14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 21.125
months after the date of issuance of
the type certificate.
[Doc. No. FAA–2006–25877, Amdt. 21–92, 74 FR
53387, Oct. 16, 2009]
§ 21.125
§ 21.127
Tests: aircraft.
(a) Each person manufacturing air-
craft under a type certificate must es-
tablish an approved production flight
test procedure and flight check-off
form, and in accordance with that
form, flight test each aircraft pro-
(b) Each production flight test proce-
dure must include the following:
(1) An operational check of the trim,
controllability, or other flight charac-
teristics to establish that the produc-
tion aircraft has the same range and
degree of control as the prototype air-
(2) An operational check of each part
or system operated by the crew while
in flight to establish that, during
flight, instrument readings are within
normal range.
(3) A determination that all instru-
ments are properly marked, and that
all placards and required flight manu-
als are installed after flight test.
(4) A check of the operational charac-
teristics of the aircraft on the ground.
(5) A check on any other items pecu-
liar to the aircraft being tested that
can best be done during the ground or
flight operation of the aircraft.
§ 21.128
Tests: aircraft engines.
(a) Each person manufacturing air-
craft engines under a type certificate
must subject each engine (except rock-
et engines for which the manufacturer
must establish a sampling technique)
to an acceptable test run that includes
the following:
(1) Break-in runs that include a de-
termination of fuel and oil consump-
tion and a determination of power
characteristics at rated maximum con-
tinuous power or thrust and, if applica-
ble, at rated takeoff power or thrust.
(2) At least five hours of operation at
rated maximum continuous power or
thrust. For engines having a rated
takeoff power or thrust higher than
rated maximum continuous power or
thrust, the five-hour run must include
30 minutes at rated takeoff power or
(b) The test runs required by para-
graph (a) of this section may be made
with the engine appropriately mounted
and using current types of power and
thrust measuring equipment.
[Doc. No. 5085, 29 FR 14568, Oct. 24, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 21–5, 32 FR 3735, Mar. 4,
§ 21.129
Tests: propellers.
Each person manufacturing propel-
lers under a type certificate must give
each variable pitch propeller an accept-
able functional test to determine if it
operates properly throughout the nor-
mal range of operation.
§ 21.130
Statement of conformity.
Each holder or licensee of a type cer-
tificate who manufactures a product
under this subpart must provide, in a
form and manner acceptable to the
FAA, a statement that the product for
which the type certificate has been
issued conforms to its type certificate
and is in a condition for safe operation.
[Doc. No. FAA–2006–25877, Amdt. 21–92, 74 FR
53387, Oct. 16, 2009]
Subpart G—Production
: Docket No. FAA–2006–25877, Amdt.
21–92, 74 FR 53387, Oct. 16, 2009, unless other-
wise noted.
§ 21.131
This subpart prescribes—
(a) Procedural requirements for
issuing production certificates; and
(b) Rules governing holders of those
§ 21.132
Any person may apply for a produc-
tion certificate if that person holds, for
the product concerned—
(a) A current type certificate,
(b) A supplemental type certificate,
(c) Rights to the benefits of that type
certificate or supplemental type cer-
tificate under a licensing agreement.
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