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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 158.1 

invalid on the day specified as the de-
termination void date. Interested per-
sons may, at least 15 days in advance of 
the determination void date, petition 
the FAA official who issued the deter-
mination to: 

(1) Revise the determination based on 

new facts that change the basis on 
which it was made; or 

(2) Extend the determination void 

date. Determinations will be furnished 
to the proponent, aviation officials of 
the state concerned, and, when appro-
priate, local political bodies and other 
interested persons. 

§ 157.9 Notice of completion. 

Within 15 days after completion of 

any airport project covered by this 
part, the proponent of such project 
shall notify the FAA Airport District 
Office or Regional Office by submission 
of FAA Form 5010–5 or by letter. A 
copy of FAA Form 5010–5 will be pro-
vided with the FAA determination. 



Subpart A—General 






Authority to impose PFC’s. 


Exclusivity of authority. 




Public agency request not to require 

collection of PFC’s by a class of air car-
riers or foreign air carriers or for service 
to isolated communities. 


Use of PFC revenue. 


Project eligibility at PFC levels of $1, 

$2, or $3. 


Project eligibility at PFC levels of $4 

or $4.50. 


Use of PFC revenue to pay for debt 

service for non-eligible projects. 


Requirement for competition plans. 


Submission of required documents. 

Subpart B—Application and Approval 




Consultation with air carriers and 

foreign air carriers. 


Notice and opportunity for public 





Review of applications. 


The Administrator’s decision. 


PFC Authorization at Non-Hub Air-



Duration of authority to impose a 

PFC after project implementation. 


Duration of authority to impose a 

PFC before project implementation. 


Extension of time to submit applica-

tion to use PFC revenue. 


Amendment of approved PFC. 


Use of excess PFC revenue. 

Subpart C—Collection, Handling, and 

Remittance of PFC’s 




Public agency notification to collect 



Collection of PFC’s on tickets issued 

in the U.S. 


Collection of PFC’s on tickets issued 

outside the U.S. 


Handling of PFC’s. 


Remittance of PFC’s. 


Collection compensation. 

Subpart D—Reporting, Recordkeeping and 





Reporting requirements: Public agen-



Reporting requirements: Collecting 

air carriers. 


Recordkeeping and auditing: Public 



Recordkeeping and auditing: Col-

lecting carriers. 


Federal oversight. 

Subpart E—Termination 




Informal resolution. 


Termination of authority to impose 



Loss of Federal airport grant funds. 

Subpart F—Reduction in Airport 

Improvement Program Apportionments 




Public agencies subject to reduction. 


Implementation of reduction. 











: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40116–40117, 

47106, 47111, 47114–47116, 47524, 47526. 



: Docket No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 

29, 1991, unless otherwise noted. 

Subpart A—General 

§ 158.1 Applicability. 

This part applies to passenger facil-

ity charges (PFC’s) as may be approved 
by the Administrator of the Federal 
Aviation Administration (FAA) and 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 158.3 

imposed by a public agency that con-
trols a commercial service airport. 
This part also describes the procedures 
for reducing funds to a large or me-
dium hub airport that imposes a PFC. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2000–7402, 65 FR 34540, May 30, 

§ 158.3 Definitions. 

The following definitions apply in 

this part: 


means any area of land or 

water, including any heliport, that is 
used or intended to be used for the 
landing and takeoff of aircraft, and any 
appurtenant areas that are used or in-
tended to be used for airport buildings 
or other airport facilities or rights-of- 
way, together with all airport build-
ings and facilities located thereon. 

Airport capital plan 

means a capital 

improvement program that lists air-
port-related planning, development or 
noise compatibility projects expected 
to be accomplished with anticipated 
available funds. 

Airport layout plan (ALP) 

means a 

plan showing the existing and proposed 
airport facilities and boundaries in a 
form prescribed by the Administrator. 

Airport revenue 

means revenue gen-

erated by a public airport (1) through 
any lease, rent, fee, PFC or other 
charge collected, directly or indirectly, 
in connection with any aeronautical 
activity conducted on an airport that 
it controls; or (2) In connection with 
any activity conducted on airport land 
acquired with Federal financial assist-
ance, or with PFC revenue under this 
part, or conveyed to such public agency 
under the provisions of any Federal 
surplus property program or any provi-
sion enacted to authorize the convey-
ance of Federal property to a public 
agency for airport purposes. 

Air travel ticket 

includes all docu-

ments, electronic records, boarding 
passes, and any other ticketing me-
dium about a passenger’s itinerary nec-
essary to transport a passenger by air, 
including passenger manifests. 

Allowable cost 

means the reasonable 

and necessary costs of carrying out an 
approved project including costs in-
curred prior to and subsequent to the 
approval to impose a PFC, and making 
payments for debt service on bonds and 
other indebtedness incurred to carry 

out such projects. Allowable costs in-
clude only those costs incurred on or 
after November 5, 1990. Costs of ter-
minal development incurred after Au-
gust 1, 1986, at an airport that did not 
have more than .25 percent of the total 
annual passenger boardings in the U.S. 
in the most recent calendar year for 
which data is available and at which 
total passenger boardings declined by 
at least 16 percent between calendar 
year 1989 and calendar year 1997 are al-

Approved project 

means a project for 

which the FAA has approved using PFC 
revenue under this part. The FAA may 
also approve specific projects con-
tained in a single or multi-phased 
project or development described in an 
airport capital plan separately. This 
includes projects acknowledged by the 
FAA under § 158.30 of this part. 

Bond financing costs 

means the costs 

of financing a bond and includes such 
costs as those associated with issuance, 
underwriting discount, original issue 
discount, capitalized interest, debt 
service reserve funds, initial credit en-
hancement costs, and initial trustee 
and paying agent fees. 

Charge effective date 

means the date 

on which carriers are obliged to collect 
a PFC. 

Charge expiration date 

means the date 

on which carriers are to cease to col-
lect a PFC. 

Collecting carrier 

means an issuing 

carrier or other carrier collecting a 
PFC, whether or not such carrier issues 
the air travel ticket. 


means the acceptance of 

payment of a PFC from a passenger. 

Commercial service airport 

means a 

public airport that annually enplanes 
2,500 or more passengers and receives 
scheduled passenger service of aircraft. 

Covered air carrier 

means an air car-

rier that files for bankruptcy protec-
tion or has an involuntary bankruptcy 
proceeding started against it after De-
cember 12, 2003. An air carrier that is 
currently in compliance with PFC re-
mittance requirements and has an in-
voluntary bankruptcy proceeding com-
menced against it has 90 days from the 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 158.3 

date such proceeding was filed to ob-
tain dismissal of the involuntary peti-
tion before becoming a covered air car-
rier. An air carrier ceases to be a cov-
ered air carrier when it emerges from 
bankruptcy protection. 

Covered airport 

means a medium or 

large hub airport at which one or two 
air carriers control more than 50 per-
cent of passenger boardings. 

Debt service 

means payments for such 

items as principal and interest, sinking 
funds, call premiums, periodic credit 
enhancement fees, trustee and paying 
agent fees, coverage, and remarketing 

Exclusive long-term lease or use agree-


means an exclusive lease or use 

agreement between a public agency and 
an air carrier or foreign air carrier 
with a term of 5 years or more. 

FAA Airports office 

means a regional, 

district or field office of the Federal 
Aviation Administration that admin-
isters Federal airport-related matters. 

Financial need 

means that a public 

agency cannot meet its operational or 
debt service obligations and does not 
have at least a 2-month capital reserve 

Frequent flier award coupon 

means a 

zero-fare award of air transportation 
that an air carrier or foreign air car-
rier provides to a passenger in ex-
change for accumulated travel mileage 
credits in a customer loyalty program, 
whether or not the term ‘‘frequent 
flier’’ is used in the definition of that 
program. The definition of ‘‘frequent 
flier award coupon’’ does not extend to 
redemption of accumulated credits for 
awards of additional or upgraded serv-
ice on trips for which the passenger has 
paid a published fare, ‘‘two-for-the- 
price-of-one’’ and similar marketing 
programs, or to air transportation pur-
chased for a passenger by other parties. 

Ground support equipment 

means serv-

ice and maintenance equipment used at 
an airport to support aeronautical op-
erations and related activities. Bag-
gage tugs, belt loaders, cargo loaders, 
forklifts, fuel trucks, lavatory trucks, 
and pushback tractors are among the 
types of vehicles that fit this defini-

Implementation of an approved project 

means: (1) With respect to construc-
tion, issuance to a contractor of notice 

to proceed or the start of physical con-
struction; (2) with respect to non-
construction projects other than prop-
erty acquisition, commencement of 
work by a contractor or public agency 
to carry out the statement of work; or 
(3) with respect to property acquisition 
projects, commencement of title 
search, surveying, or appraisal for a 
significant portion of the property to 
be acquired. 

Issuing carrier 

means any air carrier 

or foreign air carrier that issues an air 
travel ticket or whose imprinted ticket 
stock is used in issuing such ticket by 
an agent. 

Medium or large hub airport 

means a 

commercial service airport that has 
more than 0.25 percent of the total 
number of passenger boardings at all 
such airports in the U.S. for the prior 
calendar year, as determined by the 

Non-hub airport 

means a commercial 

service airport (as defined in 49 U.S.C. 
47102) that has less than 0.05 percent of 
the passenger boardings in the U.S. in 
the prior calendar year on an aircraft 
in service in air commerce. 

Nonrevenue passenger 

means a pas-

senger receiving air transportation 
from an air carrier or foreign air car-
rier for which remuneration is not re-
ceived by the air carrier or foreign air 
carrier as defined under Department of 
Transportation Regulations or as oth-
erwise determined by the Adminis-
trator. Air carrier employees or others 
receiving air transportation against 
whom token service charges are levied 
are considered nonrevenue passengers. 
Infants for whom a token fare is 
charged are also considered nonrevenue 

Notice of intent (to impose or use PFC 


means a notice under § 158.30 

from a public agency controlling a non- 
hub airport that it intends to impose a 
PFC and/or use PFC revenue. Except 
for §§ 158.25 through 30, ‘‘notice of in-
tent’’ can be used interchangeably with 

One-way trip 

means any trip that is 

not a round trip. 

Passenger enplaned 

means a domestic, 

territorial or international revenue 
passenger enplaned in the States in 
scheduled or nonscheduled service on 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 158.5 

aircraft in intrastate, interstate, or 
foreign commerce. 


means a passenger facility 

charge covered by this part imposed by 
a public agency on passengers enplaned 
at a commercial service airport it con-

PFC administrative support costs 

means the reasonable and necessary 
costs of developing a PFC application 
or amendment, issuing and maintain-
ing the required PFC records, and per-
forming the required audit of the pub-
lic agency’s PFC account. These costs 
may include reasonable monthly finan-
cial account charges and transaction 


means airport planning, air-

port land acquisition or development of 
a single project, a multi-phased devel-
opment program, (including but not 
limited to development described in an 
airport capital plan) or a new airport 
for which PFC financing is sought or 
approved under this part. 

Public agency 

means a State or any 

agency of one or more States; a mu-
nicipality or other political subdivision 
of a State; an authority created by 
Federal, State or local law; a tax-sup-
ported organization; an Indian tribe or 
pueblo that controls a commercial 
service airport; or for the purposes of 
this part, a private sponsor of an air-
port approved to participate in the 
Pilot Program on Private Ownership of 

Round trip 

means a trip on a com-

plete air travel itinerary which termi-
nates at the origin point. 

