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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 158.49 

§ 158.47 Collection of PFC’s on tickets 

issued outside the U.S. 

(a) For tickets issued outside the 

U.S., an air carrier or foreign air car-
rier may follow the requirements of ei-
ther § 158.45 or this section, unless the 
itinerary is for travel wholly within 
the U.S. Air carriers and foreign air 
carriers must comply with § 158.45 
where the itinerary is for travel wholly 
within the U.S. regardless of where the 
ticket is issued. 

(b) Notwithstanding any other provi-

sions of this part, no foreign airline is 
required to collect a PFC on air travel 
tickets issued on its own ticket stock 
unless it serves a point or points in the 

(c) If an air carrier or foreign air car-

rier elects not to comply with § 158.45 
for tickets issued outside the U.S.— 

(1) The carrier is required to collect 

PFC’s on such tickets only for the pub-
lic agency controlling the last airport 
at which the passenger is enplaned 
prior to departure from the U.S. 

(2) The carrier may collect the PFC 

either at the time the ticket is issued 
or at the time the passenger is last en-
planed prior to departure from the U.S. 
The carrier may vary the method of 
collection among its flights. 

(3) The carrier shall provide a written 

record to the passenger that a PFC has 
been collected. Such a record shall ap-
pear on or with the air travel ticket 
and shall include the same information 
as required by § 158.45(b), but need not 
be preprinted on the ticket stock. 

(4) Issuing carriers and their agents 

shall collect PFCs based on the 
itinerary at the time of issuance. 

(i) Any change in itinerary initiated 

by a passenger that requires an adjust-
ment to the amount paid by the pas-
senger is subject to collection or refund 
of the PFC as appropriate. 

(ii) Failure to travel on a nonrefund-

able or expired ticket is not a change 
in itinerary. If the ticket purchaser is 
not permitted any fare refund on the 
unused ticket, the ticket purchaser is 
not permitted a refund of any PFC as-
sociated with that ticket. 

(d) With respect to a flight on which 

the air carrier or foreign air carrier 
chooses to collect the PFC at the time 
the air travel ticket is issued— 

(1) The carrier and its agents shall 

collect the required PFC on tickets 
issued on or after the charge effective 

(2) The carrier is not required to col-

lect PFC’s at the time of enplanement 
for tickets sold by other air carriers or 
foreign air carriers or their agents. 

(e) With respect to a flight on which 

the air carrier or foreign air carrier 
chooses to collect the PFC at the time 
of enplanement, the carrier shall exam-
ine the air travel ticket of each pas-
senger enplaning at the airport on and 
after the charge effective date and 
shall collect the PFC from any pas-
senger whose air travel ticket does not 
include a written record indicating 
that the PFC was collected at the time 
of issuance. 

(f) Collected PFC’s shall be distrib-

uted as noted on the written record 
provided to the passenger. 

(g) Collecting carriers shall be re-

sponsible for all funds from time of col-
lection to remittance. 

(h) Collecting carriers and their 

agents shall stop collecting the PFC on 
the charge expiration date stated in a 
notice from the public agency, or as re-
quired by the Administrator. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991; 56 
FR 37127, Aug. 2, 1991; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 
28849, May 23, 2007] 

§ 158.49 Handling of PFC’s. 

(a) Collecting carriers shall establish 

and maintain a financial management 
system to account for PFC’s in accord-
ance with the Department of Transpor-
tation’s Uniform System of Accounts 
and Reports (14 CFR part 241). For car-
riers not subject to 14 CFR part 241, 
such carriers shall establish and main-
tain an accounts payable system to 
handle PFC revenue with subaccounts 
for each public agency to which such 
carrier remits PFC revenue. 

(b) Collecting carriers must account 

for PFC revenue separately. PFC rev-
enue may be commingled with the air 
carrier’s other sources of revenue ex-
cept for covered air carriers discussed 
in paragraph (c) of this section. PFC 
revenues held by an air carrier or an 
agent of the air carrier after collection 
are held in trust for the beneficial in-
terest of the public agency imposing 
the PFC. Such air carrier or agent 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 158.49 

holds neither legal nor equitable inter-
est in the PFC revenues except for any 
handling fee or interest collected on 
unremitted proceeds as authorized in 
§ 158.53. 

(c)(1) A covered air carrier must seg-

regate PFC revenue in a designated 
separate PFC account. Regardless of 
the amount of PFC revenue in the cov-
ered air carrier’s account at the time 
the bankruptcy petition is filed, the 
covered air carrier must deposit into 
the separate PFC account an amount 
equal to the average monthly liability 
for PFCs collected under this section 
by such air carrier or any of its agents. 

(i) The covered air carrier is required 

to create one PFC account to cover all 
PFC revenue it collects. The des-
ignated PFC account is solely for PFC 
transactions and the covered air car-
rier must make all PFC transactions 
from that PFC account. The covered 
air carrier is not required to create 
separate PFC accounts for each airport 
where a PFC is imposed. 

(ii) The covered air carrier must 

transfer PFCs from its general ac-
counts into the separate PFC account 
in an amount equal to the average 
monthly liability for PFCs as the ‘‘PFC 
reserve.’’ The PFC reserve must equal 
a one-month average of the sum of the 
total PFCs collected by the covered air 
carrier, net of any credits or handling 
fees allowed by law, during the past 12- 
month period of PFC collections imme-
diately before entering bankruptcy. 

(iii) The minimum PFC reserve bal-

ance must never fall below the fixed 
amount defined in paragraph (c)(1)(ii) 
of this section. 

(iv) A covered air carrier may con-

tinue to deposit the PFCs it collects 
into its general operating accounts 
combined with ticket sales revenue. 
However, at least once every business 
day, the covered air carrier must re-
move all PFC revenue (Daily PFC 
amount) from those accounts and 
transfer it to the new PFC account. An 
estimate based on 



of the PFC re-

serve balance is permitted in substi-
tution of the Daily PFC amount. 

