14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 171.255
§ 171.255 Requests for IFR procedures.
(a) Each person who requests an IFR
procedure based on an ISMLS facility
that he owns must submit the fol-
lowing information with that request:
(1) A description of the facility and
evidence that the equipment meets the
performance requirements of §§ 171.259,
171.261, 171.263, 171.265, 171.267, and
171.269, and is installed in accordance
with § 171.271.
(2) A proposed procedure for oper-
ating the facility.
(3) A proposed maintenance organiza-
tion and a maintenance manual that
meets the requirements of § 171.273.
(4) A statement of intent to meet the
requirements of this subpart.
(5) A showing that the ISMLS facil-
ity has an acceptable level of oper-
ational reliability, maintainability and
acceptable standard of performance.
Previous equivalent operational experi-
ence with a facility with identical de-
sign and operational characteristics
will be considered in showing compli-
ance with this paragraph.
(b) After the FAA inspects and evalu-
ates the ISMLS facility, it advises the
owner of the results and of any re-
quired changes in the ISMLS facility
or in the maintenance manual or main-
tenance organization. The owner must
then correct the deficiencies, if any,
and operate the ISMLS facility for an
inservice evaluation by the FAA.
§ 171.257 Minimum requirements for
(a) The following are the minimum
requirements that must be met before
the FAA approves an IFR procedure for
a non-Federal ISMLS facility:
(1) The performance of the ISMLS fa-
cility, as determined by flight and
ground inspection conducted by the
FAA, must meet the requirements of
§§ 171.259, 171.261, 171.263, 171.265, 171.267,
and 171.269.
(2) The installation of the equipment
must meet the requirements of
§ 171.271.
(3) The owner must agree to operate
and maintain the ISMLS facility in ac-
cordance with § 171.273.
(4) The owner must agree to furnish
periodic reports as set forth in § 171.275
and agree to allow the FAA to inspect
the facility and its operation whenever
(5) The owner must assure the FAA
that he will not withdraw the ISMLS
facility from service without the per-
mission of the FAA.
(6) The owner must bear all costs of
meeting the requirements of this sec-
tion and of any flight or ground inspec-
tion made before the ISMLS facility is
commissioned, except that the FAA
may bear certain costs subject to budg-
etary limitations and policy estab-
lished by the Administrator.
(b) If the applicant for approval
meets the requirements of paragraph
(a) of this section, the FAA approves
the ISMLS facility for use in an IFR
procedure. The approval is withdrawn
at any time that the ISMLS facility
does not continue to meet those re-
quirements. In addition, the ISMLS fa-
cility may be de-commissioned when-
ever the frequency channel is needed
for higher priority common system
§ 171.259 Performance requirements:
(a) The ISMLS consists of the fol-
lowing basic components:
(1) C-Band (5000 MHz–5030 MHz) local-
izer equipment, associated monitor
system, and remote indicator equip-
(2) C-Band (5220 MHz–5250 MHz) glide
path equipment, associated monitor
system, and remote indicator equip-
(3) VHF marker beacons (75 MHz), as-
sociated monitor systems, and remote
indicator equipment.
(4) An ISMLS airborne receiver or a
VHF/UHF ILS receiver modified to be
capable of receiving the ISMLS signals.
This modification requires the addition
of a C-Band antenna, a converter unit,
a microwave/ILS mode control, and a
VHF/UHF receiver modification kit.
(b) The electronic ground equipments
in paragraph (a)(1), (2), and (3) of this
section, must be designed to operate on
a nominal 120/240 volt, 60 Hz, 3-wire sin-
gle phase AC power source.
(c) ISMLS ground equipment must
meet the following service conditions:
(1) AC line parameters, DC voltage,
elevation, and duty:
120 V nominal value, 102 V to 138 V (
1 V).*