Significant business interest 

means an 

air carrier or foreign air carrier that: 

(1) Had no less than 1.0 percent of 

passenger boardings at that airport in 
the prior calendar year, 

(2) Had at least 25,000 passenger 

boardings at the airport in that prior 
calendar year, or 

(3) Provides scheduled service at that 



means a State of the United 

States, the District of Columbia, the 
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the 
Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the 
Commonwealth of the Northern Mar-
iana Islands, and Guam. 

Unliquidated PFC revenue 

means rev-

enue received by a public agency from 

collecting carriers but not yet used on 
approved projects. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34540, May 30, 
2000; Amdt. 158–3, 70 FR 14934, Mar. 23, 2005; 
Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 28847, May 23, 2007] 

§ 158.5 Authority to impose PFC’s. 

Subject to the provisions of this part, 

the Administrator may grant author-
ity to a public agency that controls a 
commercial service airport to impose a 
PFC of $1, $2, $3, $4, or $4.50 on pas-
sengers enplaned at such an airport. No 
public agency may impose a PFC under 
this part unless authorized by the Ad-
ministrator. No State or political sub-
division or agency thereof that is not a 
public agency may impose a PFC cov-
ered by this part. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34541, May 30, 

§ 158.7 Exclusivity of authority. 

(a) A State, political subdivision of a 

State, or authority of a State or polit-
ical subdivision that is not the eligible 
public agency may not tax, regulate, 
prohibit, or otherwise attempt to con-
trol in any manner the imposition or 
collection of a PFC or the use of PFC 

(b) No contract or agreement be-

tween an air carrier or foreign air car-
rier and a public agency may impair 
the authority of such public agency to 
impose a PFC or use the PFC revenue 
in accordance with this part. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34541, May 30, 

§ 158.9 Limitations. 

(a) No public agency may impose a 

PFC on any passenger— 

(1) For more than 2 boardings on a 

one-way trip or in each direction of a 
round trip; 

(2) On any flight to an eligible point 

on an air carrier that receives essential 
air service compensation on that route. 
The Administrator makes available a 
list of carriers and eligible routes de-
termined by the Department of Trans-
portation for which PFC’s may not be 
imposed under this section; 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 158.13 

(3) Who is a nonrevenue passenger or 

obtained the ticket for air transpor-
tation with a frequent flier award cou-

(4) On flights, including flight seg-

ments, between 2 or more points in Ha-

(5) In Alaska aboard an aircraft hav-

ing a certificated seating capacity of 
fewer than 60 passengers; or 

(6) Enplaning at an airport if the pas-

senger did not pay for the air transpor-
tation that resulted in the 
enplanement due to Department of De-
fense charter arrangements and pay-

(b) No public agency may require a 

foreign airline that does not serve a 
point or points in the U.S. to collect a 
PFC from a passenger. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34541, May 30, 
2000; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 28847, May 23, 2007] 

§ 158.11 Public agency request not to 

require collection of PFC’s by a 
class of air carriers or foreign air 
carriers or for service to isolated 

(a) Subject to the requirements of 

this part, a public agency may request 
that collection of PFC’s not be re-
quired for— 

(1) Passengers enplaned by any class 

of air carrier or foreign air carrier if 
the number of passengers enplaned by 
the carriers in the class constitutes not 
more than one percent of the total 
number of passengers enplaned annu-
ally at the airport at which the fee is 
imposed; or 

(2) Passengers enplaned on a flight to 

an airport— 

(i) That has fewer than 2,500 pas-

senger boardings each year and re-
ceives scheduled passenger service; or 

(ii) In a community that has a popu-

lation of less than 10,000 and is not con-
nected by a land highway or vehicular 
way to the land-connected National 
Highway System within a State. 

(b) The public agency may request 

this exclusion authority under para-
graph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section or 

[Doc. No. FAA–2000–7402, 65 FR 34541, May 30, 

§ 158.13 Use of PFC revenue. 

PFC revenue, including any interest 

earned after such revenue has been re-
mitted to a public agency, may be used 
only to finance the allowable costs of 
approved projects at any airport the 
public agency controls. 


Total cost. 

PFC revenue may be 

used to pay all or part of the allowable 
cost of an approved project. 


PFC administrative support costs. 

Public agencies may use PFC revenue 
to pay for allowable administrative 
support costs. Public agencies must 
submit these costs as a separate 
project in each PFC application. 


Maximum cost for certain low-emis-

sion technology projects. 

If a project in-

volves a vehicle or ground support 
equipment using low emission tech-
nology eligible under § 158.15(b), the 
FAA will determine the maximum cost 
that may be financed by PFC revenue. 
The maximum cost for a new vehicle is 
the incremental amount between the 
purchase price of a new low emission 
vehicle and the purchase price of a 
standard emission vehicle, or the cost 
of converting a standard emission vehi-
cle to a low emission vehicle. 


Bond-associated debt service and fi-

nancing costs. 

(1) Public agencies may 

use PFC revenue to pay debt service 
and financing costs incurred for a bond 
issued to carry out approved projects. 

(2) If the public agency’s bond docu-

ments require that PFC revenue be 
commingled in the general revenue 
stream of the airport and pledged for 
the benefit of holders of obligations, 
the FAA considers PFC revenue to 
have paid the costs covered in 
§ 158.13(d)(1) if— 

(i) An amount equal to the part of 

the proceeds of the bond issued to 
carry out approved projects is used to 
pay allowable costs of such projects; 

(ii) To the extent the PFC revenue 

collected in any year exceeds the debt 
service and financing costs on such 
bonds during that year, an amount 
equal to the excess is applied as re-
quired by § 158.39. 


Exception providing for the use of 

PFC revenue to pay for debt service for 
non-eligible projects. 

The FAA may au-

thorize a public agency under § 158.18 to 
impose a PFC for payments for debt 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 158.15 

service on indebtedness incurred to 
carry out an airport project that is not 
eligible if the FAA determines that 
such use is necessary because of the fi-
nancial need of the airport. 


Combination of PFC revenue and 

Federal grant funds. 

A public agency 

may combine PFC revenue and airport 
grant funds to carry out an approved 
project. These projects are subject to 
the record keeping and auditing re-
quirements of this part, as well as the 
reporting, record keeping and auditing 
requirements imposed by the Airport 
and Airway Improvement Act of 1982 


Non-Federal share. 

Public agencies 

may use PFC revenue to meet the non- 
Federal share of the cost of projects 
funded under the Federal airport grant 
program or the FAA ‘‘Program to Per-
mit Cost-Sharing of Air Traffic Mod-
ernization Projects’’ under 49 U.S.C. 


Approval of project following ap-

proval to impose a PFC. 

The public agen-

cy may not use PFC revenue or inter-
est earned thereon except on an ap-
proved project. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 28847, May 23, 

§ 158.15 Project eligibility at PFC lev-

els of $1, $2, or $3. 

(a) To be eligible, a project must— 
(1) Preserve or enhance safety, secu-

rity, or capacity of the national air 
transportation system; 

(2) Reduce noise or mitigate noise 

impacts resulting from an airport; or 

(3) Furnish opportunities for en-

hanced competition between or among 
air carriers. 

(b) Eligible projects are any of the 

following projects— 

(1) Airport development eligible 

under subchapter I of chapter 471 of 49 

(2) Airport planning eligible under 

subchapter I of chapter 471 of 49 U.S.C.; 

(3) Terminal development as de-

scribed in 49 U.S.C. 47110(d); 

(4) Airport noise compatibility plan-

ning as described in 49 U.S.C. 47505; 

(5) Noise compatibility measures eli-

gible for Federal assistance under 49 
U.S.C. 47504, without regard to whether 

the measures are approved under 49 
U.S.C. 47504; 

(6) Construction of gates and related 

areas at which passengers are enplaned 
or deplaned and other areas directly re-
lated to the movement of passengers 
and baggage in air commerce within 
the boundaries of the airport. These 
areas do not include restaurants, car 
rental and automobile parking facili-
ties, or other concessions. Projects re-
quired to enable added air service by an 
air carrier with less than 50 percent of 
the annual passenger boardings at an 
airport have added eligibility. Such 
projects may include structural foun-
dations and floor systems, exterior 
building walls and load-bearing inte-
rior columns or walls, windows, door 
and roof systems, building utilities (in-
cluding heating, air conditioning, ven-
tilation, plumbing, and electrical serv-
ice), and aircraft fueling facilities next 
to the gate; 

(7) A project approved under the 

FAA’s ‘‘Program to Permit Cost-Shar-
ing of Air Traffic Modernization 
Projects’’ under 49 U.S.C. 44517; or 

(8) If the airport is in an air quality 

nonattainment area (as defined by sec-
tion 171(2) of the Clean Air Act (42 
U.S.C. 7501(2)) or a maintenance area 
referred to in section 175A of such Act 
(42 U.S.C. 7505a), and the project will 
result in the airport receiving appro-
priate emission credits as described in 
49 U.S.C. 47139, a project for: 

(i) Converting vehicles eligible under 

§ 158.15(b)(1) and ground support equip-
ment powered by a diesel or gasoline 
engine used at a commercial service 
airport to low-emission technology cer-
tified or verified by the Environmental 
Protection Agency to reduce emissions 
or to use cleaner burning conventional 
fuels; or 

(ii) Acquiring for use at a commer-

cial service airport vehicles eligible 
under § 158.15(b)(1) and, subject to 
§ 158.13(c), ground support equipment 
that include low-emission technology 
or use cleaner burning fuels. 

(c) An eligible project must be ade-

quately justified to qualify for PFC 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991; 56 
FR 37127, Aug. 2, 1991; Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 
34541, May 30, 2000; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 28848, 
May 23, 2007] 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 158.21 

§ 158.17 Project eligibility at PFC lev-

els of $4 or $4.50. 

(a) A project for any airport is eligi-

ble for PFC funding at levels of $4 or 
$4.50 if— 

(1) The project meets the eligibility 

requirements of § 158.15; 

(2) The project costs requested for 

collection at $4 or $4.50 cannot be paid 
for from funds reasonably expected to 
be available for the programs referred 
to in 49 U.S.C. 48103; and 

(3) In the case of a surface transpor-

tation or terminal project, the public 
agency has made adequate provision 
for financing the airside needs of the 
airport, including runways, taxiways, 
aprons, and aircraft gates. 

(b) In addition, a project for a me-

dium or large airport is only eligible 
for PFC funding at levels of $4 or $4.50 
if the project will make a significant 
contribution to improving air safety 
and security, increasing competition 
among air carriers, reducing current or 
anticipated congestion, or reducing the 
impact of aviation noise on people liv-
ing near the airport. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2000–7402, 65 FR 34541, May 30, 

§ 158.18 Use of PFC revenue to pay for 

debt service for non-eligible 

(a) The FAA may authorize a public 

agency to impose a PFC to make pay-
ments for debt service on indebtedness 
incurred to carry out at the airport a 
project that is not eligible if the FAA 
determines it is necessary because of 
the financial need of the airport. The 
FAA defines financial need in § 158.3. 

(b) A public agency may request au-

thority to impose a PFC and use PFC 
revenue under this section using the 
PFC application procedures in § 158.25. 
The public agency must document its 
financial position and explain its finan-
cial recovery plan that uses all avail-
able resources. 

(c) The FAA reviews the application 

using the procedures in § 158.27. The 
FAA will issue its decision on the pub-
lic agency’s request under § 158.29. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2006–23730, 72 FR 28848, May 
23, 2007] 

§ 158.19 Requirement for competition 


(a) Beginning in fiscal year 2001, no 

public agency may impose a PFC with 
respect to a covered airport unless the 
public agency has submitted a written 
competition plan. This requirement 
does not apply to PFC authority ap-
proved prior to April 5, 2000. 

