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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 161.303 

date the new notice and revised anal-
ysis are made available for public com-

§ 161.211 Optional use of 14 CFR part 

150 procedures. 

(a) An airport operator may use the 

procedures in part 150 of this chapter, 
instead of the procedures described in 
§§ 161.203(b) and 161.209(b), as a means of 
providing an adequate public notice 
and comment opportunity on a pro-
posed Stage 2 restriction. 

(b) If the airport operator elects to 

use 14 CFR part 150 procedures to com-
ply with this subpart, the operator 

(1) Ensure that all parties identified 

for direct notice under § 161.203(b) are 
notified that the airport’s 14 CFR part 
150 program will include a proposed 
Stage 2 restriction under part 161, and 
that these parties are offered the op-
portunity to participate as consulted 
parties during the development of the 
14 CFR part 150 program; 

(2) Provide the FAA with a full text 

of the proposed restriction, including 
any sanctions for noncompliance, at 
the time of the notice; 

(3) Include the information in § 161.203 

(c)(2) through (c)(5) and 161.205 in the 
analysis of the proposed restriction for 
the part 14 CFR part 150 program; 

(4) Wait 180 days following the avail-

ability of the above analysis for review 
by the consulted parties and compli-
ance with the above notice require-
ments before implementing the Stage 2 
restriction; and 

(5) Include in its 14 CFR part 150 sub-

mission to the FAA evidence of compli-
ance with paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(4) of 
this section, and the analysis in para-
graph (b)(3) of this section, together 
with a clear identification that the 14 
CFR part 150 program includes a pro-
posed Stage 2 restriction under part 

(c) The FAA determination on the 14 

CFR part 150 submission does not con-
stitute approval or disapproval of the 
proposed Stage 2 restriction under part 

(d) An amendment of a restriction 

may also be processed under 14 CFR 
part 150 procedures in accordance with 
this section. 

§ 161.213 Notification of a decision not 

to implement a restriction. 

If a proposed restriction has been 

through the procedures prescribed in 
this subpart and the restriction is not 
subsequently implemented, the airport 
operator shall so advise the interested 
parties. Interested parties are de-
scribed in § 161.209(a). 

Subpart D—Notice, Review, and 

Approval Requirements for 
Stage 3 Restrictions 

§ 161.301 Scope. 

(a) This subpart applies to: 
(1) An airport imposing a noise or ac-

cess restriction on the operation of 
Stage 3 aircraft that first became effec-
tive after October 1, 1990. 

(2) An airport imposing an amend-

ment to a Stage 3 restriction, if the 
amendment becomes effective after Oc-
tober 1, 1990, and reduces or limits 
Stage 3 aircraft operations (compared 
to the restriction that it amends) or af-
fects aircraft safety. 

(b) This subpart does not apply to an 

airport imposing a Stage 3 restriction 
specifically exempted in § 161.7, or an 
agreement complying with subpart B of 
this part. 

(c) A Stage 3 restriction within the 

scope of this subpart may not become 
effective unless it has been submitted 
to and approved by the FAA. The FAA 
will review only those Stage 3 restric-
tions that are proposed by, or on behalf 
of, an entity empowered to implement 
the restriction. 

§ 161.303 Notice of proposed restric-


(a) Each airport operator or aircraft 

operator (hereinafter referred to as ap-
plicant) proposing a Stage 3 restriction 
shall provide public notice and an op-
portunity for public comment, as pre-
scribed in this subpart, before submit-
ting the restriction to the FAA for re-
view and approval. 

(b) Except as provided in § 161.321, an 

applicant shall publish a notice of the 
proposed restriction in an areawide 
newspaper or newspapers that either 
singly or together has general circula-
tion throughout the airport noise study 
area; post a notice in the airport in a