14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 158.41
Subpart C—Collection, Handling,
and Remittance of PFC’s
§ 158.41 General.
This subpart contains the require-
ments for notification, collection, han-
dling and remittance of PFC’s.
§ 158.43 Public agency notification to
collect PFC’s.
(a) Following approval of an applica-
tion to impose a PFC under subpart B
of this part, the public agency shall no-
tify the air carriers and foreign air car-
riers required to collect PFC’s at its
airport of the Administrator’s ap-
proval. Each notified carrier shall no-
tify its agents, including other issuing
carriers, of the collection requirement.
(b) The notification shall be in writ-
ing and contain at a minimum the fol-
lowing information:
(1) The level of PFC to be imposed.
(2) The total revenue to be collected.
(3) The charge effective date will al-
ways be the first day of the month;
however, it must be at least 30 days
after the date the public agency noti-
fied the air carriers of the FAA’s ap-
proval to impose the PFC.
(4) The proposed charge expiration
(5) A copy of the Administrator’s no-
tice of approval.
(6) The address where remittances
and reports are to be filed by carriers.
(c) The public agency must notify air
carriers required to collect PFCs at its
airport and the FAA of changes in the
charge expiration date at least 30 days
before the existing charge expiration
date or new charge expiration date,
whichever comes first. Each notified
air carrier must notify its agents, in-
cluding other issuing carriers, of such
(d) The public agency shall provide a
copy of the notification to the appro-
priate FAA Airports office.
[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as
amended by Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 28849, May 23,
§ 158.45 Collection of PFC’s on tickets
issued in the U.S.
(a) On and after the charge effective
date, tickets issued in the U.S. shall in-
clude the required PFC except as pro-
vided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this
(1) Issuing carriers shall be respon-
sible for all funds from time of collec-
tion to remittance.
(2) The appropriate charge is the PFC
in effect at the time the ticket is
(3) Issuing carriers and their agents
shall collect PFCs based on the
itinerary at the time of issuance.
(i) Any change in itinerary initiated
by a passenger that requires an adjust-
ment to the amount paid by the pas-
senger is subject to collection or refund
of the PFC as appropriate.
(ii) Failure to travel on a nonrefund-
able or expired ticket is not a change
in itinerary. If the ticket purchaser is
not permitted any fare refund on the
unused ticket, the ticket purchaser is
not permitted a refund of any PFC as-
sociated with that ticket.
(b) Issuing carriers and their agents
shall note as a separate item on each
air travel ticket upon which a PFC is
shown, the total amount of PFC’s paid
by the passenger and the airports for
which the PFC’s are collected.
(c) For each one-way trip shown on
the complete itinerary of an air travel
ticket, issuing air carriers and their
agents shall collect a PFC from a pas-
senger only for the first two airports
where PFC’s are imposed. For each
round trip, a PFC shall be collected
only for enplanements at the first two
enplaning airports and the last two en-
planing airports where PFC’s are im-
(d) In addition to the restriction in
paragraph (c) of this section, issuing
carriers and their agents shall not col-
lect PFC’s from a passenger covered by
any of the other limitations described
in § 158.9(a).
(e) Collected PFC’s shall be distrib-
uted as noted on the air travel ticket.
(f) Issuing carriers and their agents
shall stop collecting the PFC’s on the
charge expiration date stated in a no-
tice from the public agency, or as re-
quired by the Administrator.
[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34542, May 30,
2000; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 28849, May 23, 2007]