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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 152.109 

the sponsor owns or controls, the spon-
sor must have complied with the agree-
ment, or show to the satisfaction of the 
Administrator that it will comply or, 
for reasons beyond its control, cannot 
comply with the agreement: 

(i) Each grant agreement made with 

it under the Federal Airport Act (49 
U.S.C. 1101 

et seq.

), or the AADA. 

(ii) Each convenant in a conveyance 

to it under section 16 of the Federal 
Airport Act or section 23 of the AADA. 

(iii) Each convenant in a conveyance 

to it of surplus airport property under 
section 13(a) of the Surplus Property 
Act (50 U.S.C. App 1622(g)) or under 
Regulation 16 of the War Assets Ad-

(4) The sponsor, in the case of a sin-

gle sponsor, or one or more of the co-
sponsors must have, or be able to ob-

(i) Funds to pay all estimated costs 

of the project that are not to be born 
by the United States; and 

(ii) Satisfactory property interests in 

the lands to be developed or used as 
part of, or in connection with, the air-
port as it will be after the project is 

(b) Another public agency may act as 

agent of the public agency that is to 
own and operate the airport, for the 
purpose of channeling grant funds in 
accordance with state or local law, 
without becoming a sponsor. 

§ 152.105 Sponsors and planning agen-

cies: Airport planning. 

(a) To be eligible to apply for a 

project for airport planning— 

(1) If the project is for airport master 


(i) Each sponsor must be a public 

agency and meet the requirements of 
§ 152.103(a)(3); and 

(ii) The sponsor, in the case of a sin-

gle sponsor, or one or more cosponsors 
must be legally able to implement the 
planning, within the existing or pro-
posed airport boundaries, that results 
from the project study. 

(2) If the project is for airport system 

planning, each sponsor must be a plan-
ning agency. 

(b) Another public agency or plan-

ning agency may act as agent of an-
other public agency or planning agen-
cy, for the purpose of channeling grant 

funds in accordance with state or local 
law, without becoming a sponsor. 

§ 152.107 Project eligibility: Airport de-


(a) Except in the case of approved 

stage development, each project for 
airport development must provide for— 

(1) Development of an airport or unit 

of an airport that is safe, useful, and 
usable; or, 

(2) An additional facility that in-

creases the safety, usefulness, and 
usability of an airport. 

(b) Unless otherwise authorized by 

the Administrator, a project for airport 
development must involve more than 
$25,000 in United States funds. 

(c) The development included in a 

project for airport development must— 

(1) In the opinion of the Adminis-

trator, be ‘‘airport development’’ as de-
fined in § 152.3; 

(2) Be identified as airport develop-

ment in the mandatory standards in-
corporated into this part by § 152.11; 

(3) Be described in an approved air-

port layout plan. 

(d) The airport involved in a project 

for airport development must be in-
cluded in the current NASP. 

(e) In complying with paragraph (a) 

of this section, the sponsor must— 

(1) Own, acquire, or agree to acquire 

control over, or a property interest in, 
runway clear zones that the Adminis-
trator considers adequate; and 

(2) Provide for approach and runway 

lighting systems satisfactory to the 

§ 152.109 Project eligibility: Airport 



Airport master planning. 

A pro-

posed project for airport master plan-
ning is not approved unless— 

(1) The location of the existing or 

proposed airport is included in the cur-
rent NASP; 

(2) In the opinion of the Adminis-

trator, the proposed planning would 
promote the effective location of public 
airports and the development of an 
adequate NASP; 

(3) The project is airport master 

planning as defined in § 152.3;