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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 158.33 

(f) Public agency actions following 

issuance of FAA acknowledgment let-
ter. If the FAA does not object to ei-
ther a project or the notice of intent in 
its entirety, the public agency may im-
plement its PFC program. The public 
agency’s implementation must follow 
the information specified in its notice 
of intent. If the FAA objects to a 
project, the public agency may not col-
lect or use PFC revenue on that 
project. If the FAA objects to the no-
tice of intent in its entirety, the public 
agency may not implement the PFC 
program proposed in that notice. When 
implementing a PFC under this sec-
tion, except for § 158.25, a public agency 
must comply with all sections of part 


Acknowledgment not an order. 


FAA acknowledgment issued under 
this section is not considered an order 
issued by the Secretary for purposes of 
49 U.S.C. 46110 (Judicial Review). 


Sunset provision. 

This section will 

expire May 9, 2008. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2004–17999, 70 FR 14936, Mar. 
23, 2005] 

§ 158.31 Duration of authority to im-

pose a PFC after project implemen-


A public agency that has begun im-

plementing an approved project may 
impose a PFC until— 

(a) The charge expiration date is 


(b) The total PFC revenue collected 

plus interest earned thereon equals the 
allowable cost of the approved project; 

(c) The authority to collect the PFC 

is terminated by the Administrator 
under subpart E of this part; or 

(d) The public agency is determined 

by the Administrator to be in violation 
of 49 U.S.C. 47524 and 47526, and the au-
thority to collect the PFC is termi-
nated under that statute’s imple-
menting regulations under this title. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34542, May 30, 
2000; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 28849, May 23, 2007] 

§ 158.33 Duration of authority to im-

pose a PFC before project imple-


(a) A public agency shall not impose 

a PFC beyond the lesser of the fol-

(1) 2 years after approval to use PFC 

revenue on an approved project if the 
project has not been implemented, or 

(2) 5 years after the charge effective 

date; or 

(3) 5 years after the FAA’s decision 

on the application (if the charge effec-
tive date is more than 60 days after the 
decision date) if an approved project is 
not implemented. 

(b) If, in the Administrator’s judg-

ment, the public agency has not made 
sufficient progress toward implementa-
tion of an approved project within the 
times specified in paragraph (a) of this 
section, the Administrator begins ter-
mination proceedings under subpart E 
of this part. 

(c) The authority to impose a PFC 

following approval shall automatically 
expire without further action by the 
Administrator on the following dates: 

(1) 3 years after the charge effective 

date; or 3 years after the FAA’s deci-
sion on the application if the charge ef-
fective date is more than 60 days after 
the decision date unless— 

(i) The public agency has filed an ap-

plication for approval to use PFC rev-
enue for an eligible project that is 
pending before the FAA; 

(ii) An application to use PFC rev-

enue has been approved; or 

(iii) A request for extension (not to 

exceed 2 years) to submit an applica-
tion for project approval, under § 158.35, 
has been granted; or 

(2) 5 years after the charge effective 

date; or 5 years after the FAA’s deci-
sion on the application (if the charge 
effective date is more than 60 days 
after the decision date) unless the pub-
lic agency has obtained project ap-

(d) If the authority to impose a PFC 

expires under paragraph (c) of this sec-
tion, the public agency must provide 
the FAA with a list of the air carriers 
and foreign air carriers operating at 
the airport and all other collecting car-
riers that have remitted PFC revenue 
to the public agency in the preceding 12 
months. The FAA notifies each of the 
listed carriers to terminate PFC collec-
tion no later than 30 days after the 
date of notification by the FAA. 

(e) Restriction on reauthorization to 

impose a PFC. Whenever the authority 
to impose a PFC has expired or been 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 158.35 

terminated under this section, the Ad-
ministrator will not grant new ap-
proval to impose a PFC in advance of 
implementation of an approved project. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991; 56 
FR 37127, Aug. 2, 1991; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 
28849, May 23, 2007] 

§ 158.35 Extension of time to submit 

application to use PFC revenue. 

(a) A public agency may request an 

extension of time to submit an applica-
tion to use PFC revenue after approval 
of an application to impose PFC’s. At 
least 30 days prior to submitting such 
request, the public agency shall publish 
notice of its intention to request an ex-
tension in a local newspaper of general 
circulation and shall request com-
ments. The notice shall include 
progress on the project, a revised 
schedule for obtaining project approval 
and reasons for the delay in submitting 
the application. 

(b) The request shall be submitted at 

least 120 days prior to the charge expi-
ration date and, unless otherwise au-
thorized by the Administrator, shall be 
accompanied by the following: 

(1) A description of progress on the 

project application to date. 

(2) A revised schedule for submitting 

the application. 

(3) An explanation of the reasons for 

delay in submitting the application. 

(4) A summary financial report de-

picting the total amount of PFC rev-
enue collected plus interest, the pro-
jected amount to be collected during 
the period of the requested extension, 
and any public agency funds used on 
the project for which reimbursement 
may be sought. 

(5) A summary of any further con-

sultation with air carriers and foreign 
air carriers operating at the airport. 

(6) A summary of comments received 

in response to the local notice. 

(c) The Administrator reviews the re-

quest for extension and accompanying 
information, to determine whether— 

(1) The public agency has shown good 

cause for the delay in applying for 
project approval; 

(2) The revised schedule is satisfac-

tory; and 

(3) Further collection will not result 

in excessive accumulation of PFC rev-

(d) The Administrator, upon deter-

mining that the agency has shown good 
cause for the delay and that other ele-
ments of the request are satisfactory, 
grants the request for extension to the 
public agency. The Administrator ad-
vises the public agency in writing not 
more than 90 days after receipt of the 
request. The duration of the extension 
shall be as specified in § 158.33 of this 

§ 158.37 Amendment of approved PFC. 

(a)(1) A public agency may amend the 

FAA’s decision with respect to an ap-
proved PFC to: 

(i) Increase or decrease the level of 

PFC the public agency wants to collect 
from each passenger, 

(ii) Increase or decrease the total ap-

proved PFC revenue, 

(iii) Change the scope of an approved 


(iv) Delete an approved project, or 
(v) Establish a new class of carriers 

under § 158.11 or amend any such class 
previously approved. 

(2) A public agency may not amend 

the FAA’s decision with respect to an 
approved PFC to add projects, change 
an approved project to a different facil-
ity type, or alter an approved project 
to accomplish a different purpose. 

(b) The public agency must file a re-

quest to the Administrator to amend 
the FAA’s decision with respect to an 
approved PFC. The request must in-
clude or demonstrate: 

(1)(i) Further consultation with the 

air carriers and foreign air carriers and 
seek public comment in accordance 
with §§ 158.23 and 158.24 when applying 
for those requests to: 

(A) Amend the approved PFC amount 

for a project by more than 25 percent of 
the original approved amount if the 
amount was $1,000,000 or greater, 

(B) Amend the approved PFC amount 

for a project by any percentage if the 
original approved amount was below 
$1,000,000 and the amended approved 
amount is $1,000,000 or greater, 

(C) Change the scope of a project, or 
(D) Increase the PFC level to be col-

lected from each passenger. 

(ii) No further consultation with air 

carriers and foreign air carriers or pub-
lic comment is required by a public 
agency in accordance with §§ 158.23 and