Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 152.423
(1) Require each of its aviation-re-
lated activities (except construction
contractors), employing 15 or more per-
sons, to annually submit to the sponsor
the reports required by paragraph (c) of
this section, on the same basis as stat-
ed in paragraph (c) of this section, and
shall cause each aviation-related activ-
ity to require its covered suborganiza-
tions, with 15 or more employees, to
annually submit the reports required
by paragraph (c) of this section
through the prime organization to the
sponsor, for transmittal by the sponsor
to the FAA.
(2) Annually collect from its aviation
related activities employing less than
15 employees, and transmit to the FAA
an aggregate employment report, that
includes the employment of sponsors
with less than 15 employees, on an
EEO–1 or any superseding EEOC form.
(e) Each sponsor shall require each of
its construction contractors on its air-
port, with a contract of $10,000 or more,
which is not subject to E.O. 11246 and
the regulations of the Department of
Labor (DOL), to submit to the sponsor,
at the conclusion of the project, a com-
pliance report on a form provided by
the FAA and a statistical report on a
DOL Form 257 or any superseding DOL
form. For projects exceeding six
months, the sponsor shall require a
midway compliance report. The spon-
sor shall submit these reports to the
(f) Each sponsor shall cause each of
its construction contractors on its air-
port to require each of the contractor’s
subcontractors, with a subcontract of
$10,000 or more, which are not subject
to E.O. 11246 and the regulations of the
DOL, to submit the reports required by
paragraph (e) of this section to the
prime contractor for submission to the
sponsor. The sponsor shall transmit
these reports to the FAA.
(g) Each organization required to pre-
pare an affirmative action plan for the
FAA under this subpart shall update it
annually and as changed circumstances
require. Each organization that has
prepared a plan in compliance with the
requirements of another Federal agen-
cy or a State or local agency, shall up-
date it in accordance with the require-
ments of that agency.
§ 152.417 Monitoring employment.
(a) Each grantee shall allow the FAA
Office of Civil Rights to monitor its
equal employment opportunity compli-
ance with this subpart through on-site
reviews and desk audits. Reviews or au-
dits will include the records submitted
under § 152.415.
(b) As it deems necessary, the FAA
Office of Civil Rights will conduct on-
site or desk audits of covered aviation
related activities on airports.
§ 152.419 Minority business.
Each person subject to this subpart is
required to comply with the Minority
Business Enterprise Regulations of the
§ 152.421 Public accommodations, serv-
ices, and benefits.
Requirements relating to the provi-
sion of public accommodations, serv-
ices, and other benefits to beneficiaries
under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d
et seq.
) and part
21 of the regulations of the Office of the
Secretary of Transportation (49 CFR
part 21) implementing Title VI are
made applicable, where appropriate, to
nondiscrimination and affirmative ac-
tion on the basis of sex or creed, and
shall be complied with by each appli-
cant for assistance and each grantee.
§ 152.423 Investigation and enforce-
Any person who be-
lieves that he or she has been subjected
to discrimination prohibited by this
subpart may personally, or through a
representative, file a complaint with
the Director of the Departmental Of-
fice of Civil Rights. A complaint must
be in writing and filed not later than
180 days after the date of the alleged
discrimination, unless the time for fil-
ing is extended by the Director.
Investigations and informal resolu-
The Departmental Office of Civil
Rights will make a prompt investiga-
tion whenever a complaint, compliance
review, report, or any other informa-
tion indicates a possible failure to
comply with this subpart. The proce-
dures in 49 CFR part 21, augmented as
appropriate by the investigative proce-
dures of part 13 of this chapter, will be
followed, except that—