(b) The Administrator will review 

any plan submitted under paragraph 
(a) of this section to ensure that it 
meets the requirements of 49 U.S.C. 
47106(f) and periodically will review its 
implementation to ensure that each 
covered airport successfully imple-
ments its plan. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2000–7402, 65 FR 34541, May 30, 

Subpart B—Application and 


§ 158.20 Submission of required docu-


(a) Letters and reports required by 

this part may be transmitted to the ap-
propriate recipient (the public agency, 
air carrier, and/or the FAA) via e-mail, 
courier, facsimile, or U.S. Postal Serv-

(1) Documents sent electronically to 

the FAA must be prepared in a format 
readable by the FAA. Interested par-
ties can obtain the format at their 
local FAA Airports Office. 

(2) Any transmission to FAA Head-

quarters, using regular U.S. Postal 
Service, is subject to inspection that 
may result in delay and damage due to 
the security process. 

(b) Once the database development is 

completed with air carrier capability, 
public agencies and air carriers may 
use the FAA’s national PFC database 
to post their required quarterly re-
ports, and, in that case, do not have to 
distribute the reports in any other 

[Doc. No. FAA–2006–23730, 72 FR 28848, May 
23, 2007] 

§ 158.21 General. 

This subpart specifies the consulta-

tion and application requirements 
under which a public agency may ob-
tain approval to impose a PFC and use 
PFC revenue on a project. This subpart 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 158.23 

also establishes the procedure for the 
Administrator’s review and approval of 
applications and amendments and es-
tablishes requirements for use of excess 
PFC revenue. 

§ 158.23 Consultation with air carriers 

and foreign air carriers. 


Notice by public agency. 

A public 

agency must provide written notice to 
air carriers and foreign air carriers 
having a significant business interest 
at the airport where the PFC is pro-
posed. A public agency must provide 
this notice before the public agency 
files an application with the FAA for 
authority to impose a PFC under 
§ 158.25(b). In addition, public agencies 
must provide this notice before filing 
an application with the FAA for au-
thority to use PFC revenue under 
§ 158.25(c). Public agencies must also 
provide this notice before filing a no-
tice of intent to impose and/or use a 
PFC under § 158.30. Finally, a public 
agency must provide this notice before 
filing a request to amend the FAA’s de-
cision with respect to an approved PFC 
as discussed in § 158.37(b)(1). The notice 
shall include: 

(1) Descriptions of projects being con-

sidered for funding by PFC’s; 

(2) The PFC level for each project, 

the proposed charge effective date, the 
estimated charge expiration date, and 
the estimated total PFC revenue; 

(3) For a request by a public agency 

that any class or classes of carriers not 
be required to collect the PFC— 

(i) The designation of each such 


(ii) The names of the carriers belong-

ing to each such class, to the extent 
the names are known, 

(iii) The estimated number of pas-

sengers enplaned annually by each 
such class, and 

(iv) The public agency’s reasons for 

requesting that carriers in each such 
class not be required to collect the 
PFC; and 

(4) Except as provided in § 158.25(c)(2), 

the date and location of a meeting at 
which the public agency will present 
such projects to air carriers and for-
eign air carriers operating at the air-



The meeting required by 

paragraph (a)(4) of this section shall be 

held no sooner than 30 days nor later 
than 45 days after issuance of the writ-
ten notice required by paragraph (a) of 
this section. At or before the meeting, 
the public agency shall provide air car-
riers and foreign air carriers with— 

(1) A description of projects; 
(2) An explanation of the need for the 

projects; and 

(3) A detailed financial plan for the 

projects, including— 

(i) The estimated allowable project 

costs allocated to major project ele-

(ii) The anticipated total amount of 

PFC revenue that will be used to fi-
nance the projects; and 

(iii) The source and amount of other 

funds, if any, needed to finance the 


Requirements of air carriers and for-

eign air carriers. 

(1) Within 30 days fol-

lowing issuance of the notice required 
by paragraph (a) of this section, each 
carrier must provide the public agency 
with a written acknowledgement that 
it received the notice. 

(2) Within 30 days following the meet-

ing, each carrier must provide the pub-
lic agency with a written certification 
of its agreement or disagreement with 
the proposed project. A certification of 
disagreement shall contain the reasons 
for such disagreement. The absence of 
such reasons shall void a certification 
of disagreement. 

(3) If a carrier fails to provide the 

public agency with timely acknowl-
edgement of the notice or timely cer-
tification of agreement or disagree-
ment with the proposed project, the 
carrier is considered to have certified 
its agreement. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34541, May 30, 
2000; Amdt. 158–3, 70 FR 14934, Mar. 23, 2005] 

§ 158.24 Notice and opportunity for 

public comment. 


Notice by public agency. 

A public 

agency must provide written notice 
and an opportunity for public comment 

(i) Filing an application with the 

FAA for authority to impose a PFC 
under § 158.25(b); 

(ii) Filing an application with the 

FAA for authority to use PFC revenue 
under § 158.25(c); 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 158.25 

(iii) Filing a notice of intent to im-

pose and/or use a PFC under § 158.30; 

(iv) Filing a request to amend a pre-

viously approved PFC as discussed in 
§ 158.37(b)(1). 

(2) The notice must allow the public 

to file comments for at least 30 days, 
but no more than 45 days, after the 
date of publication of the notice or 
posting on the public agency’s Web 
site, as applicable. 


Notice contents. 

The notice re-

quired by § 158.24(a) must include: 

(i) A description of the project(s) the 

public agency is considering for fund-
ing by PFC’s; 

(ii) A brief justification for each 

project the public agency is consid-
ering for funding by PFC’s; 

(iii) The PFC level for each project; 
(iv) The estimated total PFC revenue 

the public agency will use for each 

(v) The proposed charge effective 

date for the application or notice of in-

(vi) The estimated charge expiration 

date for the application or notice of in-

(vii) The estimated total PFC rev-

enue the public agency will collect for 
the application or notice of intent; and 

(viii) The name of and contact infor-

mation for the person within the public 
agency to whom comments should be 

(2) The public agency must make 

available a more detailed project jus-
tification or the justification docu-
ments to the public upon request. 


Distribution of notice. 

The public 

agency must make the notice available 
to the public and interested agencies 
through one or more of the following 

(1) Publication in local newspapers of 

general circulation; 

(2) Publication in other local media; 
(3) Posting the notice on the public 

agency’s Internet Web site; or 

(4) Any other method acceptable to 

the Administrator. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2004–17999, 70 FR 14934, Mar. 
23, 2005] 

§ 158.25 Applications. 



This section specifies the 

information the public agency must 

file when applying for authority to im-
pose a PFC and for authority to use 
PFC revenue on a project. A public 
agency may apply for such authority 
at any commercial service airport it 
controls. The public agency must use 
the proposed PFC to finance airport-re-
lated projects at that airport or at any 
existing or proposed airport that the 
public agency controls. A public agen-
cy may apply for authority to impose a 
PFC before or concurrent with an ap-
plication to use PFC revenue. If a pub-
lic agency chooses to apply, it must do 
so by using FAA Form 5500–1, PFC Ap-
plication (latest edition) and all appli-
cable Attachments. The public agency 
must provide the information required 
under paragraphs (b) or (c), or both, of 
this section. 


Application for authority to impose 

a PFC. 

This paragraph sets forth the 

information to be submitted by all pub-
lic agencies seeking authority to im-
pose a PFC. A separate application 
shall be submitted for each airport at 
which a PFC is to be imposed. The ap-
plication shall be signed by an author-
ized official of the public agency, and, 
unless otherwise authorized by the Ad-
ministrator, must include the fol-

(1) The name and address of the pub-

lic agency. 

(2) The name and telephone number 

of the official submitting the applica-
tion on behalf of the public agency. 

(3) The official name of the airport at 

which the PFC is to be imposed. 

(4) The official name of the airport at 

which a project is proposed. 

(5) A copy of the airport capital plan 

or other documentation of planned im-
provements for each airport at which a 
PFC financed project is proposed. 

(6) A description of each project pro-


(7) The project justification, includ-

ing the extent to which the project 
achieves one or more of the objectives 
set forth in § 158.15(a) and (if a PFC 
level above $3 is requested) the require-
ments of § 158.17. In addition— 

(i) For any project for terminal de-

velopment, including gates and related 
areas, the public agency shall discuss 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 158.25 

any existing conditions that limit com-
petition between and among air car-
riers and foreign air carriers at the air-
port, any initiatives it proposes to fos-
ter opportunities for enhanced com-
petition between and among such car-
riers, and the expected results of such 
initiatives; or 

(ii) For any terminal development 

project at a covered airport, the public 
agency shall submit a competition plan 
in accordance with § 158.19. 

(8) The charge to be imposed for each 


(9) The proposed charge effective 


(10) The estimated charge expiration 


(11) Information on the consultation 

with air carriers and foreign air car-
riers having a significant business in-
terest at the airport and the public 
comment process, including: 

(i) A list of such carriers and those 


(ii) A list of carriers that acknowl-

edged receipt of the notice provided 
under § 158.23(a); 

(iii) Lists of carriers that certified 

agreement and that certified disagree-
ment with the project; 

(iv) Information on which method 

under § 158.24(b) the public agency used 
to meet the public notice requirement; 

(v) A summary of substantive com-

ments by carriers contained in any cer-
tifications of disagreement with each 
project and disagreements with each 
project provided by the public, and the 
public agency’s reasons for continuing 
despite such disagreements. 

(12) If the public agency is also filing 

a request under § 158.11— 

(i) The request; 
(ii) A copy of the information pro-

vided to the carriers under § 158.23(a)(3); 

(iii) A copy of the carriers’ comments 

with respect to such information; 

(iv) A list of any class or classes of 

carriers that would not be required to 
collect a PFC if the request is ap-
proved; and 

(v) The public agency’s reasons for 

submitting the request in the face of 
opposing comments. 

(13) A copy of information regarding 

the financing of the project presented 
to the carriers and foreign air carriers 

under § 158.23 of this part and as revised 
during the consultation. 

(14) A copy of all comments received 

as a result of the carrier consultation 
and public comment processes. 

(15) For an application not accom-

panied by a concurrent application for 
authority to use PFC revenue: 

(i) A description of any alternative 

methods being considered by the public 
agency to accomplish the objectives of 
the project; 

(ii) A description of alternative uses 

of the PFC revenue to ensure such rev-
enue will be used only on eligible 
projects in the event the proposed 
project is not ultimately approved for 
use of PFC revenue; 

(iii) A timetable with projected dates 

for completion of project formulation 
activities and submission of an applica-
tion to use PFC revenue; and 

(iv) A projected date of project imple-

mentation and completion. 

(16) A signed statement certifying 

that the public agency will comply 
with the assurances set forth in Appen-
dix A to this part. 

(17) Such additional information as 

the Administrator may require. 


Application for authority to use PFC 


A public agency may use PFC 

revenue only for projects approved 
under this paragraph. This paragraph 
sets forth the information that a public 
agency shall submit, unless otherwise 
authorized by the Administrator, when 
applying for the authority to use PFC 
revenue to finance specific projects. 

(1) An application submitted concur-

rently with an application for the au-
thority to impose a PFC, must include: 

(i) The information required under 

paragraphs (b)(1) through (15) of this 

(ii) An FAA Form 5500–1, Attachment 

G, Airport Layout Plan, Airspace, and 
Environmental Findings (latest edi-
tion) providing the following informa-

(A) For projects required to be shown 

on an ALP, the ALP depicting the 
project has been approved by the FAA 
and the date of such approval; 

(B) All environmental reviews re-

quired by the National Environmental 
Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 have been 
completed and a copy of the final FAA 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 158.27 

environmental determination with re-
spect to the project has been approved, 
and the date of such approval, if such 
determination is required; and 

(C) The final FAA airspace deter-

mination with respect to the project 
has been completed, and the date of 
such determination, if an airspace 
study is required. 

