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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 152.425 

(1) Compliance with a regulation of 

the Department applicable to minority 
business enterprise will be investigated 
and enforced through the procedures 
contained in that regulation; and 

(2) Except as provided in paragraph 

(c) of this section, allegations of non-
compliance with regulations governing 
equal employment opportunity of an-
other Federal agency or a State or 
local agency, will be referred, for inves-
tigation and enforcement, to the Fed-
eral agency or, in the discretion of the 
Departmental Office of Civil Rights, to 
the State or local agency. 

(c) When the FAA (under section 30 of 

the AADA) and another Federal agen-
cy, a referral agency recognized by the 
Equal Employment Opportunity Com-
mission, or a court have concurrent ju-
risdiction over a matter— 

(1) If the other agency or court 

makes a finding on the record that 
noncompliance or discrimination has 
occurred, the FAA will accept the find-
ing, and determine what sanctions or 
remedies are appropriate under section 
30 as a result of the finding, after per-
mitting the party against whom the 
finding was made to be heard on the de-
termination of the sanctions or rem-
edies; or 

(2) If it appears that delay, through 

referral to another agency, will result 
in the continued expenditure of Federal 
funds under this part without compli-
ance with this subpart, the Secretary 

(i) Investigate the matter; 
(ii) Make a determination as to com-

pliance with section 30; and 

(iii) Impose appropriate sanctions 

and remedies. 

(d) Nothing in this section shall pre-

clude the Director of the Departmental 
Office of Civil Rights from initiating 
an investigation when it appears that 
the investigation of the complaint may 
reveal a pattern or practice of dis-
crimination or noncompliance with the 
requirements of this subpart in the em-
ployment practices of a grantee or 
other covered organization. 

§ 152.425 Effect of subpart. 

Nothing contained in this subpart di-

minishes or supersedes the obligations 
imposed by Title VI of the Civil Rights 
Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d), Executive 

Order 11246 (42 U.S.C. 2000e (note)), or 
any other Federal law or Executive 
Order relating to civil rights. 

Subpart F—Suspension and 

Termination of Grants 



: Docket No. 19430, 45 FR 34792, May 

22, 1980, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 152.501 Applicability. 

This subpart contains procedures for 

suspending or terminating grants for 
airport development projects and air-
port planning. 

§ 152.503 Suspension of grant. 

(a) If the sponsor or planning agency 

fails to comply with the conditions of 
the grant, the FAA may, by written no-
tice to the sponsor or planning agency, 
suspend the grant and withhold further 
payments pending— 

(1) Corrective action by the sponsor 

or planning agency; or 

(2) A decision to terminate the grant. 
(b) Except as provided in paragraph 

(c), after receipt of notice of suspen-
sion, the sponsor or planning agency 
may not incur additional obligations of 
grant funds during the suspension. 

(c) All necessary and proper costs 

that the sponsor or planning agency 
could not reasonably avoid during the 
period of suspension will be allowed, if 
those costs are in accordance with ap-
pendix C of this part. 

§ 152.505 Termination for cause. 

(a) If the sponsor or planning agency 

fails to comply with the conditions of 
the grant, the FAA may, by written no-
tice to the sponsor or planning agency, 
terminate the grant in whole, or in 

(b) The notice of termination will 


(1) The reasons for the termination, 


(2) The effective date of termination. 
(c) After receipt of the notice of ter-

mination, the sponsor or planning 
agency may not incur additional obli-
gations of grant funds. 

(d) Payments to be made to the spon-

sor or planning agency, or recoveries of 
payments by the FAA, under the grant 
shall be in accordance with the legal 
rights and liabilities of the parties.