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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 158.49 

§ 158.47 Collection of PFC’s on tickets 

issued outside the U.S. 

(a) For tickets issued outside the 

U.S., an air carrier or foreign air car-
rier may follow the requirements of ei-
ther § 158.45 or this section, unless the 
itinerary is for travel wholly within 
the U.S. Air carriers and foreign air 
carriers must comply with § 158.45 
where the itinerary is for travel wholly 
within the U.S. regardless of where the 
ticket is issued. 

(b) Notwithstanding any other provi-

sions of this part, no foreign airline is 
required to collect a PFC on air travel 
tickets issued on its own ticket stock 
unless it serves a point or points in the 

(c) If an air carrier or foreign air car-

rier elects not to comply with § 158.45 
for tickets issued outside the U.S.— 

(1) The carrier is required to collect 

PFC’s on such tickets only for the pub-
lic agency controlling the last airport 
at which the passenger is enplaned 
prior to departure from the U.S. 

(2) The carrier may collect the PFC 

either at the time the ticket is issued 
or at the time the passenger is last en-
planed prior to departure from the U.S. 
The carrier may vary the method of 
collection among its flights. 

(3) The carrier shall provide a written 

record to the passenger that a PFC has 
been collected. Such a record shall ap-
pear on or with the air travel ticket 
and shall include the same information 
as required by § 158.45(b), but need not 
be preprinted on the ticket stock. 

(4) Issuing carriers and their agents 

shall collect PFCs based on the 
itinerary at the time of issuance. 

(i) Any change in itinerary initiated 

by a passenger that requires an adjust-
ment to the amount paid by the pas-
senger is subject to collection or refund 
of the PFC as appropriate. 

(ii) Failure to travel on a nonrefund-

able or expired ticket is not a change 
in itinerary. If the ticket purchaser is 
not permitted any fare refund on the 
unused ticket, the ticket purchaser is 
not permitted a refund of any PFC as-
sociated with that ticket. 

(d) With respect to a flight on which 

the air carrier or foreign air carrier 
chooses to collect the PFC at the time 
the air travel ticket is issued— 

(1) The carrier and its agents shall 

collect the required PFC on tickets 
issued on or after the charge effective 

(2) The carrier is not required to col-

lect PFC’s at the time of enplanement 
for tickets sold by other air carriers or 
foreign air carriers or their agents. 

(e) With respect to a flight on which 

the air carrier or foreign air carrier 
chooses to collect the PFC at the time 
of enplanement, the carrier shall exam-
ine the air travel ticket of each pas-
senger enplaning at the airport on and 
after the charge effective date and 
shall collect the PFC from any pas-
senger whose air travel ticket does not 
include a written record indicating 
that the PFC was collected at the time 
of issuance. 

(f) Collected PFC’s shall be distrib-

uted as noted on the written record 
provided to the passenger. 

(g) Collecting carriers shall be re-

sponsible for all funds from time of col-
lection to remittance. 

(h) Collecting carriers and their 

agents shall stop collecting the PFC on 
the charge expiration date stated in a 
notice from the public agency, or as re-
quired by the Administrator. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991; 56 
FR 37127, Aug. 2, 1991; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 
28849, May 23, 2007] 

§ 158.49 Handling of PFC’s. 

(a) Collecting carriers shall establish 

and maintain a financial management 
system to account for PFC’s in accord-
ance with the Department of Transpor-
tation’s Uniform System of Accounts 
and Reports (14 CFR part 241). For car-
riers not subject to 14 CFR part 241, 
such carriers shall establish and main-
tain an accounts payable system to 
handle PFC revenue with subaccounts 
for each public agency to which such 
carrier remits PFC revenue. 

(b) Collecting carriers must account 

for PFC revenue separately. PFC rev-
enue may be commingled with the air 
carrier’s other sources of revenue ex-
cept for covered air carriers discussed 
in paragraph (c) of this section. PFC 
revenues held by an air carrier or an 
agent of the air carrier after collection 
are held in trust for the beneficial in-
terest of the public agency imposing 
the PFC. Such air carrier or agent