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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 193.15 

days after the date of designation. In-
formation provided during the time the 
designation was in effect remains pro-
tected under this part. Information 
provided that the designation ceases to 
be in effect is not protected under this 
part. The designation remains in effect 
for more than 60 days if— 

(1) The procedures to designate such 

information under § 193.11(a) have been 
initiated, or 

(2) There is an ongoing enforcement 

or criminal investigation, in which 
case the designation may continue 
until the investigation is completed. 


Amendment of designation. 


FAA may amend a designation under 
this section using the procedures in 
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. 


Withdrawal of designation. 


FAA may withdraw a designation 
under this section at any time the FAA 
finds that continuation does not meet 
the elements of § 193.7, or if the require-
ments of the designation are not met. 
The FAA withdraws the designation by 
notifying the person in writing that 
the designation is withdrawn. The 
withdrawal is effective on the date of 
receipt of the notice or such later date 
as the notice may state. Information 
provided during the time the designa-
tion was in effect remains protected 
under this part. Information provided 
after the withdrawal is effective is not 
protected under this part. 

§ 193.15 What FAA officials exercise 

the authority of the Administrator 

under this part? 

(a) The authority to issue proposed 

and final designations, to issue pro-
posed and final amendments of des-
ignations, and to withdraw designa-
tions under this part, and to disclose 
information that has been designated 
as protected under this part, is dele-
gated by the Administrator to Asso-
ciate Administrators and Assistant Ad-
ministrators and to the Chief Counsel, 
their Deputies, and any individual for-
mally designated as Acting Associate 
or Assistant Administrator, Acting 
Chief Counsel, or Acting Deputy of 
such offices. 

(b) The officials identified in para-

graph (a) of this section may further 
delegate the authority to issue pro-
posed designations and proposed 
amendments to designations. 

§ 193.17 How must design and produc-

tion approval holders handle infor-

mation they receive from the FAA 

under this part? 

(a) If the FAA discloses information 

under § 193.9(a)(2) to the holders of de-
sign approvals of production approvals 
issued by the FAA, the approval holder 
must disclose that information only to 
persons who need to know the informa-
tion to address the safety or security 

(b) Unless an emergency exists, be-

fore disclosing information to approval 
holders the FAA will contact the sub-
mitter of the information. 

