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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 152.413 

is sent to the union hiring hall for re-
ferral, but not referred back to the con-
tractor, or, if referred, not employed by 
the contractor, this shall be docu-
mented. The documentation shall in-
clude an explanation of, and informa-
tion on, any additional actions that 
the contractor may have taken. 

(3) The contractor must disseminate 

its equal employment opportunity pol-
icy internally— 

(i) By providing notice of the policy 

to unions and training programs; 

(ii) By including it in policy manuals 

and collective bargaining agreements; 

(iii) By publicizing it in the company 

newspaper, report, or other publica-
tion; and 

(iv) By specific review of the policy 

with all management personnel and 
with all employees at least once a year. 

(4) The contractor must disseminate 

the contractors’s equal employment 
opportunity policy externally— 

(i) By stating it in each employment 

advertisement in the news media, in-
cluding news media with high minority 
and female readership; and 

(ii) By providing written notification 

to, or participating in discussions with, 
other contractors and subcontractors 
with whom the contractor does busi-

(5) The contractor must direct its re-

cruitment efforts to minority and fe-
male organizations, to schools with mi-
nority and female students, and to or-
ganizations which recruit and train mi-
norities and women, in the contractor’s 
recruitment area. 

(6) The contractor must encourage 

present minority and female employees 
to recruit other minorities and women. 

(7) The contractor must, where pos-

sible, provide after school, summer, 
and vacation employment to minority 
and female youth. 

(d) Each sponsor shall require each of 

its prime construction contractors on 
its airport, with a contract of $10,000 or 
more, to require each of the contrac-
tor’s subcontractors on the airport to 
comply with the affirmative action 
steps in paragraph (c) of this section, 
with which it does not already comply, 
unless the subcontractor is subject to 
an affirmative action plan, regulatory 
goals or timetables, or other mecha-
nism which provides short and long- 

range goals for equal employment op-
portunity, or the subcontract is less 
than $10,000. 

§ 152.413 Notice requirement. 

Each grantee shall give adequate no-

tice to employees and applicants for 
employment, through posters provided 
by the Secretary, that the FAA is com-
mitted to the requirements of section 
30 of the AADA, to ensure that no per-
son shall, on the grounds of race, creed, 
color, national origin, or sex, be ex-
cluded from participating in any activ-
ity conducted with funds authorized 
under this part. 

§ 152.415 Records and reports. 

(a) Each grantee shall keep on file for 

a period of three years or for the period 
during which the Federal financial as-
sistance is made available, whichever 
is longer, reports (other than those 
transmitted to the FAA), records, and 
affirmative action plans, if applicable, 
that will enable the FAA Office of Civil 
Rights to ascertain if there has been 
and is compliance with this subpart. 

(b) Each sponsor shall require its cov-

ered organizations to keep on file, for 
the period set forth in paragraph (a) of 
this section, reports (other than those 
submitted to the FAA), records, and af-
firmative action plans, if applicable, 
that will enable the FAA Office of Civil 
Rights to ascertain if there has been 
and is compliance with this subpart, 
and shall cause them to require their 
covered suborganizations to keep simi-
lar records as applicable. 

(c) Each grantee, employing 15 or 

more person, shall annually submit to 
the FAA a compliance report on a form 
provided by the FAA and a statistical 
report on a Form EEO–1 of the Equal 
Employment Opportunity Commission 
(EEOC) or any superseding EEOC form. 
If a grantee already is submitting a 
Form EEO–1 to another agency, the 
grantee may submit a copy of that 
form to the FAA as its statistical re-
port. The information provided shall 
include goals and timetables, if estab-
lished in compliance with the require-
ments of § 152.409 or with the require-
ments of another Federal agency or a 
State or local agency. 

(d) Each sponsor shall—