Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 17.51
(e) Non-binding ADR techniques are
not mutually exclusive, and may be
used in combination if the parties
agree that a combination is most ap-
propriate to the dispute. The tech-
niques to be employed must be deter-
mined in advance by the parties and
shall be expressly described in their
ADR agreement. The agreement may
provide for the use of any fair and rea-
sonable ADR technique that is de-
signed to achieve a prompt resolution
of the matter. An ADR agreement for
non-binding ADR shall provide for a
termination of ADR proceedings and
the commencement of adjudication
under the Adjudicative Process, upon
the election of any party. Notwith-
standing such termination, the parties
may still engage with the ODRA in
ADR techniques (neutral evaluation
and/or informal mediation) concur-
rently with adjudication.
(f) Binding arbitration is available
through the ODRA, subject to the pro-
visions of applicable law and the ODRA
Binding Arbitration Guidance dated
October 2001 as developed in consulta-
tion with the Department of Justice.
(g) The parties may, where appro-
priate in a given case, submit to the
ODRA a negotiated protective order for
use in ADR in accordance with the re-
quirements of § 17.9.
§ 17.39
Confidentiality of ADR.
(a) The provisions of the Administra-
tive Dispute Resolution Act of 1996, 5
U.S.C. 571,
et seq., shall apply to ODRA
ADR proceedings.
(b) The ODRA looks to the principles
of Rule 408 of the Federal Rules of Evi-
dence in deciding admissibility issues
related to ADR communications.
(c) ADR communications are not part
of the administrative record unless
otherwise agreed by the parties.
Subpart E—Finality and Review
§ 17.41
Final orders.
All final FAA orders regarding pro-
tests or contract disputes under this
part are to be issued by the FAA Ad-
ministrator or by a delegee of the Ad-
§ 17.43
Judicial review.
(a) A protester or contractor may
seek review of a final FAA order, pur-
suant to 49 U.S.C. 46110, only after the
administrative remedies of this part
have been exhausted.
(b) A copy of the petition for review
shall be filed with the ODRA and the
FAA Chief Counsel on the date that the
petition for review is filed with the ap-
propriate circuit court of appeals.
§ 17.45
Conforming amendments.
The FAA shall amend pertinent pro-
visions of the AMS, standard contract
forms and clauses, and any guidance to
contracting officials, so as to conform
to the provisions of this part.
§ 17.47
The ODRA will not entertain re-
quests for reconsideration as a routine
matter, or where such requests evi-
dence mere disagreement with a deci-
sion or restatements of previous argu-
ments. A party seeking reconsideration
must demonstrate either clear errors of
fact or law in the underlying decision
or previously unavailable evidence that
warrants reversal or modification of
the decision. In order to be considered,
requests for reconsideration must be
filed within ten (10) business days of
the date of issuance of the public
version of the subject decision or order.
Subpart F—Other Matters
§ 17.49
If any party or its representative
fails to comply with an Order or Direc-
tive of the ODRA, the ODRA may enter
such orders and take such other ac-
tions as it deems necessary and in the
interest of justice.
§ 17.51
Decorum and professional con-
Legal representatives are expected to
conduct themselves at all times in a
civil and respectful manner appro-
priate to an administrative forum. Ad-
ditionally, counsel are expected to con-
duct themselves at all times in a pro-
fessional manner and in accordance
with all applicable rules of professional
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