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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 152.307 

earned by grant-supported activities 
during the grant period shall be re-
tained by the sponsor and, if required 
by the grant agreement— 

(1) Be added to funds committed to 

the project by the FAA and the sponsor 
and used to further eligible program 
objectives; or 

(2) Be deducted from the total project 

cost for the purpose of determining the 
net costs on which the Federal share of 
costs will be based. 


Financial reports. 

The sponsor or 

planning agency shall furnish, within 
90 days after completion of all items in 
a grant, all reports, including financial 
performance reports, required as a con-
dition of the grant. 


Project completion. 

When the 

project for airport development or 
planning is completed in accordance 
with the grant agreement, the sponsor 
or planning agency may apply for pay-
ment for all incurred costs, as follows: 


Airport development. 

When allow-

ability of costs can be determined 
under § 152.203, payment may be made 
to the sponsor if— 

(i) A final inspection of all work at 

the airport site has been made jointly 
by the appropriate FAA office and rep-
resentatives of the sponsor and the 
contractor, unless that office agrees to 
a different procedure for final inspec-
tion; and 

(ii) The sponsor has furnished final 

‘‘as constructed’’ plans, unless other-
wise agreed to by the Administrator. 


Airport planning. 

When the final 

planning report has been received and 
accepted by the FAA. 


Property accounting reports: Airport 

development projects. 

The sponsor of an 

airport development project shall ac-
count for any property acquired with 
grant funds or received from the 
United States, in accordance with the 
provisions of Attachment N of Office of 
Management and Budget Circular A–102 
(42 FR 45828). 


Final determination of U.S. share. 

Based upon an audit or other informa-
tion considered sufficient in lieu of an 
audit, the Administrator determines 
the total amount of the allowable 
project costs and makes settlement for 
any adjustments to the Federal share 
of costs. 

Subpart D—Accounting and 

Reporting Requirements 



: Docket No. 19430, 45 FR 34791, May 

22, 1980, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 152.301 Applicability. 

This subpart contains accounting and 

reporting requirements applicable to— 

(a) Each sponsor of a project for air-

port development; 

(b) Each sponsor of a project for air-

port master planning; and 

(c) Each planning agency conducting 

a project for airport system planning. 

§ 152.303 Financial management sys-


Each sponsor or planning agency 

shall establish and maintain a finan-
cial management system that meets 
the standards of Attachment G of Of-
fice of Management and Budget Cir-
cular A–102 (42 FR 45828). 

§ 152.305 Accounting records. 


Airport development. 

Each sponsor 

of a project for airport development 
shall establish and maintain, for each 
individual project, an accounting 
record satisfactory to the Adminis-
trator which segregates cost informa-
tion into the cost classifications set 
forth in Standard Form 271 (42 FR 


Airport planning. 

Each sponsor of 

a project for airport master planning 
and each planning agency conducting a 
project for airport system planning 
shall establish and maintain, for each 
planning project, an adequate account-
ing record that segregates and groups 
direct and indirect cost information in 
the following classifications: 

(1) Third party contract costs. 
(2) Force account costs. 
(3) Administrative costs. 

§ 152.307 Retention of records. 

Each sponsor or planning agency 

shall retain, for a period of 3 years 
after the date of submission of the final 
expenditure report— 

(a) Documentary evidence, such as 

invoices, cost estimates, and payrolls, 
supporting each item of project costs; 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 152.309 

(b) Evidence of all payments for 

items of project costs, including vouch-
ers, cancelled checks or warrants, and 
receipts for cash payments. 

§ 152.309 Availability of sponsor’s 


(a) The sponsor or planning agency 

shall allow any authorized representa-
tive of the Administrator, the Sec-
retary of Transportation, or the Comp-
troller General of the United States ac-
cess to any of its books, documents, pa-
pers, and records that are pertinent to 
grants received under this part for the 
purposes of accounting and audit. 

(b) The sponsor or planning agency 

shall allow appropriate FAA or DOT 
representatives to make progress au-
dits at any time during the project, 
upon reasonable notice to the sponsor 
or planning agency. 

(c) It audit findings have not been re-

solved, the applicable records shall be 
retained by the sponsor or planning 
agency until those findings have been 

(d) Records for nonexpendable prop-

erty that was acquired with Federal 
funds shall be retained for three years 
after final disposition of the property. 

(e) Microfilm copies of original 

records may be substituted for original 
records with the approval of the FAA. 

(f) If the FAA determines that cer-

tain records have long-term retention 
value, the FAA may require transfer of 
custody of those records to the FAA. 

§ 152.311 Availability of contractor’s 


The sponsor or planning agency shall 

include in each contract of the cost re-
imbursable type a clause that allows 
any authorized representative of the 
Administrator, the Secretary of Trans-
portation, or the Comptroller General 
of the United States access to the con-
tractor’s records pertinent to the con-
tract for the purposes of accounting 
and audit. 

§ 152.313 Property management stand-


(a) The sponsor shall establish and 

maintain property management stand-
ards in accordance with Attachment N 
of Office of Management and Budget 
Circular A–102 (42 FR 45828) for the uti-

lization and disposition of property fur-
nished by the Federal Government, or 
acquired in whole or in part by the 
sponsor with Federal funds. 

(b) A sponsor may use its own prop-

erty management standards and proce-
dures as long as the standards required 
by paragraph (a) of this section are in-

§ 152.315 Reporting on accrual basis. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(b) of this section each sponsor or plan-
ning agency shall submit all financial 
reports on an accrual basis. 

(b) If records are not maintained on 

an accrual basis by a sponsor or plan-
ning agency, reports may be based on 
an analysis of records or best esti-

§ 152.317 Report of Federal cash trans-


When funds are advanced to a spon-

sor or planning agency by Treasury 
check, the sponsor or planning agency 
shall submit the report form prescribed 
by the Administrator within 15 work-
ing days following the end of the quar-
ter in which check was received. 

§ 152.319 Monitoring and reporting of 

program performance. 

(a) The sponsor or planning agency 

shall monitor performance under the 
project to ensure that— 

(1) Time schedules are being met; 
(2) Work units projected by time peri-

ods are being accomplished; and, 

(3) Other performance goals are being 


(b) Reviews shall be made for— 
(1) Each item of development or work 

element included in the project; and 

(2) All other work to be performed as 

a condition of the grant agreement. 


Airport development. 

Unless other-

wise requested by the Administrator, 
the sponsor of a project for airport de-
velopment shall submit a performance 
report, on an annual basis, that must 

(1) A comparison of actual accom-

plishments to the goals established for 
the period, made, if applicable, on a 
quantitative basis related to cost data 
for computation of unit costs;