(iii) The information required by 

§§ 158.25(b)(16) and 158.25(b)(17). 

(2) An application where the author-

ity to impose a PFC has been pre-
viously approved: 

(i) Must not be filed until the public 

agency conducts further consultation 
with air carriers and foreign air car-
riers under § 158.23. However, the meet-
ing required under § 158.23(a)(4) is op-
tional if there are no changes to the 
projects after approval of the impose 
authority and further opportunity for 
public comment under § 158.24; and 

(ii) Must include a summary of fur-

ther air carrier consultation and the 
public agency’s response to any dis-
agreements submitted under the air 
carrier consultation and public com-
ment processes conducted under para-
graph (c)(2)(i) of this section; 

(iii) Must include the following, up-

dated and changed where appropriate: 

(A) FAA Form 5500–1 without attach-

ments except as required below; 

(B) For any projects where there 

have been no changes since the FAA 
approved authority to impose a PFC 
for those projects, a list of projects in-
cluded in this application for use au-
thority. The FAA will consider the in-
formation on these projects, filed with 
the impose authority application, in-
corporated by reference; and 

(C) For any project that has changed 

since receiving impose authority, the 
public agency must file an Attachment 
B for that project clearly describing 
the changes to the project. 

(iv) An FAA Form 5500–1, Attach-

ment G, Airport Layout Plan, Air-
space, and Environmental Findings 
(latest edition) providing the following 

(A) For projects required to be shown 

on an ALP, the ALP depicting the 
project has been approved by the FAA 
and the date of such approval; 

(B) All environmental reviews re-

quired by the National Environmental 

Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 have been 
completed and a copy of the final FAA 
environmental determination with re-
spect to the project has been approved, 
and the date of such approval, if such 
determination is required; and 

(C) The final FAA airspace deter-

mination with respect to the project 
has been completed, and the date of 
such determination, if an airspace 
study is required; and 

(v) The information required by 

§§ 158.25(b)(16) and 158.25(b)(17). 

[Doc. No. FAA–2004–17999, 70 FR 14935, Mar. 
23, 2005] 

§ 158.27 Review of applications. 



This section describes the 

process for review of all applications 
filed under § 158.25 of this part. 


Determination of completeness. 

Within 30 days after receipt of an appli-
cation by the FAA Airports office, the 
Administrator determines whether the 
application substantially complies 
with the requirements of § 158.25. 


Process for substantially complete 


If the Administrator deter-

mines the application is substantially 
complete, the following procedures 

(1) The Administrator advises the 

public agency by letter that its appli-
cation is substantially complete. 

(2) The Administrator may opt to 

publish a notice in the F






advising that the Administrator 

intends to rule on the application and 
inviting public comment, as set forth 
in paragraph (e) of this section. If the 
Administrator publishes a notice, the 
Administrator will provide a copy of 
the notice to the public agency. 

(3) If the Administrator publishes a 

notice, the public agency— 

(i) Shall make available for inspec-

tion, upon request, a copy of the appli-
cation, notice, and other documents 
germane to the application, and 

(ii) May publish the notice in a news-

paper of general circulation in the area 
where the airport covered by the appli-
cation is located. 

(4) After reviewing the application 

and any public comments received 
from a F




notice, the 

Administrator issues a final decision 
approving or disapproving the applica-
tion, in whole or in part, before 120 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 158.29 

days after the FAA Airports office re-
ceived the application. 


Process for applications not substan-

tially complete. 

If the Administrator de-

termines an application is not substan-
tially complete, the following proce-
dures apply: 

(1) The Administrator notifies the 

public agency in writing that its appli-
cation is not substantially complete. 
The notification will list the informa-
tion required to complete the applica-

(2) Within 15 days after the Adminis-

trator sends such notification, the pub-
lic agency shall advise the Adminis-
trator in writing whether it intends to 
supplement its application. 

(3) If the public agency declines to 

supplement the application, the Ad-
ministrator follows the procedures for 
review of an application set forth in 
paragraph (c) of this section and issues 
a final decision approving or dis-
approving the application, in whole or 
in part, no later than 120 days after the 
application was received by the FAA 
Airports office. 

(4) If the public agency supplements 

its application, the original application 
is deemed to be withdrawn for purposes 
of applying the statutory deadline for 
the Administrator’s decision. Upon re-
ceipt of the supplement, the Adminis-
trator issues a final decision approving 
or disapproving the supplemented ap-
plication, in whole or in part, no later 
than 120 days after the supplement was 
received by the FAA Airports office. 


The Federal Register notice. 






notice includes the 

following information: 

(1) The name of the public agency 

and the airport at which the PFC is to 
be imposed; 

(2) A brief description of the PFC 

project, the level of the proposed PFC, 
the proposed charge effective date, the 
proposed charge expiration date and 
the total estimated PFC revenue; 

(3) The address and telephone number 

of the FAA Airports office at which the 
application may be inspected; 

(4) The Administrator’s determina-

tion on whether the application is sub-
stantially complete and any informa-
tion required to complete the applica-
tion; and 

(5) The due dates for any public com-



Public comments. 

(1) Interested per-

sons may file comments on the applica-
tion within 30 days after publication of 
the Administrator’s notice in the F






(2) Three copies of these comments 

shall be submitted to the FAA Airports 
office identified in the F







(3) Commenters shall also provide 

one copy of their comments to the pub-
lic agency. 

(4) Comments from air carriers and 

foreign air carriers may be in the same 
form as provided to the public agency 
under § 158.23. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991; 56 
FR 30867, July 8, 1991, as amended by Amdt. 
158–3, 70 FR 14936, Mar. 23, 2005] 

§ 158.29 The Administrator’s decision. 


Authority to impose a PFC. 

(1) An 

application to impose a PFC will be ap-
proved in whole or in part only after a 
determination that— 

(i) The amount and duration of the 

PFC will not result in revenue that ex-
ceeds amounts necessary to finance the 

(ii) The project will achieve the ob-

jectives and criteria set forth in § 158.15 
except for those projects approved 
under § 158.18. 

(iii) If a PFC level above $3 is being 

approved, the project meets the cri-
teria set forth in § 158.17; 

(iv) The collection process, including 

any request by the public agency not 
to require a class of carriers to collect 
PFC’s, is reasonable, not arbitrary, 
nondiscriminatory, and otherwise in 
compliance with the law; 

(v) The public agency has not been 

found to be in violation of 49 U.S.C. 
47524 and 47526; 

(vi) The public agency has not been 

found to be in violation of 49 U.S.C. 
47107(b) governing the use of airport 

(vii) If the public agency has not ap-

plied for authority to use PFC revenue, 
a finding that there are alternative 
uses of the PFC revenue to ensure that 
such revenue will be used on approved 
projects; and 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 158.30 

(viii) If applicable, the public agency 

has submitted a competition plan in 
accordance with § 158.19. 

(2) The Administrator notifies the 

public agency in writing of the decision 
on the application. The notification 
will list the projects and alternative 
uses that may qualify for PFC financ-
ing under § 158.15, and (if a PFC level 
above $3 is being approved) § 158.17, PFC 
level, total approved PFC revenue in-
cluding the amounts approved at $3 and 
less, $4, and/or $4.50, duration of au-
thority to impose and earliest permis-
sible charge effective date. 


Authority to use PFC revenue on an 

approved project. 

(1) An application for 

authority to use PFC revenue will be 
approved in whole or in part only after 
a determination that— 

(i) The amount and duration of the 

PFC will not result in revenue that ex-
ceeds amounts necessary to finance the 

(ii) The project will achieve the ob-

jectives and criteria set forth in § 158.15 
except for those projects approved 
under § 158.18. 

(iii) If a PFC level above $3 is being 

approved, the project meets the cri-
teria set forth in § 158.17; and 

(iv) All applicable requirements per-

taining to the ALP for the airport, air-
space studies for the project, and the 
National Environmental Policy Act of 
1969 (NEPA), have been satisfied. 

(2) The Administrator notifies the 

public agency in writing of the decision 
on the application. The notification 
will list the approved projects, PFC 
level, total approved PFC revenue, 
total approved for collection, including 
the amounts approved at $3 and less, $4, 
and/or $4.50, and any limit on the dura-
tion of authority to impose a PFC as 
prescribed under § 158.33. 

(3) Approval to use PFC revenue to fi-

nance a project shall be construed as 
approval of that project. 


Disapproval of application. 

(1) If an 

application is disapproved, the Admin-
istrator notifies the public agency in 
writing of the decision and the reasons 
for the disapproval. 

(2) A public agency reapplying for ap-

proval to impose or use a PFC must 
comply with §§ 158.23, 158.24, and 158.25. 

(d) The Administrator publishes a 

monthly notice of PFC approvals and 
disapprovals in the F




[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991; 56 
FR 30867, July 8, 1991, as amended by Amdt. 
158–2, 65 FR 34542, May 30, 2000; Amdt. 158–3, 
70 FR 14936, Mar. 23, 2005; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 
28848, May 23, 2007] 

§ 158.30 PFC Authorization at Non- 

Hub Airports. 



This section specifies the 

procedures a public agency controlling 
a non-hub airport must follow when no-
tifying the FAA of its intent to impose 
a PFC and to use PFC revenue on a 
project under this section. In addition, 
this section describes the FAA’s rules 
for reviewing and acknowledging a no-
tice of intent filed under this section. 
A public agency may notify the FAA of 
its intent to impose a PFC before or 
concurrent with a notice of intent to 
use PFC revenue. A public agency must 
file a notice of intent in the manner 
and form prescribed by the Adminis-
trator and must include the informa-
tion required under paragraphs (b), (c), 
or both, of this section. 


Notice of intent to impose a PFC. 

This paragraph sets forth the informa-
tion a public agency must file to notify 
the FAA of its intent to impose a PFC 
under this section. The public agency 
must file a separate notice of intent for 
each airport at which the public agen-
cy plans on imposing a PFC. An au-
thorized official of the public agency 
must sign the notice of intent and, un-
less authorized by the Administrator, 
must include: 

(1) A completed FAA Form 5500–1, 

PFC Application (latest edition) with-
out attachments except as required 

(2) Project information (in the form 

and manner prescribed by the FAA) in-
cluding the project title, PFC funds 
sought, PFC level sought, and, if an ex-
isting Airport Improvement Program 
(AIP) grant already covers this project, 
the grant agreement number. 

(3) If an existing AIP grant does not 

cover this project, the notice of intent 
must include the information in para-
graph (b)(2) of this section as well as 
the following: 

(i) Additional information describing 

the proposed schedule for the project, 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 158.30 

(ii) A description of how this project 

meets one of the PFC objectives in 
§ 158.15(a), and 

(iii) A description of how this project 

meets the adequate justification re-
quirement in § 158.15(c). 

(4) A copy of any comments received 

by the public agency during the air 
carrier consultation and public com-
ment processes (§§ 158.23 and 158.24) and 
the public agency’s response to any dis-

(5) If applicable, a request to exclude 

a class of carriers from the require-
ment to collect the PFC (§ 158.11). 

(6) A signed statement certifying 

that the public agency will comply 
with the assurances set forth in Appen-
dix A to this part. 

(7) Any additional information the 

Administrator may require. 


Notice of intent to use PFC revenue. 

