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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 17.19 

(b) Within five (5) business days of 

the filing of a protest, or as soon there-
after as practicable, the ODRA shall 
convene an initial status conference for 
purposes of: 

(1) Reviewing the ODRA’s ADR and 

adjudication procedures and estab-
lishing a preliminary schedule; 

(2) Identifying legal or other prelimi-

nary or potentially dispositive issues 
and answering the parties’ questions 
regarding the ODRA process; 

(3) Dealing with issues related to pro-

tected information and the issuance of 
any needed protective order; 

(4) Encouraging the parties to con-

sider using ADR; 

(5) Appointing a DRO as a potential 

ADR neutral to assist the parties in 
considering ADR options and devel-
oping an ADR agreement; and 

(6) For any other reason deemed ap-

propriate by the DRO or by the ODRA. 

(c) The Product Team and protester 

will have five (5) business days from 
the date of the initial status con-
ference to decide whether they will at-
tempt to use an ADR process in the 
case. With the agreement of the ODRA, 
ADR may be used concurrently with 
the adjudication of a protest. See 
§ 17.37(e). 

(d) If the Product Team and protester 

elect to use ADR proceedings to resolve 
the protest, they will agree upon the 
neutral to conduct the ADR pro-
ceedings (either an ODRA DRO or a 
compensated neutral of their own 
choosing) pursuant to § 17.37, and shall 
execute and file with the ODRA a writ-
ten ADR agreement. Agreement of any 
intervenor(s) to the use of ADR or the 
resolution of a dispute through ADR 
shall not be required. 

(e) If the Product Team or protester 

indicate that ADR proceedings will not 
be used, or if ADR is not successful in 
resolving the entire protest, the ODRA 
Director upon being informed of the 
situation, will schedule an adjudication 
of the protest. 

§ 17.19

Motions practice and dismissal 

or summary decision of protests. 

(a) Separate motions generally are 

discouraged in ODRA bid protests. 
Counsel and parties are encouraged to 
incorporate any such motions in their 
respective agency responses or com-

ments. Parties and counsel are encour-
aged to attempt to resolve typical mo-
tions issues through the ODRA ADR 
process. The ODRA may rule on any 
non-dispositive motion, where appro-
priate and necessary, after providing 
an opportunity for briefing on the mo-
tion by all affected parties. Unjustifi-
able, inappropriate use of motions may 
result in the imposition of sanctions. 
Where appropriate, a party may re-
quest by dispositive motion to the 
ODRA, or the ODRA may recommend 
or order, that: 

(1) The protest, or any count or por-

tion of a protest, be dismissed for lack 
of jurisdiction, timeliness, or standing 
to pursue the protest; 

(2) The protest, or any count or por-

tion of a protest, be dismissed, if frivo-
lous or without basis in fact or law, or 
for failure to state a claim upon which 
relief may be had; 

(3) A summary decision be issued 

with respect to the protest, or any 
count or portion of a protest, if there 
are no material facts in dispute and a 
party is entitled to summary decision 
as a matter of law. 

(b) In connection with consideration 

of possible dismissal or summary deci-
sion, the ODRA shall consider any ma-
terial facts in dispute, in a light most 
favorable to the party against whom 
the dismissal or summary decision 
would operate and draw all factual in-
ferences in favor of the non-moving 

(c) Either upon motion by a party or 

on its own initiative, the ODRA may, 
at any time, exercise its discretion to: 

(1) Recommend to the Administrator 

dismissal or the issuance of a summary 
decision with respect to the entire pro-

(2) Dismiss the entire protest or issue 

a summary decision with respect to the 
entire protest, if delegated that au-
thority by the Administrator; or 

(3) Dismiss or issue a summary deci-

sion with respect to any count or por-
tion of a protest. 

