14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 16.217
(2) Such depositions will be allowed
only with the specific written permis-
sion of the Chief Counsel or his or her
[Doc. No. 27783, 61 FR 54004, Oct. 16, 1996, as
amended at Amdt. 16–1, 78 FR 56147, Sept. 12,
§ 16.217
(a) Each party may designate as a
witness any person who is able and
willing to give testimony that is rel-
evant and material to the issues in the
hearing case, subject to the limitation
set forth in paragraph (b) of this sec-
(b) The hearing officer may exclude
testimony of witnesses that would be
irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly rep-
(c) Any witness may be accompanied
by counsel. Counsel representing a
nonparty witness has no right to exam-
ine the witness or otherwise partici-
pate in the development of testimony.
§ 16.219
Request for subpoena. A party may
apply to the hearing officer, within the
time specified for such applications in
the prehearing conference report, for a
subpoena to compel testimony at a
hearing or to require the production of
documents only from the following per-
(1) Another party;
(2) An officer, employee, or agent of
another party;
(3) Any other person named in the
complaint as participating in or bene-
fiting from the actions of the respond-
ent alleged to have violated any Act;
(4) An officer, employee, or agent of
any other person named in the com-
plaint as participating in or benefiting
from the actions of the respondent al-
leged to have violated any Act.
Issuance and service of subpoena.
(1) The hearing officer issues the sub-
poena if the hearing officer determines
that the evidence to be obtained by the
subpoena is relevant and material to
the resolution of the issues in the case.
(2) Subpoenas shall be served by per-
sonal service, or upon an agent des-
ignated in writing for the purpose, or
by certified mail, return receipt ad-
dressed to such person or agent. When-
ever service is made by registered or
certified mail, the date of mailing shall
be considered as the time when service
is made.
(3) A subpoena issued under this part
is effective throughout the United
States or any territory or possession
Motions to quash or modify sub-
poena. (1) A party or any person upon
whom a subpoena has been served may
file a motion to quash or modify the
subpoena with the hearing officer at or
before the time specified in the sub-
poena for the filing of such motions.
The applicant shall describe in detail
the basis for the application to quash
or modify the subpoena including, but
not limited to, a statement that the
testimony, document, or tangible evi-
dence is not relevant to the proceeding,
that the subpoena is not reasonably
tailored to the scope of the proceeding,
or that the subpoena is unreasonable
and oppressive.
(2) A motion to quash or modify the
subpoena stays the effect of the sub-
poena pending a decision by the hear-
ing officer on the motion.
§ 16.221
Witness fees.
(a) The party on whose behalf a wit-
ness appears is responsible for paying
any witness fees and mileage expenses.
(b) Except for employees of the
United States summoned to testify as
to matters related to their public em-
ployment, witnesses summoned by sub-
poena shall be paid the same fees and
mileage expenses as are paid to a wit-
ness in a court of the United States in
comparable circumstances.
§ 16.223
General. A party may submit di-
rect and rebuttal evidence in accord-
ance with this section.
Requirement for written testimony
and evidence. Except in the case of evi-
dence obtained by subpoena, or in the
case of a special ruling by the hearing
officer to admit oral testimony, a par-
ty’s direct and rebuttal evidence shall
be submitted in written form in ad-
vance of the oral hearing pursuant to
the schedule established in the hearing
officer’s prehearing conference report.
Written direct and rebuttal fact testi-
mony shall be certified by the witness
as true and correct. Subject to the
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