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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 152.609 

§ 152.507 Termination for convenience. 

(a) When the continuation of the 

project would not produce beneficial 
results commensurate with the further 
expenditure of funds, the grant may be 
terminated in whole, or in part, upon 
mutual agreement of the FAA and the 
sponsor or planning agency. 

(b) If an agreement to terminate is 

made, the sponsor or planning agency— 

(1) May not incur new obligations for 

the terminated portion after the effec-
tive date; and 

(2) Shall cancel as many obligations, 

relating to the terminated portion, as 

(c) The sponsor or planning agency is 

allowed full credit for the Federal 
share of the noncancellable obligations 
that were properly incurred by the 
sponsor before the termination. 

§ 152.509 Request for reconsideration. 

If a grant is suspended or terminated 

under this subpart, the sponsor or plan-
ning agency may request the Adminis-
trator to reconsider the suspension or 

Subpart G—Energy Conservation 

in Airport Aid Program 



: Secs. 1–27, 84 Stat. 220–223 (49 

U.S.C. 1711–1727); sec. 1.47(g), Regulations of 
the Office of the Secretary of Transpor-
tation; 35 FR 17044; sec. 403(b), 92 Stat. 3318; 
E.O. 12185. 



: Docket No. 66, 45 FR 58035, Aug. 29, 

1980, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 152.601 Purpose. 

This subpart implements section 403 

of the Powerplant and Industrial Fuel 
Use Act of 1978 (92 Stat. 3318; Pub. L. 
95–620) in order to encourage conserva-
tion of petroleum and natural gas by 
recipients of Federal financial assist-

§ 152.603 Applicability. 

This subpart applies to each recipient 

of Federal financial assistance from 
the Federal Aviation Administration 
through the Airport Development Aid 
Program (ADAP) unless otherwise ex-
cluded by definition. 

§ 152.605 Definitions. 

As used in this subpart— 

Building construction 

means construc-

tion of any building which receives 
Federal assistance under the program, 
which will exceed $200,000 in construc-
tion cost. 

Energy assessment 

means an analysis 

of total energy requirements of a build-
ing, which, within the scope of the pro-
posed construction activity, and at a 
level of detail appropriate to that 
scope, considers the following: 

(a) Overall design of the facility or 

modification, and alternative designs; 

(b) Materials and techniques used in 

construction or rehabilitation; 

(c) Special or innovative conserva-

tion features that may be used; 

(d) Fuel requirements for heating, 

cooling, and operations essential to the 
function of the structure, projected 
over the life of the facility and includ-
ing projected costs of this fuel; and 

(e) Kind of energy to be used, includ-


(1) Consideration of opportunities for 

using fuels other than petroleum and 
natural gas, and 

(2) Consideration of using alter-

native, renewable energy sources. 

Major building modification 


modification of any building which re-
ceives Federal assistance under the 
program, which will exceed $200,000 in 
construction cost. 

§ 152.607 Building design require-


Each sponsor shall perform an energy 

assessment for each federally-assisted 
building construction or major build-
ing modification project proposed at 
the airport. The building design, con-
struction, and operation shall incor-
porate, to the extent consistent with 
good engineering practice, the most 
cost-effective energy conservation fea-
tures identified in the energy assess-

§ 152.609 Energy conservation prac-


Each sponsor shall require fuel and 

energy conservation practices in the 
operation and maintenance of the air-
port and shall encourage airport ten-
ants to use these practices.