Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 161.317
matter without prejudice to later ap-
plication and does not constitute dis-
approval of the proposed restriction.
(4) If the applicant chooses to resub-
mit and supplement the application,
the following procedures apply:
(i) Upon receipt of the resubmitted
application, the FAA determines
whether the application, as supple-
mented, is complete as set forth in
paragraph (a) of this section.
(ii) If the application is complete, the
procedures set forth in § 161.315 shall be
followed. The 180-day review period
starts on the date of receipt of the last
supplement to the application.
(iii) If the application is still not
complete with respect to the proposed
restriction or at least one submitted
alternative, the FAA so advises the ap-
plicant as set forth in paragraph (c)(1)
of this section and provides the appli-
cant with an additional opportunity to
supplement the application as set forth
in paragraph (c)(2) of this section.
(iv) If the environmental documenta-
tion (either an environmental assess-
ment or information supporting a cat-
egorical exclusion) is incomplete, the
FAA will so notify the applicant in
writing, returning the application and
setting forth the types of information
and analysis needed to complete the
documentation. The FAA will continue
to return an application until adequate
environmental documentation is pro-
vided. When the application is deter-
mined to be complete, including the
environmental documentation, the 180-
day period for approval or disapproval
will begin upon receipt of the last sup-
plement to the application.
(v) Following review of the applica-
tion and its supplements, public com-
ments, and any other information ob-
tained under § 161.317(b), the FAA will
issue a decision approving or dis-
approving the application. This deci-
sion is a final decision of the Adminis-
trator for the purpose of judicial re-
(5) The FAA will deny the application
and return it to the applicant if:
(i) None of the proposals submitted
are found to be complete;
(ii) The application has been returned
twice to the applicant for reasons other
than completion of the environmental
documentation; and
(iii) The applicant declines to com-
plete the application. This closes the
matter without prejudice to later ap-
plication, and does not constitute dis-
approval of the proposed restriction.
§ 161.315 Receipt of complete applica-
(a) When a complete application has
been received, the FAA will notify the
applicant by letter that the FAA in-
tends to act on the application.
(b) The FAA will publish notice of
the proposed restriction in the F
, inviting interested par-
ties to file comments on the applica-
tion within 30 days after publication of
the F
§ 161.317 Approval or disapproval of
proposed restriction.
(a) Upon determination that an appli-
cation is complete with respect to at
least one of the proposals submitted by
the applicant, the FAA will act upon
the complete proposals in the applica-
tion. The FAA will not act on any pro-
posal for which the applicant has de-
clined to submit additional necessary
(b) The FAA will review the appli-
cant’s proposals in the preference order
specified by the applicant. The FAA
may request additional information
from aircraft operators, or any other
party, and may convene an informal
meeting to gather facts relevant to its
(c) The FAA will evaluate the pro-
posal and issue an order approving or
disapproving the proposed restriction
and any submitted alternatives, in
whole or in part, in the order of pref-
erence indicated by the applicant. Once
the FAA approves a proposed restric-
tion, the FAA will not consider any
proposals of lower applicant-stated
preference. Approval or disapproval
will be given by the FAA within 180
days after receipt of the application or
last supplement thereto under § 161.313.
The FAA will publish its decision in
the F
and notify the
applicant in writing.
(d) The applicant’s failure to provide
substantial evidence supporting the
statutory conditions for approval of a
particular proposal is grounds for dis-
approval of that proposed restriction.
14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 161.319
(e) The FAA will approve or dis-
approve only the Stage 3 aspects of a
restriction if the restriction applies to
both Stage 2 and Stage 3 aircraft oper-
(f) An order approving a restriction
may be subject to requirements that
the applicant:
(1) Comply with factual representa-
tions and commitments in support of
the restriction; and
(2) Ensure that any environmental
mitigation actions or commitments by
any party that are set forth in the en-
vironmental documentation provided
in support of the restriction are imple-
§ 161.319 Withdrawal or revision of re-
(a) The applicant may withdraw or
revise a proposed restriction at any
time prior to FAA approval or dis-
approval, and must do so if substantial
changes are made as described in
§ 161.309. The applicant shall notify the
FAA in writing of a decision to with-
draw the proposed restriction for any
reason. The FAA will publish a notice
in the F
that it has
terminated its review without preju-
dice to resubmission. A resubmission
will be considered a new application.
(b) A subsequent amendment to a
Stage 3 restriction that was in effect
after October 1, 1990, or an amendment
to a Stage 3 restriction previously ap-
proved by the FAA, is subject to the
procedures in this subpart if the
amendment will further reduce or limit
aircraft operations or affect aircraft
safety. The applicant may, at its op-
tion, revise or amend a restriction pre-
viously disapproved by the FAA and re-
submit it for approval. Amendments
are subject to the same requirements
and procedures as initial submissions.
§ 161.321 Optional use of 14 CFR part
150 procedures.
(a) An airport operator may use the
procedures in part 150 of this chapter,
instead of the procedures described in
§§ 161.303(b) and 161.309(b) of this part,
as a means of providing an adequate
public notice and opportunity to com-
ment on proposed Stage 3 restrictions,
including submitted alternatives.
(b) If the airport operator elects to
use 14 CFR part 150 procedures to com-
ply with this subpart, the operator
(1) Ensure that all parties identified
for direct notice under § 161.303(b) are
notified that the airport’s 14 CFR part
150 program submission will include a
proposed Stage 3 restriction under part
161, and that these parties are offered
the opportunity to participate as con-
sulted parties during the development
of the 14 CFR part 150 program;
(2) Include the information required
in § 161.303(c) (2) through (5) and § 161.305
in the analysis of the proposed restric-
tion in the 14 CFR part 150 program
submission; and
(3) Include in its 14 CFR part 150 sub-
mission to the FAA evidence of compli-
ance with the notice requirements in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section and in-
clude the information required for a
part 161 application in § 161.311, to-
gether with a clear identification that
the 14 CFR part 150 submission in-
cludes a proposed Stage 3 restriction
for FAA review and approval under
§§ 161.313, 161.315, and 161.317.
(c) The FAA will evaluate the pro-
posed part 161 restriction on Stage 3
aircraft operations included in the 14
CFR part 150 submission in accordance
with the procedures and standards of
this part, and will review the total 14
CFR part 150 submission in accordance
with the procedures and standards of 14
CFR part 150.
(d) An amendment of a restriction, as
specified in § 161.319(b) of this part, may
also be processed under 14 CFR part 150
§ 161.323 Notification of a decision not
to implement a restriction.
If a Stage 3 restriction has been ap-
proved by the FAA and the restriction
is not subsequently implemented, the
applicant shall so advise the interested
parties specified in § 161.309(a) of this
§ 161.325 Availability of data and com-
ments on an implemented restric-
The applicant shall retain all rel-
evant supporting data and all com-
ments relating to an approved restric-
tion for as long as the restriction is in