A public agency may use PFC revenue 
only for projects included in notices 
filed under this paragraph or approved 
under § 158.29. This paragraph sets forth 
the information that a public agency 
must file, unless otherwise authorized 
by the Administrator, in its notice of 
intent to use PFC revenue to finance 
specific projects under this section. 

(1) A notice of intent to use PFC rev-

enue filed concurrently with a notice of 
intent to impose a PFC must include: 

(i) The information required under 

paragraphs (b)(1) through (7) of this 

(ii) A completed FAA Form 5500–1, 

Attachment G, Airport Layout Plan, 
Airspace, and Environmental Findings 
(latest edition) for all projects not in-
cluded in an existing Federal airport 
program grant. 

(2) A notice of intent to use PFC rev-

enue where the FAA has previously ac-
knowledged a notice of intent to im-
pose a PFC must: 

(i) Be preceded by further consulta-

tion with air carriers and the oppor-
tunity for public comment under 
§§ 158.23 and 158.24 of this part. How-
ever, a meeting with the air carriers is 
optional if all information is the same 
as that provided with the impose au-
thority notice; 

(ii) Include a copy of any comments 

received by the public agency during 
the air carrier consultation and public 
comment processes (§§ 158.23 and 158.24) 

and the public agency’s response to any 
disagreements or negative comments; 

(iii) Include any updated and changed 


(A) Required by paragraphs (b)(1), (2), 

(5), (6), and (7) of this section; and 

(B) Required by paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of 

this section. 


FAA review of notices of intent. 


The FAA will review the notice of in-
tent to determine that: 

(A) The amount and duration of the 

PFC will not result in revenue that ex-
ceeds the amount necessary to finance 
the project(s); 

(B) Each proposed project meets the 

requirements of § 158.15; 

(C) Each project proposed at a PFC 

level above $3.00 meets the require-
ments of § 158.17(a)(2) and (3); 

(D) All applicable airport layout 

plan, airspace, and environmental re-
quirements have been met for each 

(E) Any request by the public agency 

to exclude a class of carriers from the 
requirement to collect the PFC is rea-
sonable, not arbitrary, nondiscrim-
inatory, and otherwise complies with 
the law; and 

(F) The consultation and public com-

ment processes complied with §§ 158.23 
and 158.24. 

(2) The FAA will also make a deter-

mination regarding the public agency’s 
compliance with 49 U.S.C. 47524 and 
47526 governing airport noise and ac-
cess restrictions and 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) 
governing the use of airport revenue. 
Finally, the FAA will review all com-
ments filed during the air carrier con-
sultation and public comment proc-


FAA acknowledgment of notices of 


Within 30 days of receipt of the 

public agency’s notice of intent about 
its PFC program, the FAA will issue a 
written acknowledgment of the public 
agency’s notice. The FAA’s acknowl-
edgment may concur with all proposed 
projects, may object to some or all pro-
posed projects, or may object to the no-
tice of intent in its entirety. The 
FAA’s acknowledgment will include 
the reason(s) for any objection(s). 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 158.33 

(f) Public agency actions following 

issuance of FAA acknowledgment let-
ter. If the FAA does not object to ei-
ther a project or the notice of intent in 
its entirety, the public agency may im-
plement its PFC program. The public 
agency’s implementation must follow 
the information specified in its notice 
of intent. If the FAA objects to a 
project, the public agency may not col-
lect or use PFC revenue on that 
project. If the FAA objects to the no-
tice of intent in its entirety, the public 
agency may not implement the PFC 
program proposed in that notice. When 
implementing a PFC under this sec-
tion, except for § 158.25, a public agency 
must comply with all sections of part 


Acknowledgment not an order. 


FAA acknowledgment issued under 
this section is not considered an order 
issued by the Secretary for purposes of 
49 U.S.C. 46110 (Judicial Review). 


Sunset provision. 

This section will 

expire May 9, 2008. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2004–17999, 70 FR 14936, Mar. 
23, 2005] 

§ 158.31 Duration of authority to im-

pose a PFC after project implemen-


A public agency that has begun im-

plementing an approved project may 
impose a PFC until— 

(a) The charge expiration date is 


(b) The total PFC revenue collected 

plus interest earned thereon equals the 
allowable cost of the approved project; 

(c) The authority to collect the PFC 

is terminated by the Administrator 
under subpart E of this part; or 

(d) The public agency is determined 

by the Administrator to be in violation 
of 49 U.S.C. 47524 and 47526, and the au-
thority to collect the PFC is termi-
nated under that statute’s imple-
menting regulations under this title. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34542, May 30, 
2000; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 28849, May 23, 2007] 

§ 158.33 Duration of authority to im-

pose a PFC before project imple-


(a) A public agency shall not impose 

a PFC beyond the lesser of the fol-

(1) 2 years after approval to use PFC 

revenue on an approved project if the 
project has not been implemented, or 

(2) 5 years after the charge effective 

date; or 

(3) 5 years after the FAA’s decision 

on the application (if the charge effec-
tive date is more than 60 days after the 
decision date) if an approved project is 
not implemented. 

(b) If, in the Administrator’s judg-

ment, the public agency has not made 
sufficient progress toward implementa-
tion of an approved project within the 
times specified in paragraph (a) of this 
section, the Administrator begins ter-
mination proceedings under subpart E 
of this part. 

(c) The authority to impose a PFC 

following approval shall automatically 
expire without further action by the 
Administrator on the following dates: 

(1) 3 years after the charge effective 

date; or 3 years after the FAA’s deci-
sion on the application if the charge ef-
fective date is more than 60 days after 
the decision date unless— 

(i) The public agency has filed an ap-

plication for approval to use PFC rev-
enue for an eligible project that is 
pending before the FAA; 

(ii) An application to use PFC rev-

enue has been approved; or 

(iii) A request for extension (not to 

exceed 2 years) to submit an applica-
tion for project approval, under § 158.35, 
has been granted; or 

(2) 5 years after the charge effective 

date; or 5 years after the FAA’s deci-
sion on the application (if the charge 
effective date is more than 60 days 
after the decision date) unless the pub-
lic agency has obtained project ap-

(d) If the authority to impose a PFC 

expires under paragraph (c) of this sec-
tion, the public agency must provide 
the FAA with a list of the air carriers 
and foreign air carriers operating at 
the airport and all other collecting car-
riers that have remitted PFC revenue 
to the public agency in the preceding 12 
months. The FAA notifies each of the 
listed carriers to terminate PFC collec-
tion no later than 30 days after the 
date of notification by the FAA. 

(e) Restriction on reauthorization to 

impose a PFC. Whenever the authority 
to impose a PFC has expired or been 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 158.35 

terminated under this section, the Ad-
ministrator will not grant new ap-
proval to impose a PFC in advance of 
implementation of an approved project. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991; 56 
FR 37127, Aug. 2, 1991; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 
28849, May 23, 2007] 

§ 158.35 Extension of time to submit 

application to use PFC revenue. 

(a) A public agency may request an 

extension of time to submit an applica-
tion to use PFC revenue after approval 
of an application to impose PFC’s. At 
least 30 days prior to submitting such 
request, the public agency shall publish 
notice of its intention to request an ex-
tension in a local newspaper of general 
circulation and shall request com-
ments. The notice shall include 
progress on the project, a revised 
schedule for obtaining project approval 
and reasons for the delay in submitting 
the application. 

(b) The request shall be submitted at 

least 120 days prior to the charge expi-
ration date and, unless otherwise au-
thorized by the Administrator, shall be 
accompanied by the following: 

(1) A description of progress on the 

project application to date. 

(2) A revised schedule for submitting 

the application. 

(3) An explanation of the reasons for 

delay in submitting the application. 

(4) A summary financial report de-

picting the total amount of PFC rev-
enue collected plus interest, the pro-
jected amount to be collected during 
the period of the requested extension, 
and any public agency funds used on 
the project for which reimbursement 
may be sought. 

(5) A summary of any further con-

sultation with air carriers and foreign 
air carriers operating at the airport. 

(6) A summary of comments received 

in response to the local notice. 

(c) The Administrator reviews the re-

quest for extension and accompanying 
information, to determine whether— 

(1) The public agency has shown good 

cause for the delay in applying for 
project approval; 

(2) The revised schedule is satisfac-

tory; and 

(3) Further collection will not result 

in excessive accumulation of PFC rev-

(d) The Administrator, upon deter-

mining that the agency has shown good 
cause for the delay and that other ele-
ments of the request are satisfactory, 
grants the request for extension to the 
public agency. The Administrator ad-
vises the public agency in writing not 
more than 90 days after receipt of the 
request. The duration of the extension 
shall be as specified in § 158.33 of this 

§ 158.37 Amendment of approved PFC. 

(a)(1) A public agency may amend the 

FAA’s decision with respect to an ap-
proved PFC to: 

(i) Increase or decrease the level of 

PFC the public agency wants to collect 
from each passenger, 

(ii) Increase or decrease the total ap-

proved PFC revenue, 

(iii) Change the scope of an approved 


(iv) Delete an approved project, or 
(v) Establish a new class of carriers 

under § 158.11 or amend any such class 
previously approved. 

(2) A public agency may not amend 

the FAA’s decision with respect to an 
approved PFC to add projects, change 
an approved project to a different facil-
ity type, or alter an approved project 
to accomplish a different purpose. 

(b) The public agency must file a re-

quest to the Administrator to amend 
the FAA’s decision with respect to an 
approved PFC. The request must in-
clude or demonstrate: 

(1)(i) Further consultation with the 

air carriers and foreign air carriers and 
seek public comment in accordance 
with §§ 158.23 and 158.24 when applying 
for those requests to: 

(A) Amend the approved PFC amount 

for a project by more than 25 percent of 
the original approved amount if the 
amount was $1,000,000 or greater, 

(B) Amend the approved PFC amount 

for a project by any percentage if the 
original approved amount was below 
$1,000,000 and the amended approved 
amount is $1,000,000 or greater, 

(C) Change the scope of a project, or 
(D) Increase the PFC level to be col-

lected from each passenger. 

(ii) No further consultation with air 

carriers and foreign air carriers or pub-
lic comment is required by a public 
agency in accordance with §§ 158.23 and 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 158.39 

158.24 when applying for an amendment 
in the following situations: 

(A) To institute a decrease in the 

level of PFC to be collected from each 

(B) To institute a decrease in the 

total PFC revenue; 

(C) To institute an increase of 25 per-

cent or less of the original approved 
amount if the amount was more than 
$1,000,000; or 

(D) To institute an increase of any 

amount if the original approved 
amount of the project was less than 
$1,000,000 and if the amended approved 
amount of the project remains below 
$1,000,000; or 

(E) To establish a new class of car-

riers under § 158.11 or amend any such 
class previously approved; or 

(F) To delete an approved project. 
(2) A copy of any comments received 

from the processes in paragraph 
(b)(1)(A) of this section for the carrier 
consultation and the opportunity for 
public comment in accordance with 
§§ 158.23 and 158.24; 

(3) The public agency’s reasons for 

continuing despite any objections; 

(4) A description of the proposed 


(5) Justification, if the amendment 

involves an increase in the PFC 
amount for a project by more than 25 
percent of the original approved 
amount if that amount is $1,000,000 or 
greater, an increase in the PFC amount 
by any percentage if the original ap-
proved amount was less than $1,000,000 
and the amended approved amount is 
$1,000,000 or greater, a change in the ap-
proved project scope, or any increase in 
the approved PFC level to be collected 
from each passenger. 

