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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

Pt. 169 

agree in writing, within 20 days of re-
ceipt of the FAA’s notice of apparent 
violation under § 161.503, to defer imple-
mentation or enforcement of its noise 
or access restriction until completion 
of the process under this subpart to de-
termine compliance. 

(1) The FAA will issue a notice of 

proposed termination to the airport op-
erator and publish notice of the pro-
posed action in the F




This notice will state the scope of the 
proposed termination, the basis for the 
proposed action, and the date for filing 
written comments or objections by all 
interested parties. This notice will also 
identify any corrective action the air-
port operator can take to avoid further 
proceedings. The due date for com-
ments and corrective action by the air-
port operator shall be specified in the 
notice of proposed termination and 
shall not be less than 30 days after pub-
lication of the notice. 

(2) The FAA will review the com-

ments, statements, and data supplied 
by the airport operator, and any other 
available information, to determine if 
the airport operator has provided satis-
factory evidence of compliance or has 
taken satisfactory corrective action. If 
the FAA finds satisfactory evidence of 
compliance, the FAA will notify the 
airport operator in writing and publish 
notice of compliance in the F





(3) If the FAA determines that the 

airport operator has taken action to 
impose a noise or access restriction in 
violation of the Airport Noise and Ca-
pacity Act of 1990 or this part, the pro-
cedures in paragraphs (b)(3) through 
(b)(5) of this section will be followed. 






Application for recommendation and 



FAA determination. 



: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40101–40107, 

40113–40114, 44501–44502, 46104, 47122, 47151– 
47153, 47302–47306. 

§ 169.1 Applicability. 

(a) This part prescribes the require-

ments for issuing a written rec-
ommendation and certification that a 
proposed project is reasonably nec-
essary for use in air commerce or in 
the interests of national defense. The 
first two sentences of section 308(a) of 
the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 
U.S.C. 1349(a)): (1) Require such a rec-
ommendation and certification where 
Federal funds are to be expended for 
nonmilitary purposes for airports or 
air navigation facilities thereon; and 
(2) provide that any interested person 
may apply to the Administrator, under 
regulations prescribed by him, for a 
recommendation and certification. 

(b) This part does not apply to 

projects for the expenditure of Federal 
funds for military purposes or for air-
ports, or air navigation facilities there-
on, operated by the Federal Aviation 

[Doc. No. 9256, 34 FR 5718, Mar. 27, 1969] 

§ 169.3 Application for recommenda-

tion and certification. 

(a) Any interested person may apply 

to the Administrator for a rec-
ommendation and certification with 
respect to a proposed project for the 
acquisition, establishment, construc-
tion, alteration, repair, maintenance, 
or operation of an airport or an air 
navigation facility thereon by or in his 
interests, on which Federal funds are 
proposed to be expended for non-
military purposes. The application 
shall be filed with the Regional Air-
ports Division or Airports District Of-
fice, whichever is appropriate, in whose 
geographical area the airport is lo-
cated. The application must state— 

(1) The name and address of the ap-

plicant, the owner of the airport, and 
the individual responsible for its oper-
ation and maintenance, and the inter-
est of the applicant in the matter; 

(2) The location of the airport, and of 

any air navigation facilities thereon; 

(3) A technical description of the 


(4) The information contained in the 

notice required by § 157.3 of this chap-
ter; and 

(5) All available pertinent data relat-

ing to the necessity of the airport or