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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 16.105 

the notice within 30 days of the date of 
service; and inform the respondent that 
the FAA will, in its discretion, invite 
good faith efforts to resolve the mat-

§ 16.105

Failure to resolve informally. 

If the matters addressed in the FAA 

notices are not resolved informally, the 
FAA may issue a Director’s Determina-
tion under § 16.31. 

[Doc. No. 27783, 61 FR 54004, Oct. 16, 1996, as 
amended at Amdt. 16–1, 78 FR 56146, Sept. 12, 

Subpart E—Proposed Orders of 


§ 16.109

Orders terminating eligibility 

for grants, cease and desist orders, 
and other compliance orders. 

(a) The agency will provide the op-

portunity for a hearing if, in the Direc-
tor’s determination, the agency issues 
or proposes to issue an order termi-
nating eligibility for grants pursuant 
to 49 U.S.C. 47106(d), an order sus-
pending the payment of grant funds 
pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 47111(d); an order 
withholding approval of any new appli-
cation to impose a passenger facility 
charge pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 47111(e); a 
cease and desist order; an order direct-
ing the refund of fees unlawfully col-
lected; or any other compliance order 
issued by the Administrator to carry 
out the provisions of the Acts, and re-
quired to be issued after notice and op-
portunity for a hearing. In cases in 
which a hearing is not required by stat-
ute, the FAA may provide opportunity 
for a hearing at its discretion. 

(b) In a case in which the agency pro-

vides the opportunity for a hearing, the 
Director’s Determination issued under 
§ 16.31 will include a statement of the 
availability of a hearing under subpart 
F of this part. 

(1) Within 20 days after service of a 

Director’s Determination under § 16.31 
that provides an opportunity for a 
hearing a person subject to the pro-
posed compliance order may— 

(i) Request a hearing under subpart F 

of this part; 

(ii) Waive hearing and appeal the Di-

rector’s Determination in writing, as 
provided in § 16.33; 

(iii) File, jointly with a complainant, 

a motion to withdraw the complaint 
and to dismiss the proposed compliance 
action; or 

(iv) Submit, jointly with the agency, 

a proposed consent order under 
§ 16.34(c). 

(2) If the respondent fails to file an 

appeal in writing within the time peri-
ods provided in paragraph (c) of this 
section, the Director’s Determination 
becomes final. 

(c) The Director may either direct 

the respondent to submit a Corrective 
Action Plan or initiate proceedings to 
revoke and/or deny the respondent’s 
application for Airport Improvement 
Program discretionary grants under 49 
U.S.C. 47115 and general aviation air-
port grants under 49 U.S.C. 47114(d) 
when a Director’s Determination finds 
a respondent in noncompliance and 
does not provide for a hearing. 

(d) In the event that the respondent 

fails to submit, in accordance with a 
Director’s Determination, a Corrective 
Action Plan acceptable to the FAA 
within the time provided, unless ex-
tended by the FAA for good cause, and/ 
or if the respondent fails to complete 
the Corrective Action Plan as specified 
therein, the Director may initiate ac-
tion to revoke and/or deny applications 
for Airport Improvement Program dis-
cretionary grants under 49 U.S.C. 47115 
and general aviation airport grants 
under 49 U.S.C. 47114(d). 

(e) For those violations that cannot 

be remedied through corrective action, 
the Director may initiate action to re-
voke and/or deny the respondent’s ap-
plications for Airport Improvement 
Program discretionary grants under 49 
U.S.C. 47115 and general aviation air-
port grants under 49 U.S.C. 47114(d). 

(f) When the Director concludes that 

the respondent has fully complied with 
the Corrective Action Plan and/or when 
the Director determines that the re-
spondent has corrected the areas of 
noncompliance, the Director will ter-
minate the proceeding. 

(g) A complainant’s standing termi-

nates upon the issuance of a Director’s 
Determination that finds a respondent 
in noncompliance on all identified 
issues. The complainant may not ap-
peal the Director’s Determination if 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 16.207 

the Director finds noncompliance on 
all identified issues. 

[Amdt. 16–1, 78 FR 56146, Sept. 12, 2013] 

Subpart F—Hearings 

§ 16.201

Notice and order of hearing. 

(a) If a respondent is provided the op-

portunity for hearing in an initial de-
termination and does not waive hear-
ing, the Deputy Chief Counsel within 10 
days after the respondent elects a hear-
ing will issue and serve on the respond-
ent and complainant a hearing order. 
The hearing order will set forth: 

(1) The allegations in the complaint, 

or notice of investigation, and the 
chronology and results of the inves-
tigation preliminary to the hearing; 

(2) The relevant statutory, judicial, 

regulatory, and other authorities; 

(3) The issues to be decided; 
(4) Such rules of procedure as may be 

necessary to supplement the provisions 
of this part; 

(5) The name and address of the per-

son designated as hearing officer, and 
the assignment of authority to the 
hearing officer to conduct the hearing 
in accordance with the procedures set 
forth in this part; and 

(6) The date by which the hearing of-

ficer is directed to issue an initial deci-

(b) Where there are no genuine issues 

of material fact requiring oral exam-
ination of witnesses, the hearing order 
may contain a direction to the hearing 
officer to conduct a hearing by submis-
sion of briefs and oral argument with-
out the presentation of testimony or 
other evidence. 

[Doc. No. 27783, 61 FR 54004, Oct. 16, 1996, as 
amended at Amdt. 16–1, 78 FR 56146, Sept. 12, 

§ 16.202

Powers of a hearing officer. 

In accordance with the rules of this 

subpart, a hearing officer may: 

(a) Give notice of, and hold, pre-

hearing conferences and hearings; 

(b) Administer oaths and affirma-


(c) Issue subpoenas authorized by law 

and issue notices of deposition re-
quested by the parties; 

(d) Limit the frequency and extent of 


(e) Rule on offers of proof; 
(f) Receive relevant and material evi-


(g) Regulate the course of the hear-

ing in accordance with the rules of this 
part to avoid unnecessary and duplica-
tive proceedings in the interest of 
prompt and fair resolution of the mat-
ters at issue; 

(h) Hold conferences to settle or to 

simplify the issues by consent of the 

(i) Dispose of procedural motions and 


(j) Examine witnesses; and 
(k) Make findings of fact and conclu-

sions of law, and issue an initial deci-

§ 16.203

Appearances, parties, and 

rights of parties. 


Appearances.  Any party may ap-

pear and be heard in person. 

(1) Any party may be accompanied, 

represented, or advised by an attorney 
licensed by a State, the District of Co-
lumbia, or a territory of the United 
States to practice law or appear before 
the courts of that State or territory, or 
by another person authorized by the 
hearing officer to be the party’s rep-

(2) An attorney, or other duly author-

ized representative, who represents a 
party shall file a notice of appearance 
in accordance with § 16.13. 


Parties and agency participation. (1) 

The parties to the hearing are the com-
plainant(s) and respondent(s) named in 
the hearing order, and the agency. The 
style of any pleadings filed under this 
Subpart shall name the respondent as 
the Appellant, and the Federal Avia-
tion Administration as the Agency. 

(2) Unless otherwise specified in the 

hearing order, the agency attorney will 
serve as prosecutor for the agency from 
the date of issuance of the Director’s 
Determination providing an oppor-
tunity for hearing. 

[Doc. No. 27783, 61 FR 54004, Oct. 16, 1996, as 
amended at Amdt. 16–1, 78 FR 56146, Sept. 12, 

§ 16.207

Intervention and other par-


(a) Intervention and participation by 

other persons are permitted only at the 
hearing stage of the complaint process 

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