(6) A description of how each project 

meets the requirements of § 158.17(b), 
for each project proposed for an in-
crease of the PFC level above $3.00 at a 
medium or large hub airport; 

(7) A signed statement certifying 

that the public agency has met the 
requiements of § 158.19, if applicable, 
for any amendment proposing to in-
crease the PFC level above $3.00 at a 
medium or large hub airport; and 

(8) Any other information the Admin-

istrator may require. 

(c) The Administrator will approve, 

partially approve or disapprove the 

amendment request and notify the pub-
lic agency of the decision within 30 
days of receipt of the request. If a PFC 
level of more than $3.00 is approved, 
the Administrator must find the 
project meets the requirements of 
§§ 158.17 and 158.19, if applicable, before 
the public agency can implement the 
new PFC level. 

(d) The public agency must notify the 

carriers of any change to the FAA’s de-
cision with respect to an approved PFC 
resulting from an amendment. The ef-
fective date of any new PFC level must 
be no earlier than the first day of a 
month which is at least 30 days from 
the date the public agency notifies the 

[Doc. No. FAA–2004–17999, 70 FR 14937, Mar. 
23, 2005, as amended by Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 
28849, May 23, 2007] 

§ 158.39 Use of excess PFC revenue. 

(a) If the PFC revenue remitted to 

the public agency, plus interest earned 
thereon, exceeds the allowable cost of 
the project, the public agency must use 
the excess funds for approved projects 
or to retire outstanding PFC-financed 

(b) For bond-financed projects, any 

excess PFC revenue collected under 
debt servicing requirements shall be 
retained by the public agency and used 
for approved projects or retirement of 
outstanding PFC-financed bonds. 

(c) When the authority to impose a 

PFC has expired or has been termi-
nated, accumulated PFC revenue shall 
be used for approved projects or retire-
ment of outstanding PFC-financed 

(d) Within 30 days after the authority 

to impose a PFC has expired or been 
terminated, the public agency must 
present a plan to the appropriate FAA 
Airports office to begin using accumu-
lated PFC revenue. The plan must in-
clude a timetable for submitting any 
necessary application under this part. 
If the public agency fails to submit 
such a plan, or if the plan is not ac-
ceptable to the Administrator, the Ad-
ministrator may reduce Federal air-
port grant program apportioned funds. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 28849, May 23, 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 158.41 

Subpart C—Collection, Handling, 

and Remittance of PFC’s 

§ 158.41 General. 

This subpart contains the require-

ments for notification, collection, han-
dling and remittance of PFC’s. 

§ 158.43 Public agency notification to 

collect PFC’s. 

(a) Following approval of an applica-

tion to impose a PFC under subpart B 
of this part, the public agency shall no-
tify the air carriers and foreign air car-
riers required to collect PFC’s at its 
airport of the Administrator’s ap-
proval. Each notified carrier shall no-
tify its agents, including other issuing 
carriers, of the collection requirement. 

(b) The notification shall be in writ-

ing and contain at a minimum the fol-
lowing information: 

(1) The level of PFC to be imposed. 
(2) The total revenue to be collected. 
(3) The charge effective date will al-

ways be the first day of the month; 
however, it must be at least 30 days 
after the date the public agency noti-
fied the air carriers of the FAA’s ap-
proval to impose the PFC. 

(4) The proposed charge expiration 


(5) A copy of the Administrator’s no-

tice of approval. 

(6) The address where remittances 

and reports are to be filed by carriers. 

(c) The public agency must notify air 

carriers required to collect PFCs at its 
airport and the FAA of changes in the 
charge expiration date at least 30 days 
before the existing charge expiration 
date or new charge expiration date, 
whichever comes first. Each notified 
air carrier must notify its agents, in-
cluding other issuing carriers, of such 

(d) The public agency shall provide a 

copy of the notification to the appro-
priate FAA Airports office. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 28849, May 23, 

§ 158.45 Collection of PFC’s on tickets 

issued in the U.S. 

(a) On and after the charge effective 

date, tickets issued in the U.S. shall in-
clude the required PFC except as pro-

vided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this 

(1) Issuing carriers shall be respon-

sible for all funds from time of collec-
tion to remittance. 

(2) The appropriate charge is the PFC 

in effect at the time the ticket is 

(3) Issuing carriers and their agents 

shall collect PFCs based on the 
itinerary at the time of issuance. 

(i) Any change in itinerary initiated 

by a passenger that requires an adjust-
ment to the amount paid by the pas-
senger is subject to collection or refund 
of the PFC as appropriate. 

(ii) Failure to travel on a nonrefund-

able or expired ticket is not a change 
in itinerary. If the ticket purchaser is 
not permitted any fare refund on the 
unused ticket, the ticket purchaser is 
not permitted a refund of any PFC as-
sociated with that ticket. 

(b) Issuing carriers and their agents 

shall note as a separate item on each 
air travel ticket upon which a PFC is 
shown, the total amount of PFC’s paid 
by the passenger and the airports for 
which the PFC’s are collected. 

(c) For each one-way trip shown on 

the complete itinerary of an air travel 
ticket, issuing air carriers and their 
agents shall collect a PFC from a pas-
senger only for the first two airports 
where PFC’s are imposed. For each 
round trip, a PFC shall be collected 
only for enplanements at the first two 
enplaning airports and the last two en-
planing airports where PFC’s are im-

(d) In addition to the restriction in 

paragraph (c) of this section, issuing 
carriers and their agents shall not col-
lect PFC’s from a passenger covered by 
any of the other limitations described 
in § 158.9(a). 

(e) Collected PFC’s shall be distrib-

uted as noted on the air travel ticket. 

(f) Issuing carriers and their agents 

shall stop collecting the PFC’s on the 
charge expiration date stated in a no-
tice from the public agency, or as re-
quired by the Administrator. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34542, May 30, 
2000; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 28849, May 23, 2007] 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 158.49 

§ 158.47 Collection of PFC’s on tickets 

issued outside the U.S. 

(a) For tickets issued outside the 

U.S., an air carrier or foreign air car-
rier may follow the requirements of ei-
ther § 158.45 or this section, unless the 
itinerary is for travel wholly within 
the U.S. Air carriers and foreign air 
carriers must comply with § 158.45 
where the itinerary is for travel wholly 
within the U.S. regardless of where the 
ticket is issued. 

(b) Notwithstanding any other provi-

sions of this part, no foreign airline is 
required to collect a PFC on air travel 
tickets issued on its own ticket stock 
unless it serves a point or points in the 

(c) If an air carrier or foreign air car-

rier elects not to comply with § 158.45 
for tickets issued outside the U.S.— 

(1) The carrier is required to collect 

PFC’s on such tickets only for the pub-
lic agency controlling the last airport 
at which the passenger is enplaned 
prior to departure from the U.S. 

(2) The carrier may collect the PFC 

either at the time the ticket is issued 
or at the time the passenger is last en-
planed prior to departure from the U.S. 
The carrier may vary the method of 
collection among its flights. 

(3) The carrier shall provide a written 

record to the passenger that a PFC has 
been collected. Such a record shall ap-
pear on or with the air travel ticket 
and shall include the same information 
as required by § 158.45(b), but need not 
be preprinted on the ticket stock. 

(4) Issuing carriers and their agents 

shall collect PFCs based on the 
itinerary at the time of issuance. 

(i) Any change in itinerary initiated 

by a passenger that requires an adjust-
ment to the amount paid by the pas-
senger is subject to collection or refund 
of the PFC as appropriate. 

(ii) Failure to travel on a nonrefund-

able or expired ticket is not a change 
in itinerary. If the ticket purchaser is 
not permitted any fare refund on the 
unused ticket, the ticket purchaser is 
not permitted a refund of any PFC as-
sociated with that ticket. 

(d) With respect to a flight on which 

the air carrier or foreign air carrier 
chooses to collect the PFC at the time 
the air travel ticket is issued— 

(1) The carrier and its agents shall 

collect the required PFC on tickets 
issued on or after the charge effective 

(2) The carrier is not required to col-

lect PFC’s at the time of enplanement 
for tickets sold by other air carriers or 
foreign air carriers or their agents. 

(e) With respect to a flight on which 

the air carrier or foreign air carrier 
chooses to collect the PFC at the time 
of enplanement, the carrier shall exam-
ine the air travel ticket of each pas-
senger enplaning at the airport on and 
after the charge effective date and 
shall collect the PFC from any pas-
senger whose air travel ticket does not 
include a written record indicating 
that the PFC was collected at the time 
of issuance. 

(f) Collected PFC’s shall be distrib-

uted as noted on the written record 
provided to the passenger. 

(g) Collecting carriers shall be re-

sponsible for all funds from time of col-
lection to remittance. 

(h) Collecting carriers and their 

agents shall stop collecting the PFC on 
the charge expiration date stated in a 
notice from the public agency, or as re-
quired by the Administrator. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991; 56 
FR 37127, Aug. 2, 1991; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 
28849, May 23, 2007] 

§ 158.49 Handling of PFC’s. 

(a) Collecting carriers shall establish 

and maintain a financial management 
system to account for PFC’s in accord-
ance with the Department of Transpor-
tation’s Uniform System of Accounts 
and Reports (14 CFR part 241). For car-
riers not subject to 14 CFR part 241, 
such carriers shall establish and main-
tain an accounts payable system to 
handle PFC revenue with subaccounts 
for each public agency to which such 
carrier remits PFC revenue. 

(b) Collecting carriers must account 

for PFC revenue separately. PFC rev-
enue may be commingled with the air 
carrier’s other sources of revenue ex-
cept for covered air carriers discussed 
in paragraph (c) of this section. PFC 
revenues held by an air carrier or an 
agent of the air carrier after collection 
are held in trust for the beneficial in-
terest of the public agency imposing 
the PFC. Such air carrier or agent 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 158.49 

holds neither legal nor equitable inter-
est in the PFC revenues except for any 
handling fee or interest collected on 
unremitted proceeds as authorized in 
§ 158.53. 

(c)(1) A covered air carrier must seg-

regate PFC revenue in a designated 
separate PFC account. Regardless of 
the amount of PFC revenue in the cov-
ered air carrier’s account at the time 
the bankruptcy petition is filed, the 
covered air carrier must deposit into 
the separate PFC account an amount 
equal to the average monthly liability 
for PFCs collected under this section 
by such air carrier or any of its agents. 

(i) The covered air carrier is required 

to create one PFC account to cover all 
PFC revenue it collects. The des-
ignated PFC account is solely for PFC 
transactions and the covered air car-
rier must make all PFC transactions 
from that PFC account. The covered 
air carrier is not required to create 
separate PFC accounts for each airport 
where a PFC is imposed. 

(ii) The covered air carrier must 

transfer PFCs from its general ac-
counts into the separate PFC account 
in an amount equal to the average 
monthly liability for PFCs as the ‘‘PFC 
reserve.’’ The PFC reserve must equal 
a one-month average of the sum of the 
total PFCs collected by the covered air 
carrier, net of any credits or handling 
fees allowed by law, during the past 12- 
month period of PFC collections imme-
diately before entering bankruptcy. 

(iii) The minimum PFC reserve bal-

ance must never fall below the fixed 
amount defined in paragraph (c)(1)(ii) 
of this section. 

(iv) A covered air carrier may con-

tinue to deposit the PFCs it collects 
into its general operating accounts 
combined with ticket sales revenue. 
However, at least once every business 
day, the covered air carrier must re-
move all PFC revenue (Daily PFC 
amount) from those accounts and 
transfer it to the new PFC account. An 
estimate based on 



of the PFC re-

serve balance is permitted in substi-
tution of the Daily PFC amount. 