(d) A dismissal or summary decision 

regarding the entire protest by either 
the Administrator, or the ODRA by 
delegation, shall be construed as a final 
agency order. A dismissal or summary 
decision that does not resolve all 
counts or portions of a protest shall 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 17.21 

not constitute a final agency order, un-
less and until such dismissal or deci-
sion is incorporated or otherwise 
adopted in a decision by the Adminis-
trator (or the ODRA, by delegation) re-
garding the entire protest. 

(e) Prior to recommending or enter-

ing either a dismissal or a summary de-
cision, either in whole or in part, the 
ODRA shall afford all parties against 
whom the dismissal or summary deci-
sion is to be entered the opportunity to 
respond to the proposed dismissal or 
summary decision. 

§ 17.21

Adjudicative Process for pro-


(a) Other than for the resolution of 

preliminary or dispositive matters, the 
Adjudicative Process for protests will 
be commenced by the ODRA Director 
pursuant to § 17.17(e). 

(b) The Director of the ODRA shall 

appoint a DRO or a Special Master to 
conduct the adjudication proceedings, 
develop the administrative record, and 
prepare findings and recommendations 
for review of the ODRA Director. 

(c) The DRO or Special Master may 

conduct such proceedings and prepare 
procedural orders for the proceedings 
as deemed appropriate; and may re-
quire additional submissions from the 

(d) The Product Team response to the 

protest will be due to be filed and 
served ten (10) business days from the 
commencement of the ODRA Adjudica-
tion process. The Product Team re-
sponse shall consist of a written chron-
ological, supported statement of pro-
posed facts, and a written presentation 
of applicable legal or other defenses. 
The Product Team response shall cite 
to and be accompanied by all relevant 
documents, which shall be chrono-
logically indexed, individually tabbed, 
and certified as authentic and com-
plete. A copy of the response shall be 
furnished so as to be received by the 
protester and any intervenor(s) on the 
same date it is filed with the ODRA. In 
all cases, the Product Team shall indi-
cate the method of service used. 

(e) Comments of the protester and 

the intervenor on the Product Team re-
sponse will be due to be filed and 
served five (5) business days after their 
receipt of the response. Copies of such 

comments shall be provided to the 
other participating parties by the same 
means and on the same date as they 
are furnished to the ODRA. Comments 
may include any supplemental relevant 

(f) The ODRA may alter the schedule 

for filing of the Product Team response 
and the comments for good cause or to 
accommodate the circumstances of a 
particular protest. 

(g) The DRO or Special Master may 

convene the parties and/or their rep-
resentatives, as needed for the Adju-
dicative Process. 

(h) If, in the sole judgment of the 

DRO or Special Master, the parties 
have presented written material suffi-
cient to allow the protest to be decided 
on the record presented, the DRO or 
Special Master shall have the discre-
tion to decide the protest on that basis. 

(i) The parties may engage in lim-

ited, focused discovery with one an-
other and, if justified, with non-par-
ties, so as to obtain information rel-
evant to the allegations of the protest. 

(1) The DRO or Special Master shall 

manage the discovery process, includ-
ing limiting its length and availability, 
and shall establish schedules and dead-
lines for discovery, which are con-
sistent with timeframes established in 
this part and with the FAA policy of 
providing fair and expeditious dispute 

(2) The DRO or Special Master may 

also direct the parties to exchange, in 
an expedited manner, relevant, non- 
privileged documents. 

(3) Where justified, the DRO or Spe-

cial Master may direct the taking of 
deposition testimony, however, the 
FAA dispute resolution process does 
not contemplate extensive discovery. 

(4) The use of interrogatories and re-

quests for admission is not permitted 
in ODRA bid protests. 

(5) Where parties cannot voluntarily 

reach agreement on a discovery-related 
issue, they may timely seek assistance 
from an ODRA ADR neutral or may file 
an appropriate motion with the ODRA. 
Parties may request a subpoena. 

(6) Discovery requests and responses 

are not part of the record and will not 
be filed with the ODRA, except in con-
nection with a motion or other permis-
sible filing. 

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