(A) In the event a covered air carrier 

ceases operations while still owing PFC 
remittances, the PFC reserve fund may 
be used to make those remittances. If 
there is any balance in the PFC reserve 

fund after all PFC remittances are 
made, that balance will be returned to 
the covered air carrier’s general ac-

(B) In the event a covered air carrier 

emerges from bankruptcy protection 
and ceases to be a covered air carrier, 
any balance remaining in the PFC re-
serve fund after any outstanding PFC 
obligations are met will be returned to 
the air carrier’s general account. 

(v) If the covered air carrier uses an 

estimate rather than the daily PFC 
amount, the covered air carrier shall 
reconcile the estimated amount with 
the actual amount of PFCs collected 
for the prior month (Actual Monthly 
PFCs). This reconciliation must take 
place no later than the 20th day of the 
month (or the next business day if the 
date is not a business day). In the 
event the Actual Monthly PFCs are 
greater than the aggregate estimated 
PFC amount, the covered air carrier 
will, within one business day of the 
reconciliation, deposit the difference 
into the PFC account. If the Actual 
Monthly PFCs are less than the aggre-
gate estimated PFC amount, the cov-
ered air carrier will be entitled to a 
credit in the amount of the difference 
to be applied to the daily PFC amount 

(vi) The covered air carrier is per-

mitted to recalculate and reset the 
PFC reserve and daily PFC amount on 
each successive anniversary date of its 
bankruptcy petition using the method-
ology described above. 

(2) If a covered air carrier or its 

agent fails to segregate PFC revenue in 
violation of paragraph (c)(1) of this sec-
tion, the trust fund status of such rev-
enue shall not be defeated by an inabil-
ity of any party to identify and trace 
the precise funds in the accounts of the 
air carrier. 

(3) A covered air carrier and its 

agents may not grant to any third 
party any security or other interest in 
PFC revenue. 

(4) A covered air carrier that fails to 

comply with any requirement of para-
graph (c) of this section, or causes an 
eligible public agency to spend funds to 
recover or retain payment of PFC rev-
enue, must compensate that public 
agency for those cost incurred to re-
cover the PFCs owed. 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 158.63 

(5) The provisions of paragraph (b) of 

this section that allow the commin-
gling of PFCs with other air carrier 
revenue do not apply to a covered air 

(d) All collecting air carriers must 

disclose the existence and amount of 
PFC funds regarded as trust funds in 
their financial statements. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34542, May 30, 
2000; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 28850, May 23, 2007] 

§ 158.51 Remittance of PFC’s. 

Passenger facility charges collected 

by carriers shall be remitted to the 
public agency on a monthly basis. PFC 
revenue recorded in the accounting 
system of the carrier, as set forth in 
§ 158.49 of this part, shall be remitted to 
the public agency no later than the 
last day of the following calendar 
month (or if that date falls on a week-
end or holiday, the first business day 

§ 158.53 Collection compensation. 

(a) As compensation for collecting, 

handling, and remitting the PFC rev-
enue, the collecting air carrier is enti-
tled to: 

(1) $0.11 of each PFC collected. 
(2) Any interest or other investment 

return earned on PFC revenue between 
the time of collection and remittance 
to the public agency. 

(b) A covered air carrier that fails to 

designate a separate PFC account is 
prohibited from collecting interest on 
the PFC revenue. Where a covered air 
carrier maintains a separate PFC ac-
count in compliance with § 158.49(c), it 
will receive the interest on PFC ac-
counts as described in paragraph (a)(2) 
of this section. 

(c)(1) Collecting air carriers may pro-

vide collection cost data periodically 
to the FAA after the agency issues a 
notice in the F





specifies the information and deadline 
for filing the information. Submission 
of the information is voluntary. The 
requested information must include 
data on interest earned by the air car-
riers on PFC revenue and air carrier 
collection, handling, and remittance 
costs in the following categories: 

(i) Credit card fees; 
(ii) Audit fees; 

(iii) PFC disclosure fees; 
(iv) Reservations costs; 
(v) Passenger service costs; 
(vi) Revenue accounting, data entry, 

accounts payable, tax, and legal fees; 

(vii) Corporate property department 


(viii) Training for reservations 

agents, ticket agents, and other de-

(ix) Ongoing carrier information sys-

tems costs; 

(x) Ongoing computer reservations 

systems costs; and 

(xi) Airline Reporting Corporation 


(2) The FAA may determine a new 

compensation level based on an anal-
ysis of the data provided under para-
graph (c)(1) of this section, if the data 
is submitted by carriers representing 
at least 75 percent of PFCs collected 

(3) Any new compensation level de-

termined by the FAA under paragraph 
(c)(2) of this section will replace the 
level identified in paragraph (a)(1) of 
this section. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2006–23730, 72 FR 28850, May 
23, 2007; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 31714, June 8, 2007] 

Subpart D—Reporting, 

Recordkeeping and Audits 

§ 158.61 General. 

This subpart contains the require-

ments for reporting, recordkeeping and 
auditing of accounts maintained by 
collecting carriers and by public agen-

§ 158.63 Reporting requirements: Pub-

lic agency. 

(a) The public agency must provide 

quarterly reports to air carriers col-
lecting PFCs for the public agency 
with a copy to the appropriate FAA 
Airports Office. The quarterly report 
must include: 

(1) Actual PFC revenue received from 

collecting air carriers, interest earned, 
and project expenditures for the quar-

(2) Cumulative actual PFC revenue 

received, interest earned, project ex-
penditures, and the amount committed 
for use on currently approved projects, 
including the quarter;