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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 17.9 

Officer (CO) pursuant to §§ 17.15(e) and 

(b) Submissions to the ODRA after 

the initial filing of a protest or con-
tract dispute may be accomplished by 
any means available in paragraph (a) of 
this section. Copies of all such submis-
sions shall be served on the opposing 
party or parties. 

(c) The time limits stated in this part 

are calculated in business days, which 
exclude weekends, Federal holidays 
and other days on which Federal Gov-
ernment offices in Washington, DC are 
not open. In computing time, the day 
of the event beginning a period of time 
shall not be included. If the last day of 
a period falls on a weekend or a Fed-
eral holiday, the first business day fol-
lowing the weekend or holiday shall be 
considered the last day of the period. 

(d) Electronic Filing—Procedures for 

electronic filing may be utilized where 
permitted by Order of the ODRA on a 
case-by-case basis or pursuant to a 
Standing Order of the ODRA permit-
ting electronic filing. 

§ 17.9

Protective orders. 

(a) The ODRA may issue protective 

orders addressing the treatment of pro-
tected information, including pro-
tected information in electronic form, 
either at the request of a party or upon 
its own initiative. Such information 
may include proprietary, confidential, 
or source-selection-sensitive material, 
or other information the release of 
which could result in a competitive ad-
vantage to one or more firms. 

(b) The terms of the ODRA’s standard 

protective order may be altered to suit 
particular circumstances, by negotia-
tion of the parties, subject to the ap-
proval of the ODRA. The protective 
order establishes procedures for appli-
cation for access to protected informa-
tion, identification and safeguarding of 
that information, and submission of re-
dacted copies of documents omitting 
protected information. 

(c) After a protective order has been 

issued, counsel or consultants retained 
by counsel appearing on behalf of a 
party may apply for access to the ma-
terial under the order by submitting an 
application to the ODRA, with copies 
furnished simultaneously to all parties. 
The application shall establish that the 

applicant is not involved in competi-
tive decision-making for any firm that 
could gain a competitive advantage 
from access to the protected informa-
tion and that the applicant will dili-
gently protect any protected informa-
tion received from inadvertent disclo-
sure. Objections to an applicant’s ad-
mission shall be raised within two (2) 
days of the application, although the 
ODRA may consider objections raised 
after that time for good cause. 

(d) Any violation of the terms of a 

protective order may result in the im-
position of sanctions, including but not 
limited to removal of the violator from 
the protective order and reporting of 
the violator to his or her bar associa-
tion(s), and the taking of other actions 
as the ODRA deems appropriate. Addi-
tional civil or criminal penalties may 

Subpart B—Protests 

§ 17.11

Matters not subject to protest. 

The following matters may not be 

protested before the ODRA, except for 
review of compliance with the AMS: 

(a) FAA purchases from or through, 

State, local, and tribal governments 
and public authorities; 

(b) FAA purchases from or through 

other Federal agencies; 

(c) Grants; 
(d) Cooperative agreements; 
(e) Other transactions. 

§ 17.13

Dispute resolution process for 


(a) Protests concerning FAA SIRs, 

solicitations, or contract awards shall 
be resolved pursuant to this part. 

(b) Potential protestors should, 

where possible, attempt to resolve any 
issues concerning potential protests 
with the CO. Such attempts are not a 
prerequisite to filing a protest with the 

(c) Offerors or prospective offerors 

shall file a protest with the ODRA in 
accordance with § 17.15. The protest 
time limitations set forth in § 17.15 will 
not be extended by attempts to resolve 
a potential protest with the CO. Other 
than the time limitations specified in 
§ 17.15 for the filing of protests, the 
ODRA retains the discretion to modify 

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