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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 157.3 

in writing, a participating State shall 
not delegate or relinquish, either ex-
pressly or by implication, any State 
authority, rights, or power that would 
interfere with the State’s ability to 
comply with the terms of a State block 
grant agreement. 

§ 156.7 Enforcement of State block 

grant agreements and other related 

grant assurances. 

The Administrator may take any ac-

tion, pursuant to the authority of the 
Airport and Airway Improvement Act 
of 1982, as amended, to enforce the 
terms of a State block grant agreement 
including any terms imposed upon sub-
sequent recipients of State block 
agreement funds. 






Definition of terms. 


Projects requiring notice. 


Notice of intent. 


FAA determinations. 


Notice of completion. 



: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40113, 




: Docket No. 25708, 56 FR 33996, July 

24, 1991, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 157.1 Applicability. 

This part applies to persons pro-

posing to construct, alter, activate, or 
deactivate a civil or joint-use (civil/ 
military) airport or to alter the status 
or use of such an airport. Requirements 
for persons to notify the Administrator 
concerning certain airport activities 
are prescribed in this part. This part 
does not apply to projects involving: 

(a) An airport subject to conditions 

of a Federal agreement that requires 
an approved current airport layout 
plan to be on file with the Federal 
Aviation Administration; or 

(b) An airport at which flight oper-

ations will be conducted under visual 
flight rules (VFR) and which is used or 
intended to be used for a period of less 
than 30 consecutive days with no more 
than 10 operations per day. 

(c) The intermittent use of a site 

that is not an established airport, 
which is used or intended to be used for 
less than one year and at which flight 
operations will be conducted only 
under VFR. For the purposes of this 

intermittent use of a site 


(1) The site is used or is intended to 

be used for no more than 3 days in any 
one week; and 

(2) No more than 10 operations will be 

conducted in any one day at that site. 

§ 157.2 Definition of terms. 

For the purpose of this part: 


means any airport, heliport, 

helistop, vertiport, gliderport, seaplane 
base, ultralight flightpark, manned 
balloon launching facility, or other air-
craft landing or takeoff area. 


means any landing or takeoff 

area intended for use by helicopters or 
other rotary wing type aircraft capable 
of vertical takeoff and landing profiles. 

Private use 

means available for use by 

the owner only or by the owner and 
other persons authorized by the owner. 

Private use of public lands 

means that 

the landing and takeoff area of the pro-
posed airport is publicly owned and the 
proponent is a non-government entity, 
regardless of whether that landing and 
takeoff area is on land or on water and 
whether the controlling entity be local, 
State, or Federal Government. 

Public use 

means available for use by 

the general public without a require-
ment for prior approval of the owner or 

Traffic pattern 

means the traffic flow 

that is prescribed for aircraft landing 
or taking off from an airport, including 
departure and arrival procedures uti-
lized within a 5-mile radius of the air-
port for ingress, egress, and noise 

§ 157.3 Projects requiring notice. 

Each person who intends to do any of 

the following shall notify the Adminis-
trator in the manner prescribed in 
§ 157.5: 

(a) Construct or otherwise establish a 

new airport or activate an airport. 

(b) Construct, realign, alter, or acti-

vate any runway or other aircraft land-
ing or takeoff area of an airport. 

(c) Deactivate, discontinue using, or 

abandon an airport or any landing or 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 157.5 

takeoff area of an airport for a period 
of one year or more. 

(d) Construct, realign, alter, activate, 

deactivate, abandon, or discontinue 
using a taxiway associated with a land-
ing or takeoff area on a public-use air-

(e) Change the status of an airport 

from private use to public use or from 
public use to another status. 

(f) Change any traffic pattern or traf-

fic pattern altitude or direction. 

(g) Change status from IFR to VFR 

or VFR to IFR. 

§ 157.5 Notice of intent. 

(a) Notice shall be submitted on FAA 

Form 7480–1, copies of which may be 
obtained from an FAA Airport District/ 
Field Office or Regional Office, to one 
of those offices and shall be submitted 
at least— 

(1) In the cases prescribed in para-

graphs (a) through (d) of § 157.3, 90 days 
in advance of the day that work is to 
begin; or 

(2) In the cases prescribed in para-

graphs (e) through (g) of § 157.3, 90 days 
in advance of the planned implementa-
tion date. 

(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of 

this section— 

(1) In an emergency involving essen-

tial public service, public health, or 
public safety or when the delay arising 
from the 90-day advance notice require-
ment would result in an unreasonable 
hardship, a proponent may provide no-
tice to the appropriate FAA Airport 
District/Field Office or Regional Office 
by telephone or other expeditious 
means as soon as practicable in lieu of 
submitting FAA Form 7480–1. However, 
the proponent shall provide full notice, 
through the submission of FAA Form 
7480–1, when otherwise requested or re-
quired by the FAA. 

(2) notice concerning the deactiva-

tion, discontinued use, or abandonment 
of an airport, an airport landing or 
takeoff area, or associated taxiway 
may be submitted by letter. Prior no-
tice is not required; except that a 30- 
day prior notice is required when an es-
tablished instrument approach proce-
dure is involved or when the affected 
property is subject to any agreement 
with the United States requiring that 

it be maintained and operated as a pub-
lic-use airport. 

§ 157.7 FAA determinations. 

(a) The FAA will conduct an aero-

nautical study of an airport proposal 
and, after consultations with inter-
ested persons, as appropriate, issue a 
determination to the proponent and ad-
vise those concerned of the FAA deter-
mination. The FAA will consider mat-
ters such as the effects the proposed 
action would have on existing or con-
templated traffic patterns of neigh-
boring airports; the effects the pro-
posed action would have on the exist-
ing airspace structure and projected 
programs of the FAA; and the effects 
that existing or proposed manmade ob-
jects (on file with the FAA) and nat-
ural objects within the affected area 
would have on the airport proposal. 
While determinations consider the ef-
fects of the proposed action on the safe 
and efficient use of airspace by aircraft 
and the safety of persons and property 
on the ground, the determinations are 
only advisory. Except for an objection-
able determination, each determina-
tion will contain a determination-void 
date to facilitate efficient planning of 
the use of the navigable airspace. A de-
termination does not relieve the pro-
ponent of responsibility for compliance 
with any local law, ordinance or regu-
lation, or state or other Federal regu-
lation. Aeronautical studies and deter-
minations will not consider environ-
mental or land use compatibility im-

(b) An airport determination issued 

under this part will be one of the fol-


No objection. 



A conditional deter-

mination will identify the objection-
able aspects of a project or action and 
specify the conditions which must be 
met and sustained to preclude an objec-
tionable determination. 



An objectionable de-

termination will specify the FAA’s rea-
sons for issuing such a determination. 


Determination void date. 

All work 

or action for which notice is required 
by this sub-part must be completed by 
the determination void date. Unless 
otherwise extended, revised, or termi-
nated, an FAA determination becomes