14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 171.111
(iii) The identification signal must
employ the International Morse Code
and consist of three letters.
(iv) The identification signal must be
transmitted at a speed corresponding
to approximately seven words per
minute, and must be repeated at ap-
proximately equal intervals, not less
than six times per minute. When SDF
transmission is not available for oper-
ational use, including periods of re-
moval of navigational components or
during maintenance or test trans-
missions, the identification signal
must be suppressed.
(b) It must be shown during ground
inspection of the design features of the
equipment that there will not be condi-
tions that will allow unsafe operations
because of component failure or dete-
(c) The monitor must be checked pe-
riodically during the in-service test
evaluation period for calibration and
stability. These tests, and ground
checks of SDF radiation characteris-
tics must be conducted in accordance
with the maintenance manual required
by § 171.115(c) and must meet the stand-
ards and tolerances contained in
§ 171.111(j).
(d) The monitor system must provide
a warning to the designated control
point(s) when any of the conditions of
§ 171.111(j) occur, within the time peri-
ods specified in that paragraph.
(e) Flight inspection to determine
the adequacy of the facility’s oper-
ational performance and compliance
with applicable performance require-
ments must be conducted in accord-
ance with the ‘‘U.S. Standard Flight
Inspection Manual.’’ Tolerances con-
tained in the U.S. Standard Flight In-
spection Manual, section 217, must be
complied with except as stated in para-
graph (f) of this section.
(f) Flight inspection tolerances speci-
fied in section 217 of the ‘‘U.S. Stand-
ard Flight Inspection Manual’’ must be
complied with except as follows:
Course sector width.
The nominal
course sector width must be 6
. When
an operational advantage can be
achieved, a nominal course sector
width of 12
may be established. Course
sector width must be adjusted and
maintained within the limits of
percent of the nominal value.
Course alignment.
The mean course
line must be adjusted and maintained
within the limits of
10 percent of the
nominal course sector width.
Course structure.
Course deviations
due to roughness, scalloping, or bends
must be within the following limita-
Front course.
) Course structure
from 18 miles from runway threshold to
Point A must not exceed
40 micro-
) Point A to Point A–1—linear de-
crease from not more than
40 micro-
amperes at Point A to not more than
20 microamperes at Point A–1;
) Point A–1 to Missed Approach
Point—not more than
20 micro-
) Monitor tolerances: width
17 per-
cent of nominal; alignment—
10 per-
cent of nominal course sector width.
Back course.
) Course structure
18 miles from runway threshold to 4
miles from runway threshold must not
40 microamperes. Four miles
to 1 mile from R/W must not exceed
microamperes decreasing to not more
20 microamperes, at a linear
) Monitor tolerances: width—
percent of nominal; alignment—
percent of nominal course sector width.
[Doc. No. 10116, 35 FR 12711, Aug. 11, 1970, as
amended by Amdt. 171–9, 38 FR 28557, Oct. 15,
§ 171.111 Ground standards and toler-
Compliance with this section must be
shown as a condition to approval and
must be maintained during operation
of the SDF.
(1) The SDF must oper-
ate on odd tenths or odd tenths plus a
twentieth MHz within the frequency
band 108.1 MHz to 111.95 MHz. The fre-
quency tolerance of the radio fre-
quency carrier must not exceed plus or
minus 0.002 percent.
(2) The modulating tones must be 90
Hz and 150 Hz within
2.5 percent.
(3) The identification signal must be
1020 Hz within
50 Hz.
(4) The total harmonic content of the
90 Hz tone must not exceed 10 percent.
(5) The total harmonic content of the
150 Hz tone must not exceed 10 percent.
Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 171.113
Power output.
The normal carrier
power output must be of a value which
will provide coverage requirements of
§ 171.109(a)(6) when reduced by 3 dB to
the monitor RF power reduction alarm
point specified in § 171.111(j)(3).
(1) The VSWR of carrier
and sideband feedlines must be a nomi-
nal value of 1/1 and must not exceed 1.2/
(2) The sponsor will also provide addi-
tional manufacturer’s ground stand-
ards and tolerances for all VSWR pa-
rameters peculiar to the equipment
which can effect performance of the fa-
cility in meeting the requirements
specified in §§ 171.109 and 171.111.
Insulation resistance.
The insula-
tion resistance of all coaxial feedlines
must be greater than 20 megohms.
Depth of modulation.
(1) The depth
of modulation of the radio frequency
carrier due to each of the 90 Hz and 150
Hz tones must be 20 percent
2 percent
along the course line.
(2) The depth of modulation of the
radio frequency carrier due to the 1020
Hz identification signal must be within
5 percent to 15 percent.
Course sector width.
The standard
course sector width must be 6
or 12
The course sector must be maintained
17 percent of the standard.
Course alignment.
Course align-
ment must be as specified in
§ 171.109(a)(8).
Back course alignment and width.
a back course is provided, standards
and tolerances for back course sector
width and alignment must be the same
as course sector width and course
alignment specified in paragraphs (f)
and (g) of this section.
Clearance must be as
specified in § 171.109(a)(10).
Monitor standards and tolerances.
(1) The monitor system must provide a
warning to the designated control
point(s) when any of the conditions de-
scribed in this paragraph occur, within
the time periods specified in paragraph
(j)(6) of this section.
(2) Course shift alarm: The monitor
must alarm and cause radiation to
cease, or identification and navigation
signals must be removed, if the course
alignment deviates from standard
alignment by 10 percent or more of the
standard course sector width.
(3) RF power reduction alarm: The
monitor must alarm and cause radi-
ation to cease, or identification and
navigation signals must be removed, if
the output power is reduced by 3 db or
more from normal.
(4) Modulation level alarm: The mon-
itor must alarm and cause radiation to
cease, or identification and navigation
signals must be removed, if the 90 Hz
and 150 Hz modulation levels decrease
by 17 percent or more.
(5) Course sector width alarm: The
monitor must alarm and cause radi-
ation to cease, or identification and
navigation signals must be removed,
for a change in course sector width to
a value differing by
17 percent or more
from the standard.
(6) Monitor delay before shutdown:
Radiation must cease, or identification
and navigation signals must be re-
moved, within 10 seconds after a fault
is detected by the monitor, and no at-
tempt must be made to resume radi-
ation for a period of at least 20 seconds.
If an automatic recycle device is used,
not more than three successive recy-
cles may be permitted before a com-
plete SDF shutdown occurs.
Mean time between failures.
mean time between failures must not
be less than 800 hours. This measure is
applied only to equipment failures
(monitor or transmitting equipment,
including out of tolerance conditions)
which result in facility shutdown. It
does not relate to the responsiveness of
the maintenance organization.
Course alignment stability.
Drift of
the course alignment must not exceed
one-half the monitor limit in a 1-week
[Doc. No. 10116, 35 FR 12711, Aug. 11, 1970, as
amended by Amdt. 171–9, 38 FR 28558, Oct. 15,
§ 171.113 Installation requirements.
(a) The facility must be installed ac-
cording to accepted good engineering
practices, applicable electric and safe-
ty codes, and FCC requirements.
(b) The SDF facility must have the
following basic components:
(1) VHF SDF equipment and associ-
ated monitor system;
(2) Remote control, and indicator
equipment (remote monitor) when re-
quired by the FAA;