2) If a sponsor is the holder of an air-

port operating certificate issued for the 
airport under part 139 of this chapter, 
it must be in compliance with the re-
quirements of part 139. 

(3) When any of the following agree-

ments is applicable to an airport which