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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 158.27 

environmental determination with re-
spect to the project has been approved, 
and the date of such approval, if such 
determination is required; and 

(C) The final FAA airspace deter-

mination with respect to the project 
has been completed, and the date of 
such determination, if an airspace 
study is required. 

(iii) The information required by 

§§ 158.25(b)(16) and 158.25(b)(17). 

(2) An application where the author-

ity to impose a PFC has been pre-
viously approved: 

(i) Must not be filed until the public 

agency conducts further consultation 
with air carriers and foreign air car-
riers under § 158.23. However, the meet-
ing required under § 158.23(a)(4) is op-
tional if there are no changes to the 
projects after approval of the impose 
authority and further opportunity for 
public comment under § 158.24; and 

(ii) Must include a summary of fur-

ther air carrier consultation and the 
public agency’s response to any dis-
agreements submitted under the air 
carrier consultation and public com-
ment processes conducted under para-
graph (c)(2)(i) of this section; 

(iii) Must include the following, up-

dated and changed where appropriate: 

(A) FAA Form 5500–1 without attach-

ments except as required below; 

(B) For any projects where there 

have been no changes since the FAA 
approved authority to impose a PFC 
for those projects, a list of projects in-
cluded in this application for use au-
thority. The FAA will consider the in-
formation on these projects, filed with 
the impose authority application, in-
corporated by reference; and 

(C) For any project that has changed 

since receiving impose authority, the 
public agency must file an Attachment 
B for that project clearly describing 
the changes to the project. 

(iv) An FAA Form 5500–1, Attach-

ment G, Airport Layout Plan, Air-
space, and Environmental Findings 
(latest edition) providing the following 

(A) For projects required to be shown 

on an ALP, the ALP depicting the 
project has been approved by the FAA 
and the date of such approval; 

(B) All environmental reviews re-

quired by the National Environmental 

Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 have been 
completed and a copy of the final FAA 
environmental determination with re-
spect to the project has been approved, 
and the date of such approval, if such 
determination is required; and 

(C) The final FAA airspace deter-

mination with respect to the project 
has been completed, and the date of 
such determination, if an airspace 
study is required; and 

(v) The information required by 

§§ 158.25(b)(16) and 158.25(b)(17). 

[Doc. No. FAA–2004–17999, 70 FR 14935, Mar. 
23, 2005] 

§ 158.27 Review of applications. 



This section describes the 

process for review of all applications 
filed under § 158.25 of this part. 


Determination of completeness. 

Within 30 days after receipt of an appli-
cation by the FAA Airports office, the 
Administrator determines whether the 
application substantially complies 
with the requirements of § 158.25. 


Process for substantially complete 


If the Administrator deter-

mines the application is substantially 
complete, the following procedures 

(1) The Administrator advises the 

public agency by letter that its appli-
cation is substantially complete. 

(2) The Administrator may opt to 

publish a notice in the F






advising that the Administrator 

intends to rule on the application and 
inviting public comment, as set forth 
in paragraph (e) of this section. If the 
Administrator publishes a notice, the 
Administrator will provide a copy of 
the notice to the public agency. 

(3) If the Administrator publishes a 

notice, the public agency— 

(i) Shall make available for inspec-

tion, upon request, a copy of the appli-
cation, notice, and other documents 
germane to the application, and 

(ii) May publish the notice in a news-

paper of general circulation in the area 
where the airport covered by the appli-
cation is located. 

(4) After reviewing the application 

and any public comments received 
from a F




notice, the 

Administrator issues a final decision 
approving or disapproving the applica-
tion, in whole or in part, before 120 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 158.29 

days after the FAA Airports office re-
ceived the application. 


Process for applications not substan-

tially complete. 

If the Administrator de-

termines an application is not substan-
tially complete, the following proce-
dures apply: 

(1) The Administrator notifies the 

public agency in writing that its appli-
cation is not substantially complete. 
The notification will list the informa-
tion required to complete the applica-

(2) Within 15 days after the Adminis-

trator sends such notification, the pub-
lic agency shall advise the Adminis-
trator in writing whether it intends to 
supplement its application. 

(3) If the public agency declines to 

supplement the application, the Ad-
ministrator follows the procedures for 
review of an application set forth in 
paragraph (c) of this section and issues 
a final decision approving or dis-
approving the application, in whole or 
in part, no later than 120 days after the 
application was received by the FAA 
Airports office. 

(4) If the public agency supplements 

its application, the original application 
is deemed to be withdrawn for purposes 
of applying the statutory deadline for 
the Administrator’s decision. Upon re-
ceipt of the supplement, the Adminis-
trator issues a final decision approving 
or disapproving the supplemented ap-
plication, in whole or in part, no later 
than 120 days after the supplement was 
received by the FAA Airports office. 


The Federal Register notice. 






notice includes the 

following information: 

(1) The name of the public agency 

and the airport at which the PFC is to 
be imposed; 

(2) A brief description of the PFC 

project, the level of the proposed PFC, 
the proposed charge effective date, the 
proposed charge expiration date and 
the total estimated PFC revenue; 

(3) The address and telephone number 

of the FAA Airports office at which the 
application may be inspected; 

(4) The Administrator’s determina-

tion on whether the application is sub-
stantially complete and any informa-
tion required to complete the applica-
tion; and 

(5) The due dates for any public com-



Public comments. 

(1) Interested per-

sons may file comments on the applica-
tion within 30 days after publication of 
the Administrator’s notice in the F






(2) Three copies of these comments 

shall be submitted to the FAA Airports 
office identified in the F







(3) Commenters shall also provide 

one copy of their comments to the pub-
lic agency. 

(4) Comments from air carriers and 

foreign air carriers may be in the same 
form as provided to the public agency 
under § 158.23. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991; 56 
FR 30867, July 8, 1991, as amended by Amdt. 
158–3, 70 FR 14936, Mar. 23, 2005] 

§ 158.29 The Administrator’s decision. 


Authority to impose a PFC. 

(1) An 

application to impose a PFC will be ap-
proved in whole or in part only after a 
determination that— 

(i) The amount and duration of the 

PFC will not result in revenue that ex-
ceeds amounts necessary to finance the 

(ii) The project will achieve the ob-

jectives and criteria set forth in § 158.15 
except for those projects approved 
under § 158.18. 

(iii) If a PFC level above $3 is being 

approved, the project meets the cri-
teria set forth in § 158.17; 

(iv) The collection process, including 

any request by the public agency not 
to require a class of carriers to collect 
PFC’s, is reasonable, not arbitrary, 
nondiscriminatory, and otherwise in 
compliance with the law; 

(v) The public agency has not been 

found to be in violation of 49 U.S.C. 
47524 and 47526; 

(vi) The public agency has not been 

found to be in violation of 49 U.S.C. 
47107(b) governing the use of airport 

(vii) If the public agency has not ap-

plied for authority to use PFC revenue, 
a finding that there are alternative 
uses of the PFC revenue to ensure that 
such revenue will be used on approved 
projects; and