Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 171.31
(2) At facilities within or imme-
diately adjacent to controlled airspace,
there must be the ground-air commu-
nications required by paragraph (d)(1)
of this section and reliable communica-
tions (at least a landline telephone)
from the airport to the nearest FAA
air traffic control or communication
Paragraphs (d) (1) and (2) of this sec-
tion are not mandatory at airports
where an adjacent FAA facility can
communicate with aircraft on the
ground at the airport and during the
entire proposed instrument approach
procedure. In addition, at low traffic
density airports within or immediately
adjacent to controlled airspace, and
where extensive delays are not a fac-
tor, the requirements of paragraphs (d)
(1) and (2) of this section may be re-
duced to reliable communications (at
least a landline telephone) from the
airport to the nearest FAA air traffic
control or communications facility, if
an adjacent FAA facility can commu-
nicate with aircraft during the pro-
posed instrument approach procedure,
at least down to the minimum en route
altitude for the controlled airspace
[Doc. No. 5034, 29 FR 11337, Aug. 6, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 171–16, 56 FR 65664, Dec.
17, 1991]
§ 171.31 Maintenance and operations
(a) The owner of the facility must es-
tablish an adequate maintenance sys-
tem and provide qualified maintenance
personnel to maintain the facility at
the level attained at the time it was
commissioned. Each person who main-
tains a facility must meet at least the
Federal Communications Commission’s
licensing requirements and show that
he has the special knowledge and skills
needed to maintain the facility includ-
ing proficiency in maintenance proce-
dures and the use of specialized test
(b) The owner must prepare, and ob-
tain approval of, an operations and
maintenance manual that sets forth
mandatory procedures for operations,
preventive maintenance, and emer-
gency maintenance, including instruc-
tions on each of the following:
(1) Physical security of the facility.
(2) Maintenance and operations by
authorized persons only.
(3) FCC licensing requirements for
operating and maintenance personnel.
(4) Posting of licenses and signs.
(5) Relations between the facility and
FAA air traffic control facilities, with
a description of the boundaries of con-
trolled airspace over or near the facil-
ity, instructions for relaying air traffic
control instructions and information
(if applicable), and instructions for the
operation of an air traffic advisory
service if the facility is located outside
of controlled airspace.
(6) Notice to the Administrator of
any suspension of service.
(7) Detailed arrangements for main-
tenance flight inspection and servicing
stating the frequency of servicing.
(8) Air-ground communications, if
provided, expressly written or incor-
porating appropriate sections of FAA
manuals by reference.
(9) Keeping of station logs and other
technical reports, and the submission
of reports required by § 171.33.
(10) Monitoring of the facility, at
least once each half hour, to assure
continuous operation.
(11) Inspections by United States per-
(12) Names, addresses, and telephone
numbers of persons to be notified in an
(13) Shutdowns for routine mainte-
nance and issue of ‘‘Notices to Airmen’’
for routine or emergency shutdowns
(private use facilities may omit the
‘‘Notices to Airmen’’).
(14) Commissioning of the facility.
(15) An acceptable procedure for
amending or revising the manual.
(16) The following information con-
cerning the facility:
(i) Location by latitude and lon-
gitude to the nearest second, and its
position with respect to airport lay-
(ii) The type, make, and model of the
basic radio equipment that will provide
the service.
(iii) The station power emission and
(iv) The hours of operation.
(v) Station identification call letters
and method of station identification,
whether by Morse code or recorded
14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 171.33
voice announcement, and the time
spacing of the identification.
(c) If the owner desires to modify the
facility, he must submit the proposal
to the FAA and meet applicable re-
quirements of the FCC.
(d) The owner’s maintenance per-
sonnel must participate in initial in-
spections made by the FAA. In the case
of subsequent inspections, the owner or
his representative shall participate.
(e) The owner shall provide a stock of
spare parts, including vacuum tubes, of
such a quantity to make possible the
prompt replacement of components
that fail or deteriorate in service.
(f) The owner shall close the facility
upon receiving two successive pilot re-
ports of its malfunctioning.
[Doc. No. 5034, 29 FR 11337, Aug. 6, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 171–2, 31 FR 5408, Apr. 6,
§ 171.33 Reports.
The owner of each facility to which
this subpart applies shall make the fol-
lowing reports, at the times indicated,
to the FAA Regional office for the area
in which the facility is located:
Record of meter readings and adjust-
Form FAA–198
). To be filled out
by the owner or his maintenance rep-
resentative with the equipment adjust-
ments and meter readings as of the
time of commissioning, with one copy
to be kept in the permanent records of
the facility and two copies to the ap-
propriate Regional Office of the FAA.
The owner shall revise the form after
any major repair, modernization, or re-
turning, to reflect an accurate record
of facility operation and adjustment.
Facility maintenance log
FAA Form
). This form is a permanent
record of all equipment malfunctioning
met in maintaining the facility, in-
cluding information on the kind of
work and adjustments made, equip-
ment failures, causes (if determined),
and corrective action taken. The owner
shall keep the original of each report
at the facility and send a copy to the
appropriate Regional Office of the FAA
at the end of the month in which it is
Radio equipment operation record
Form FAA–418
). To contain a complete
record of meter readings, recorded on
each scheduled visit to the facility.
The owner shall keep the original of
each month’s record at the facility and
send a copy of it to the appropriate Re-
gional Office of the FAA.
[Doc. No. 5034, 29 FR 11337, Aug. 6, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 171–10, 40 FR 36110, Aug.
19, 1975]
Subpart C—Instrument Landing
System (ILS) Facilities
§ 171.41 Scope.
This subpart sets forth minimum re-
quirements for the approval and oper-
ation of non-Federal Instrument Land-
ing System (ILS) Facilities that are to
be involved in the approval of instru-
ment flight rules and air traffic control
procedures related to those facilities.
[Doc. No. 5034, 29 FR 11337, Aug. 6, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 171–2, 31 FR 5408, Apr. 6,
1966; Amdt. 171–7, 35 FR 12711, Aug. 11, 1970]
§ 171.43 Requests for IFR procedure.
(a) Each person who requests an IFR
procedure based on an ILS facility that
he owns must submit the following in-
formation with that request:
(1) A description of the facility and
evidence that the equipment meets the
performance requirements of § 171.47
and is installed in accordance with
§ 171.49.
(2) A proposed procedure for oper-
ating the facility.
(3) A proposed maintenance organiza-
tion and a maintenance manual that
meets the requirements of § 171.51.
(4) A statement of intent to meet the
requirements of this subpart.
(5) A showing that the facility has an
acceptable level of operational reli-
ability and an acceptable standard of
performance. Previous equivalent oper-
ational experience with a facility with
identical design and operational char-
acteristics will be considered in show-
ing compliance with this subparagraph.
(b) After the FAA inspects and evalu-
ates the facility, it advises the owner
of the results and of any required
changes in the facility or the mainte-
nance manual or maintenance organi-
zation. The owner must then correct
the deficiencies, if any, and operate the