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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 152.401 

(2) The reasons for slippage in each 

case where an established goal was not 
met; and 

(3) Other pertinent information in-

cluding, when appropriate, an analysis 
and explanation of each cost overrun 
and high unit cost. 


Airport planning. 

The sponsor of a 

project for airport master planning or 
a planning agency conducting a project 
for airport system planning shall sub-
mit a performance report, on a quar-
terly basis, that must include: 

(1) A comparison of actual accom-

plishments to the goals established for 
the period, made, if applicable, on a 
quantitative basis related to costs for 
computation of work element costs; 

(2) Reasons for slippage in each case 

where an established goal was not met; 

(3) Other pertinent information in-

cluding, when appropriate, an analysis 
and explanation of each cost overrun 
and high work element cost. 

§ 152.321 Notice of delay or accelera-


(a) The sponsor or planning agency 

shall promptly notify the FAA of each 
condition or event that may delay or 
accelerate accomplishment of the 

(b) In the event that delay is antici-

pated, the notice required by paragraph 
(a) of this section must include— 

(1) A statement of actions taken or 

contemplated; and 

(2) Any Federal assistance needed. 

§ 152.323 Budget revision: Airport de-


(a) If any performance review con-

ducted by the sponsor discloses a need 
for change in the budget estimates, the 
sponsor shall submit a request for 
budget revision on a form prescribed by 
the Administrator. 

(b) A request for prior approval for 

budget revision shall be made promptly 
by the sponsor whenever— 

(1) The revision results from changes 

in the scope or objective of the project; 

(2) The revision increases the budg-

eted amounts of Federal funds needed 
to complete the project. 

(c) The sponsor shall promptly notify 

the FAA whenever the amount of the 

grant is expected to exceed the needs of 
the sponsor by more than $5,000, or 5 
percent of the grant amount, which-
ever is greater. 

§ 152.325 Financial status report: Air-

port planning. 

Each sponsor of a project for airport 

master planning and each planning 
agency conducting a project for airport 
system planning shall submit a finan-
cial status report on a form prescribed 
by the Administrator at the comple-
tion of the project. 

Subpart E—Nondiscrimination in 

Airport Aid Program 



: Sec. 30 of the Airport and Air-

way Development Act of 1970 (49 U.S.C. 1730); 
sec. 1.47(f)(1) of the Regulations of the Office 
of the Secretary of Transportation (49 CFR 



: Docket No. 16419, 45 FR 10188, Feb. 

14, 1980, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 152.401 Applicability. 

(a) This subpart is applicable to all 

grantees and other covered organiza-
tions under this part, and implements 
the requirements of section 30 of the 
Airport and Airway Development Act 
of 1970, which provides: 

The Secretary shall take affirmative action 
to assure that no person shall, on the 
grounds of race, creed, color, national origin, 
or sex, be excluded from participating in any 
activity conducted with funds received from 
any grant made under this title. The Sec-
retary shall promulgate such rules as he 
deems necessary to carry out the purposes of 
this section and may enforce this section, 
and any rules promulgated under this sec-
tion, through agency and department provi-
sions and rules which shall be similar to 
those established and in effect under Title VI 
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The provi-
sions of this section shall be considered to be 
in addition to and not in lieu of the provi-
sions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 

(b) Each grantee, covered organiza-

tion, or covered suborganization under 
this part shall negotiate reformation of 
any contract, subcontract, lease, sub-
lease, or other agreement to include 
any appropriate provision necessary to 
effect compliance with this subpart by 
July 17, 1980.