(A) In the event a covered air carrier 

ceases operations while still owing PFC 
remittances, the PFC reserve fund may 
be used to make those remittances. If 
there is any balance in the PFC reserve 

fund after all PFC remittances are 
made, that balance will be returned to 
the covered air carrier’s general ac-

(B) In the event a covered air carrier 

emerges from bankruptcy protection 
and ceases to be a covered air carrier, 
any balance remaining in the PFC re-
serve fund after any outstanding PFC 
obligations are met will be returned to 
the air carrier’s general account. 

(v) If the covered air carrier uses an 

estimate rather than the daily PFC 
amount, the covered air carrier shall 
reconcile the estimated amount with 
the actual amount of PFCs collected 
for the prior month (Actual Monthly 
PFCs). This reconciliation must take 
place no later than the 20th day of the 
month (or the next business day if the 
date is not a business day). In the 
event the Actual Monthly PFCs are 
greater than the aggregate estimated 
PFC amount, the covered air carrier 
will, within one business day of the 
reconciliation, deposit the difference 
into the PFC account. If the Actual 
Monthly PFCs are less than the aggre-
gate estimated PFC amount, the cov-
ered air carrier will be entitled to a 
credit in the amount of the difference 
to be applied to the daily PFC amount 

(vi) The covered air carrier is per-

mitted to recalculate and reset the 
PFC reserve and daily PFC amount on 
each successive anniversary date of its 
bankruptcy petition using the method-
ology described above. 

(2) If a covered air carrier or its 

agent fails to segregate PFC revenue in 
violation of paragraph (c)(1) of this sec-
tion, the trust fund status of such rev-
enue shall not be defeated by an inabil-
ity of any party to identify and trace 
the precise funds in the accounts of the 
air carrier. 

(3) A covered air carrier and its 

agents may not grant to any third 
party any security or other interest in 
PFC revenue. 

(4) A covered air carrier that fails to 

comply with any requirement of para-
graph (c) of this section, or causes an 
eligible public agency to spend funds to 
recover or retain payment of PFC rev-
enue, must compensate that public 
agency for those cost incurred to re-
cover the PFCs owed. 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 158.63 

(5) The provisions of paragraph (b) of 

this section that allow the commin-
gling of PFCs with other air carrier 
revenue do not apply to a covered air 

(d) All collecting air carriers must 

disclose the existence and amount of 
PFC funds regarded as trust funds in 
their financial statements. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34542, May 30, 
2000; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 28850, May 23, 2007] 

§ 158.51 Remittance of PFC’s. 

Passenger facility charges collected 

by carriers shall be remitted to the 
public agency on a monthly basis. PFC 
revenue recorded in the accounting 
system of the carrier, as set forth in 
§ 158.49 of this part, shall be remitted to 
the public agency no later than the 
last day of the following calendar 
month (or if that date falls on a week-
end or holiday, the first business day 

§ 158.53 Collection compensation. 

(a) As compensation for collecting, 

handling, and remitting the PFC rev-
enue, the collecting air carrier is enti-
tled to: 

(1) $0.11 of each PFC collected. 
(2) Any interest or other investment 

return earned on PFC revenue between 
the time of collection and remittance 
to the public agency. 

(b) A covered air carrier that fails to 

designate a separate PFC account is 
prohibited from collecting interest on 
the PFC revenue. Where a covered air 
carrier maintains a separate PFC ac-
count in compliance with § 158.49(c), it 
will receive the interest on PFC ac-
counts as described in paragraph (a)(2) 
of this section. 

(c)(1) Collecting air carriers may pro-

vide collection cost data periodically 
to the FAA after the agency issues a 
notice in the F





specifies the information and deadline 
for filing the information. Submission 
of the information is voluntary. The 
requested information must include 
data on interest earned by the air car-
riers on PFC revenue and air carrier 
collection, handling, and remittance 
costs in the following categories: 

(i) Credit card fees; 
(ii) Audit fees; 

(iii) PFC disclosure fees; 
(iv) Reservations costs; 
(v) Passenger service costs; 
(vi) Revenue accounting, data entry, 

accounts payable, tax, and legal fees; 

(vii) Corporate property department 


(viii) Training for reservations 

agents, ticket agents, and other de-

(ix) Ongoing carrier information sys-

tems costs; 

(x) Ongoing computer reservations 

systems costs; and 

(xi) Airline Reporting Corporation 


(2) The FAA may determine a new 

compensation level based on an anal-
ysis of the data provided under para-
graph (c)(1) of this section, if the data 
is submitted by carriers representing 
at least 75 percent of PFCs collected 

(3) Any new compensation level de-

termined by the FAA under paragraph 
(c)(2) of this section will replace the 
level identified in paragraph (a)(1) of 
this section. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2006–23730, 72 FR 28850, May 
23, 2007; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 31714, June 8, 2007] 

Subpart D—Reporting, 

Recordkeeping and Audits 

§ 158.61 General. 

This subpart contains the require-

ments for reporting, recordkeeping and 
auditing of accounts maintained by 
collecting carriers and by public agen-

§ 158.63 Reporting requirements: Pub-

lic agency. 

(a) The public agency must provide 

quarterly reports to air carriers col-
lecting PFCs for the public agency 
with a copy to the appropriate FAA 
Airports Office. The quarterly report 
must include: 

(1) Actual PFC revenue received from 

collecting air carriers, interest earned, 
and project expenditures for the quar-

(2) Cumulative actual PFC revenue 

received, interest earned, project ex-
penditures, and the amount committed 
for use on currently approved projects, 
including the quarter; 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 158.65 

(3) The PFC level for each project; 


(4) Each project’s current schedule. 
(b) The report shall be provided on or 

before the last day of the calendar 
month following the calendar quarter 
or other period agreed by the public 
agency and collecting carrier. 

(c) For medium and large hub air-

ports, the public agency must provide 
to the FAA, by July 1 of each year, an 
estimate of PFC revenue to be col-
lected for each airport in the following 
fiscal year. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34542, May 30, 
2000; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 28851, May 23, 2007] 

§ 158.65 Reporting requirements: Col-

lecting air carriers. 

(a) Each air carrier collecting PFCs 

for a public agency must provide quar-
terly reports to the public agency un-
less otherwise agreed by the collecting 
air carrier and public agency, providing 
an accounting of funds collected and 
funds remitted. 

(1) Unless otherwise agreed by the 

collecting air carrier and public agen-
cy, reports must state: 

(i) The collecting air carrier and air-

port involved, 

(ii) The total PFC revenue collected, 
(iii) The total PFC revenue refunded 

to passengers, 

(iv) The collected revenue withheld 

for reimbursement of expenses under 
§ 158.53, and 

(v) The dates and amounts of each re-

mittance for the quarter. 

(2) The report must be filed by the 

last day of the month following the 
calendar quarter or other period agreed 
by the collecting carrier and public 
agency for which funds were collected. 

(b) A covered air carrier must provide 

the FAA with: 

(1) A copy of its quarterly report by 

the established schedule under para-
graph (a) of this section; and 

(2) A monthly PFC account state-

ment delivered not later than the fifth 
day of the following month. This 
monthly statement must include: 

(i) The balance in the account on the 

first day of the month, 

(ii) The total funds deposited during 

the month, 

(iii) The total funds disbursed during 

the month, and 

(iv) The closing balance in the ac-


[Doc. No. FAA–2006–23730, 72 FR 28851, May 
23, 2007] 

§ 158.67 Recordkeeping and auditing: 

Public agency. 

(a) Each public agency shall keep any 

unliquidated PFC revenue remitted to 
it by collecting carriers on deposit in 
an interest bearing account or in other 
interest bearing instruments used by 
the public agency’s airport capital 
fund. Interest earned on such PFC rev-
enue shall be used, in addition to the 
principal, to pay the allowable costs of 
PFC-funded projects. PFC revenue may 
only be commingled with other public 
agency airport capital funds in deposits 
or interest bearing instruments. 

(b) Each public agency shall establish 

and maintain for each approved appli-
cation a separate accounting record. 
The accounting record shall identify 
the PFC revenue received from the col-
lecting carriers, interest earned on 
such revenue, the amounts used on 
each project, and the amount reserved 
for currently approved projects. 

(c) At least annually during the pe-

riod the PFC is collected, held or used, 
each public agency shall provide for an 
audit of its PFC account. The audit 
shall be performed by an accredited 
independent public accountant and 
may be of limited scope. The account-
ant shall express an opinion of the fair-
ness and reasonableness of the public 
agency’s procedures for receiving, hold-
ing, and using PFC revenue. The ac-
countant shall also express an opinion 
on whether the quarterly report re-
quired under § 158.63 fairly represents 
the net transactions within the PFC 
account. The audit may be— 

(1) Performed specifically for the 

PFC account; or 

(2) Conducted as part of an audit 

under Office of Management and Budg-
et Circular A–133 (the Single Audit Act 
of 1984, Pub. L. 98–502, and the Single 
Audit Act Amendments of 1996, Pub. L. 
104–156) provided the auditor specifi-
cally addresses the PFC. 

(3) Upon request, a copy of the audit 

shall be provided to each collecting 
carrier that remitted PFC revenue to 

background image


Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 158.85 

the public agency in the period covered 
by the audit and to the Administrator. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 28851, May 23, 

§ 158.69 Recordkeeping and auditing: 

Collecting carriers. 

(a) Collecting carriers shall establish 

and maintain for each public agency 
for which they collect a PFC an ac-
counting record of PFC revenue col-
lected, remitted, refunded and com-
pensation retained under § 158.53(a) of 
this part. The accounting record shall 
identify the airport at which the pas-
sengers were enplaned. 

(b) Each collecting carrier that col-

lects more than 50,000 PFC’s annually 
shall provide for an audit at least an-
nually of its PFC account. 

(1) The audit shall be performed by 

an accredited independent public ac-
countant and may be of limited scope. 
The accountant shall express an opin-
ion on the fairness and reasonableness 
of the carrier’s procedures for col-
lecting, holding, and dispersing PFC 
revenue. The opinion shall also address 
whether the quarterly reports required 
under § 158.65 fairly represent the net 
transactions in the PFC account. 

(2) For the purposes of an audit under 

this section, collection is defined as 
the point when agents or other inter-
mediaries remit PFC revenue to the 

(3) Upon request, a copy of the audit 

shall be provided to each public agency 
for which a PFC is collected. 

§ 158.71 Federal oversight. 

(a) The Administrator may periodi-

cally audit and/or review the use of 
PFC revenue by a public agency. The 
purpose of the audit or review is to en-
sure that the public agency is in com-
pliance with the requirements of this 
part and 49 U.S.C. 40117. 

(b) The Administrator may periodi-

cally audit and/or review the collection 
and remittance by the collecting car-
riers of PFC revenue. The purpose of 
the audit or review is to ensure col-
lecting carriers are in compliance with 
the requirements of this part and 49 
U.S.C. 40117. 

(c) Public agencies and carriers shall 

allow any authorized representative of 

the Administrator, the Secretary of 
Transportation, or the Comptroller 
General of the U.S., access to any of its 
books, documents, papers, and records 
pertinent to PFC’s 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34543, May 30, 

Subpart E—Termination 

§ 158.81 General. 

This subpart contains the procedures 

for termination of PFCs or loss of Fed-
eral airport grant funds for violations 
of this part or 49 U.S.C. 40117. This sub-
part does not address the cir-
cumstances under which the authority 
to collect PFCs may be terminated for 
violations of 49 U.S.C. 47523 through 

[Doc. No. FAA–2006–23730, 72 FR 28851, May 
23, 2007] 

§ 158.83 Informal resolution. 

