14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 171.117
prompt replacement of components
that fail or deteriorate in service.
(h) The owner shall provide Federal
Aviation Administration approved test
instruments needed for maintenance of
the facility.
(i) The owner shall close the facility
by ceasing radiation and shall issue a
‘‘Notice to Airmen’’ that the facility is
out of service (except that private use
facilities may omit ‘‘Notices to Air-
men’’), upon receiving two successive
pilot reports of its malfunctioning.
§ 171.117 Reports.
The owner of each facility to which
this subpart applies shall make the fol-
lowing reports, at the time indicated,
to the Federal Aviation Administra-
tion Regional Office for the area in
which the facility is located:
(a) Record of meter readings and ad-
justments (Form FAA–198). To be filled
out by the owner or his maintenance
representative with the equipment ad-
justments and meter readings as of the
time of commissioning, with one copy
to be kept in the permanent records of
the facility and two copies to the ap-
propriate Regional Office of the Fed-
eral Aviation Administration. The
owner shall revise the form after any
major repair, modification, or re-
tuning, to reflect an accurate record of
facility operation and adjustment.
(b) Facility maintenance log (FAA
Form 6030–1) This form is a permanent
record of all equipment malfunctioning
met in maintaining the facility, in-
cluding information on the kind of
work and adjustments made, equip-
ment failures, causes (if determined),
and corrective action taken. The owner
shall keep the original of each report
at the facility and send a copy to the
appropriate Regional Office of the Fed-
eral Aviation Administration at the
end of each month in which it is pre-
(c) Radio equipment operation record
(Form FAA–418), containing a complete
record of meter readings, recorded on
each scheduled visit to the facility.
The owner shall keep the original of
each month’s record at the facility and
send a copy of it to the appropriate Re-
gional Office of the Federal Aviation
[Doc. No. 10116, 35 FR 12711, Aug. 11, 1970, as
amended by Amdt. 171–10, 40 FR 36110, Aug.
19, 1975]
Subpart G—Distance Measuring
Equipment (DME)
: Docket No. 10116, 35 FR 12715, Aug.
11, 1970, unless otherwise noted.
§ 171.151 Scope.
This subpart sets forth minimum re-
quirements for the approval and oper-
ation of non-Federal DME facilities
that are to be involved in the approval
of instrument flight rules and air traf-
fic control procedures related to those
§ 171.153 Requests for IFR procedure.
(a) Each person who requests an IFR
procedure based on a DME facility that
he owns must submit the following in-
formation with that request:
(1) A description of the facility and
evidence that the equipment meets the
performance requirements of § 171.157
and is installed in accordance with
§ 171.159.
(2) A proposed procedure for oper-
ating the facility.
(3) A proposed maintenance organiza-
tion and maintenance manual that
meets the requirement of § 171.161.
(4) A statement of intention to meet
the requirements of this subpart.
(5) A showing that the facility has an
acceptable level of operational reli-
ability and an acceptable standard of
performance. Previous equivalent oper-
ational experience with a facility with
identical design and operational char-
acteristics will be considered in show-
ing compliance with this paragraph.
(b) After the Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration inspects and evaluates
the facility, it advises the owner of the
results and of any required changes in
the facility or the maintenance manual
or maintenance organization. The
owner must then correct the defi-
ciencies, if any, and operate the facil-
ity for an in-service evaluation by the
Federal Aviation Administration.