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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 21.123 

finds that the applicant meets the re-
quirements of §§ 21.113 and 21.115. 

(b) A supplemental type certificate 

consists of— 

(1) The approval by the FAA of a 

change in the type design of the prod-
uct; and 

(2) The type certificate previously 

issued for the product. 

[Doc. No. 5085, 29 FR 14568, Oct. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 21–92, 74 FR 53387, Oct. 16, 

§ 21.119


The holder of a supplemental type 

certificate may— 

(a) In the case of aircraft, obtain air-

worthiness certificates; 

(b) In the case of other products, ob-

tain approval for installation on cer-
tificated aircraft; and 

(c) Obtain a production certificate in 

accordance with the requirements of 
subpart G of this part for the change in 
the type design approved by the supple-
mental type certificate. 

[Doc. No. 5085, 29 FR 14568, Oct. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 21–92, 74 FR 53387, Oct. 16, 

§ 21.120

Responsibility of supple-

mental type certificate holders to 
provide written permission for al-

A supplemental type certificate hold-

er who allows a person to use the sup-
plemental type certificate to alter an 
aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller 
must provide that person with written 
permission acceptable to the FAA. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2003–14825, 71 FR 52258, Sept. 
1, 2006] 

Subpart F—Production Under Type 




: Docket No. 5085, 29 FR 14568, Oct. 

24, 1964, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 21.121


This subpart prescribes rules for pro-

duction under a type certificate. 

§ 21.122

Location of or change to man-

ufacturing facilities. 

(a) A type certificate holder may uti-

lize manufacturing facilities located 
outside of the United States if the FAA 

finds no undue burden in administering 
the applicable requirements of Title 49 
U.S.C. and this subchapter. 

(b) The type certificate holder must 

obtain FAA approval before making 
any changes to the location of any of 
its manufacturing facilities. 

(c) The type certificate holder must 

immediately notify the FAA, in writ-
ing, of any change to the manufac-
turing facilities that may affect the in-
spection, conformity, or airworthiness 
of its product or article. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2006–25877, Amdt. 21–92, 74 FR 
53387, Oct. 16, 2009; Amdt. 21–92A, 75 FR 9095, 
Mar. 1, 2010] 

§ 21.123

Production under type certifi-


Each manufacturer of a product 

being manufactured under a type cer-
tificate must— 

(a) Maintain at the place of manufac-

ture all information and data specified 
in §§ 21.31 and 21.41; 

(b) Make each product and article 

thereof available for inspection by the 

(c) Maintain records of the comple-

tion of all inspections and tests re-
quired by §§ 21.127, 21.128, and 21.129 for 
at least 5 years for the products and ar-
ticles thereof manufactured under the 
approval and at least 10 years for crit-
ical components identified under 
§ 45.15(c) of this chapter; 

(d) Allow the FAA to make any in-

spection or test, including any inspec-
tion or test at a supplier facility, nec-
essary to determine compliance with 
this subchapter; 

(e) Mark the product in accordance 

with part 45 of this chapter, including 
any critical parts; 

(f) Identify any portion of that prod-

uct (

e.g.,  sub-assemblies, component 

parts, or replacement articles) that 
leave the manufacturer’s facility as 
FAA approved with the manufacturer’s 
part number and name, trademark, 
symbol, or other FAA-approved manu-
facturer’s identification; and 

(g) Except as otherwise authorized by 

the FAA, obtain a production certifi-
cate for that product in accordance 
with subpart G of this part within 6 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 21.125 

months after the date of issuance of 
the type certificate. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2006–25877, Amdt. 21–92, 74 FR 
53387, Oct. 16, 2009] 

§ 21.125


§ 21.127

Tests: aircraft. 

(a) Each person manufacturing air-

craft under a type certificate must es-
tablish an approved production flight 
test procedure and flight check-off 
form, and in accordance with that 
form, flight test each aircraft pro-

(b) Each production flight test proce-

dure must include the following: 

(1) An operational check of the trim, 

controllability, or other flight charac-
teristics to establish that the produc-
tion aircraft has the same range and 
degree of control as the prototype air-

(2) An operational check of each part 

or system operated by the crew while 
in flight to establish that, during 
flight, instrument readings are within 
normal range. 

(3) A determination that all instru-

ments are properly marked, and that 
all placards and required flight manu-
als are installed after flight test. 

(4) A check of the operational charac-

teristics of the aircraft on the ground. 

(5) A check on any other items pecu-

liar to the aircraft being tested that 
can best be done during the ground or 
flight operation of the aircraft. 

§ 21.128

Tests: aircraft engines. 

(a) Each person manufacturing air-

craft engines under a type certificate 
must subject each engine (except rock-
et engines for which the manufacturer 
must establish a sampling technique) 
to an acceptable test run that includes 
the following: 

(1) Break-in runs that include a de-

termination of fuel and oil consump-
tion and a determination of power 
characteristics at rated maximum con-
tinuous power or thrust and, if applica-
ble, at rated takeoff power or thrust. 

(2) At least five hours of operation at 

rated maximum continuous power or 
thrust. For engines having a rated 
takeoff power or thrust higher than 
rated maximum continuous power or 
thrust, the five-hour run must include 

30 minutes at rated takeoff power or 

(b) The test runs required by para-

graph (a) of this section may be made 
with the engine appropriately mounted 
and using current types of power and 
thrust measuring equipment. 

[Doc. No. 5085, 29 FR 14568, Oct. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 21–5, 32 FR 3735, Mar. 4, 

§ 21.129

Tests: propellers. 

Each person manufacturing propel-

lers under a type certificate must give 
each variable pitch propeller an accept-
able functional test to determine if it 
operates properly throughout the nor-
mal range of operation. 

§ 21.130

Statement of conformity. 

Each holder or licensee of a type cer-

tificate who manufactures a product 
under this subpart must provide, in a 
form and manner acceptable to the 
FAA, a statement that the product for 
which the type certificate has been 
issued conforms to its type certificate 
and is in a condition for safe operation. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2006–25877, Amdt. 21–92, 74 FR 
53387, Oct. 16, 2009] 

Subpart G—Production 




: Docket No. FAA–2006–25877, Amdt. 

21–92, 74 FR 53387, Oct. 16, 2009, unless other-
wise noted. 

§ 21.131


This subpart prescribes— 
(a) Procedural requirements for 

issuing production certificates; and 

(b) Rules governing holders of those 


§ 21.132


Any person may apply for a produc-

tion certificate if that person holds, for 
the product concerned— 

(a) A current type certificate, 
(b) A supplemental type certificate, 


(c) Rights to the benefits of that type 

certificate or supplemental type cer-
tificate under a licensing agreement. 

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