Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 171.23
§ 171.13 Reports.
The owner of each facility to which
this subpart applies shall make the fol-
lowing reports on forms furnished by
the FAA, at the times indicated, to the
FAA Regional office for the area in
which the facility is located:
Record of meter readings and adjust-
Form FAA–198
). To be filled out
by the owner with the equipment ad-
justments and meter readings as of the
time of commissioning, with one copy
to be kept in the permanent records of
the facility and two copies to the ap-
propriate Regional office of the FAA.
The owner shall revise the form after
any major repair, modernization, or re-
turning, to reflect an accurate record
of facility operation and adjustment.
Facility maintenance log
FAA Form
). This form is a permanent
record of all equipment malfunctioning
met in maintaining the facility, in-
cluding information on the kind of
work and adjustments made, equip-
ment failures, causes (if determined),
and corrective action taken. The owner
shall keep the original of each report
at the facility and send a copy to the
appropriate Regional office of the FAA
at the end of the month in which it is
Radio equipment operation record
Form FAA–418
). To contain a complete
record of meter readings, recorded on
each scheduled visit to the facility.
The owner shall keep the original of
each month’s record at the facility and
send a copy of it to the appropriate Re-
gional office of the FAA.
(d) [Reserved]
VOR ground check error data
Forms FAA–2396 and 2397
). To contain
results of the monthly course accuracy
ground check in accordance with FAA
Handbook AF P 6790.9 ‘‘Maintenance
Instructions for VHF Omniranges’’.
The owner shall keep the originals in
the facility and send a copy of each
form to the appropriate Regional office
of the FAA on a monthly basis.
(49 U.S.C. 1348)
[Doc. No. 5034, 29 FR 11337, Aug. 6, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 171–5, 34 FR 15245, Sept.
30, 1969; Amdt. 171–10, 40 FR 36110, Aug. 19,
Subpart B—Nondirectional Radio
Beacon Facilities
§ 171.21 Scope.
(a) This subpart sets forth minimum
requirements for the approval and op-
eration of non-Federal, nondirectional
radio beacon facilities that are to be
involved in the approval of instrument
flight rules and air traffic control pro-
cedures related to those facilities.
(b) A nondirectional radio beacon
(‘‘H’’ facilities domestically—NDB fa-
cilities internationally) radiates a con-
tinuous carrier of approximately equal
intensity at all azimuths. The carrier
is modulated at 1020 cycles per second
for station identification purposes.
[Doc. No. 5034, 29 FR 11337, Aug. 6, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 171–2, 31 FR 5408, Apr. 6,
1966; Amdt. 171–7, 35 FR 12711, Aug. 11, 1970]
§ 171.23 Requests for IFR procedure.
(a) Each person who requests an IFR
procedure based on a nondirectional
radio beacon facility that he owns
must submit the following information
with that request:
(1) A description of the facility and
evidence that the equipment meets the
performance requirements of § 171.27
and is installed in accordance with
§ 171.29.
(2) A proposed procedure for oper-
ating the facility.
(3) A proposed maintenance arrange-
ment and a maintenance manual that
meets the requirements of § 171.31.
(4) A statement of intention to meet
the requirements of this subpart.
(5) A showing that the facility has an
acceptable level of operational reli-
ability and an acceptable standard of
performance. Previous equivalent oper-
ational experience with a facility with
identical design and operational char-
acteristics will be considered in show-
ing compliance with this subparagraph.
(b) After the FAA inspects and evalu-
ates the facility, it advises the owner
of the results and of any required
changes in the facility or the mainte-
nance manual or maintenance organi-
zation. The owner must then correct
the deficiencies, if any, and operate the