The Administrator shall undertake 

informal resolution with the public 
agency or any other affected party if, 
after review under § 158.71, the Admin-
istrator cannot determine that PFC 
revenue is being used for the approved 
projects in accordance with the terms 
of the Administrator’s approval to im-
pose a PFC for those projects or with 49 
U.S.C. 40117. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34543, May 30, 

§ 158.85 Termination of authority to 

impose PFC’s. 

(a) The FAA begins proceedings to 

terminate the public agency’s author-
ity to impose a PFC only if the Admin-
istrator determines that informal reso-
lution is not successful. 

(b) The Administrator publishes a no-

tice of proposed termination in the 




and supplies a copy 

to the public agency. This notice will 
state the scope of the proposed termi-
nation, the basis for the proposed ac-
tion and the date for filing written 
comments or objections by all inter-
ested parties. This notice will also 
identify any corrective actions the 
public agency can take to avoid further 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 158.87 

proceedings. The due date for com-
ments and corrective action shall be no 
less than 60 days after publication of 
the notice. 

(c) If corrective action has not been 

taken as prescribed by the Adminis-
trator, the FAA holds a public hearing, 
and notice is given to the public agen-
cy and published in the F






at least 30 days prior to the hear-

ing. The hearing will be in a form de-
termined by the Administrator to be 
appropriate to the circumstances and 
to the matters in dispute. 

(d) The Administrator publishes the 

final decision in the F






. Where appropriate, the Adminis-

trator may prescribe corrective action, 
including any corrective action the 
public agency may yet take. A copy of 
the notice is also provided to the public 

(e) Within 10 days of the date of pub-

lication of the notice of the Adminis-
trator’s decision, the public agency 

(1) Advise the FAA in writing that it 

will complete any corrective action 
prescribed in the decision within 30 
days; or 

(2) Provide the FAA with a listing of 

the air carriers and foreign air carriers 
operating at the airport and all other 
issuing carriers that have remitted 
PFC revenue to the public agency in 
the preceding 12 months. 

(f) When the Administrator’s decision 

does not provide for corrective action 
or the public agency fails to complete 
such action, the FAA provides a copy 
of the F




notice to 

each air carrier and foreign air carrier 
identified in paragraph (e) of this sec-
tion. Such carriers are responsible for 
terminating or modifying PFC collec-
tion no later than 30 days after the 
date of notification by the FAA. 

§ 158.87 Loss of Federal airport grant 


(a) If the Administrator determines 

that revenue derived from a PFC is ex-
cessive or is not being used as ap-
proved, the Administrator may reduce 
the amount of funds otherwise payable 
to the public agency under 49 U.S.C. 
47114. Such a reduction may be made as 
a corrective action under § 158.83 or 
§ 158.85 of this part. 

(b) The amount of the reduction 

under paragraph (a) of this section 
shall equal the excess collected, or the 
amount not used in accordance with 
this part. 

(c) A reduction under paragraph (a) 

of this section shall not constitute a 
withholding of approval of a grant ap-
plication or the payment of funds 
under an approved grant within the 
meaning of 49 U.S.C. 47111(d). 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34543, May 30, 

Subpart F—Reduction in Airport 

Improvement Program Appor-

§ 158.91 General. 

This subpart describes the required 

reduction in funds apportioned to a 
large or medium hub airport that im-
poses a PFC. 

§ 158.93 Public agencies subject to re-


The funds apportioned under 49 

U.S.C. 47114 to a public agency for a 
specific primary commercial service 
airport that it controls are reduced if— 

(a) Such airport enplanes 0.25 percent 

or more of the total annual 
enplanements in the U.S., and 

(b) The public agency imposes a PFC 

at such airport. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34543, May 30, 

§ 158.95 Implementation of reduction. 

(a) A reduction in apportioned funds 

will not take effect until the first fis-
cal year following the year in which 
the collection of the PFC is begun and 
will be applied in each succeeding fis-
cal year in which the public agency im-
poses the PFC. 

(b) The reduction in apportioned 

funds is calculated at the beginning of 
each fiscal year and shall be an amount 
equal to— 

(1) In the case of a fee of $3 or less, 50 

percent of the projected revenues from 
the fee in the fiscal year but not by 
more than 50 percent of the amount 
that otherwise would be apportioned 
under this section; and 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

Pt. 158, App. A 

(2) In the case of a fee of more than 

$3, 75 percent of the projected revenues 
from the fee in the fiscal year but not 
by more than 75 percent of the amount 
that otherwise would be apportioned 
under this section. 

(c) If the projection of PFC revenue 

in a fiscal year is inaccurate, the re-
duction in apportioned funds may be 
increased or decreased in the following 
fiscal year, except that any further re-
duction shall not cause the total reduc-
tion to exceed 50 percent of such appor-
tioned amount as would otherwise be 
apportioned in any fiscal year. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34543, May 30, 











1. These assurances shall be complied with 

in the conduct of a project funded with pas-
senger facility charge (PFC) revenue. 

2. These assurances are required to be sub-

mitted as part of the application for ap-
proval of authority to impose a PFC under 
the provisions of 49 U.S.C. 40117. 

3. Upon approval by the Administrator of 

an application, the public agency is respon-
sible for compliance with these assurances. 


Public agency certification. 

The public 

agency hereby assures and certifies, with re-
spect to this project that: 

1. Responsibility and authority of the pub-

lic agency. It has legal authority to impose 
a PFC and to finance and carry out the pro-
posed project; that a resolution, motion or 
similar action has been duly adopted or 
passed as an official act of the public agen-
cy’s governing body authorizing the filing of 
the application, including all understandings 
and assurances contained therein, and di-
recting and authorizing the person identified 
as the official representative of the public 
agency to act in connection with the applica-

2. Compliance with regulation. It will com-

ply with all provisions of 14 CFR part 158. 

3. Compliance with state and local laws 

and regulations. It has complied, or will 
comply, with all applicable State and local 
laws and regulations. 

4. Environmental, airspace and airport lay-

out plan requirements. It will not use PFC 
revenue on a project until the FAA has noti-
fied the public agency that— 

(a) Any actions required under the Na-

tional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 have 
been completed; 

(b) The appropriate airspace finding has 

been made; and 

(c) The FAA Airport Layout Plan with re-

spect to the project has been approved. 

5. Nonexclusivity of contractual agree-

ments. It will not enter into an exclusive 
long-term lease or use agreement with an air 
carrier or foreign air carrier for projects 
funded by PFC revenue. Such leases or use 
agreements will not preclude the public 
agency from funding, developing, or assign-
ing new capacity at the airport with PFC 

6. Carryover provisions. It will not enter 

into any lease or use agreement with any air 
carrier or foreign air carrier for any facility 
financed in whole or in part with revenue de-
rived from a passenger facility charge if such 
agreement for such facility contains a carry-
over provision regarding a renewal option 
which, upon expiration of the original lease, 
would operate to automatically extend the 
term of such agreement with such carrier in 
preference to any potentially competing air 
carrier or foreign air carrier seeking to nego-
tiate a lease or use agreement for such facili-

7. Competitive access. It agrees that any 

lease or use agreements between the public 
agency and any air carrier or foreign air car-
rier for any facility financed in whole or in 
part with revenue derived from a passenger 
facility charge will contain a provision that 
permits the public agency to terminate the 
lease or use agreement if— 

(a) The air carrier or foreign air carrier has 

an exclusive lease or use agreement for ex-
isting facilities at such airport; and 

(b) Any portion of its existing exclusive 

use facilities is not fully utilized and is not 
made available for use by potentially com-
peting air carriers or foreign air carriers. 

8. Rates, fees and charges. 
(a) It will not treat PFC revenue as airport 

revenue for the purpose of establishing a 
rate, fee or charge pursuant to a contract 
with an air carrier or foreign air carrier. 

(b) It will not include in its rate base by 

means of depreciation, amortization, or any 
other method, that portion of the capital 
costs of a project paid for by PFC revenue for 
the purpose of establishing a rate, fee or 
charge pursuant to a contract with an air 
carrier or foreign air carrier. 

(c) Notwithstanding the limitation pro-

vided in subparagraph (b), with respect to a 
project for terminal development, gates and 
related areas, or a facility occupied or used 
by one or more air carriers or foreign air car-
riers on an exclusive or preferential basis, 
the rates, fees, and charges payable by such 
carriers that use such facilities will be no 
less than the rates, fees, and charges paid by 
such carriers using similar facilities at the 
airport that were not financed by PFC rev-

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

Pt. 161 

9. Standards and specifications. It will 

carry out the project in accordance with 
FAA airport design, construction and equip-
ment standards and specifications contained 
in advisory circulars current on the date of 
project approval. 

10. Recordkeeping and Audit. It will main-

tain an accounting record for audit purposes 
for 3 years after physical and financial com-
pletion of the project. All records must sat-
isfy the requirements of 14 CFR part 158 and 
contain documentary evidence for all items 
of project costs. 

11. Reports. It will submit reports in ac-

cordance with the requirements of 14 CFR 
part 158, subpart D, and as the Administrator 
may reasonably request. 

12. Compliance with 49 U.S.C. 47523 through 

47528. It understands 49 U.S.C. 47524 and 47526 
require that the authority to impose a PFC 
be terminated if the Administrator deter-
mines the public agency has failed to comply 
with those sections of the United States 
Code or with the implementing regulations 
published under the Code. 

[Doc. No. 26385, 56 FR 24278, May 29, 1991, as 
amended by Amdt. 158–2, 65 FR 34543, May 30, 
2000; Amdt. 158–4, 72 FR 28851, May 23, 2007] 



Subpart A—General Provisions 










Designation of noise description meth-



Identification of land uses in airport 

noise study area. 

Subpart B—Agreements 




Notice of the proposed restriction. 


Requirements for new entrants. 


Implementation of the restriction. 


Notice of termination of restriction 

pursuant to an agreement. 


Availability of data and comments 

on a restriction implemented pursuant to 
an agreement. 


Effect of agreements; limitation on 


Subpart C—Notice Requirements for Stage 

2 Restrictions 




Notice of proposed restriction. 


Required analysis of proposed re-

striction and alternatives. 


Comment by interested parties. 


Requirements for proposal changes. 


Optional use of 14 CFR part 150 pro-



Notification of a decision not to im-

plement a restriction. 

Subpart D—Notice, Review, and Approval 

Requirements for Stage 3 Restrictions 




Notice of proposed restrictions. 


Required analysis and conditions for 

approval of proposed restrictions. 


Comment by interested parties. 


Requirements for proposal changes. 


Application procedure for approval 

of proposed restriction. 


Review of application. 


Receipt of complete application. 


Approval or disapproval of proposed 



Withdrawal or revision of restric-



Optional use of 14 CFR part 150 pro-



Notification of a decision not to im-

plement a restriction. 


Availability of data and comments 

on an implemented restriction. 

Subpart E—Reevaluation of Stage 3 





Criteria for reevaluation. 


Request for reevaluation. 


Notice of reevaluation. 


Required analysis by reevaluation 



Comment by interested parties. 


Reevaluation procedure. 


Reevaluation action. 


Notification of status of restrictions 

and agreements not meeting conditions- 
of-approval criteria. 

Subpart F—Failure To Comply With This Part 




Informal resolution; notice of appar-

ent violation. 


Notice of proposed termination of 

airport grant funds and passenger facil-
ity charges. 



: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 47523–47527, 




: Docket No. 26432, 56 FR 48698, 

Sept. 25, 1991, unless otherwise noted. 

Subpart A—General Provisions 

§ 161.1 Purpose. 

This part implements the Airport 

Noise and Capacity Act of 1990 (49