14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 21.138
Handling and storage. Procedures
to prevent damage and deterioration of
each product and article during han-
dling, storage, preservation, and pack-
Control of quality records. Proce-
dures for identifying, storing, pro-
tecting, retrieving, and retaining qual-
ity records. A production approval
holder must retain these records for at
least 5 years for the products and arti-
cles manufactured under the approval
and at least 10 years for critical compo-
nents identified under § 45.15(c) of this
Internal audits. Procedures for
planning, conducting, and documenting
internal audits to ensure compliance
with the approved quality system. The
procedures must include reporting re-
sults of internal audits to the manager
responsible for implementing correc-
tive and preventive actions.
In-service feedback. Procedures for
receiving and processing feedback on
in-service failures, malfunctions, and
defects. These procedures must include
a process for assisting the design ap-
proval holder to—
(1) Address any in-service problem in-
volving design changes; and
(2) Determine if any changes to the
Instructions for Continued Airworthi-
ness are necessary.
Quality escapes. Procedures for
identifying, analyzing, and initiating
appropriate corrective action for prod-
ucts or articles that have been released
from the quality system and that do
not conform to the applicable design
data or quality system requirements.
Issuing authorized release docu-
ments. Procedures for issuing author-
ized release documents for aircraft en-
gines, propellers, and articles if the
production approval holder intends to
issue those documents. These proce-
dures must provide for the selection,
appointment, training, management,
and removal of individuals authorized
by the production approval holder to
issue authorized release documents.
Authorized release documents may be
issued for new aircraft engines, propel-
lers, and articles manufactured by the
production approval holder; and for
used aircraft engines, propellers, and
articles when rebuilt, or altered, in ac-
cordance with § 43.3(j) of this chapter.
When a production approval holder
issues an authorized release document
for the purpose of export, the produc-
tion approval holder must comply with
the procedures applicable to the export
of new and used aircraft engines, pro-
pellers, and articles specified in § 21.331
and the responsibilities of exporters
specified in § 21.335.
[Docket No. FAA–2006–25877, Amdt. 21–92, 74
FR 53387, Oct. 16, 2009, as amended by Doc.
No. FAA–2013–0933, Amdt. 21–98, 80 FR 59031,
Oct. 1, 2015; Amdt. 21–98A, 80 FR 59031, Dec.
17, 2015]
§ 21.138
Quality manual.
Each applicant for or holder of a pro-
duction certificate must provide a
manual describing its quality system
to the FAA for approval. The manual
must be in the English language and
retrievable in a form acceptable to the
§ 21.139
Location of or change to man-
ufacturing facilities.
(a) An applicant may obtain a pro-
duction certificate for manufacturing
facilities located outside of the United
States if the FAA finds no undue bur-
den in administering the applicable re-
quirements of Title 49 U.S.C. and this
(b) The production certificate holder
must obtain FAA approval before mak-
ing any changes to the location of any
of its manufacturing facilities.
(c) The production certificate holder
must immediately notify the FAA, in
writing, of any change to the manufac-
turing facilities that may affect the in-
spection, conformity, or airworthiness
of its product or article.
§ 21.140
Inspections and tests.
Each applicant for or holder of a pro-
duction certificate must allow the FAA
to inspect its quality system, facilities,
technical data, and any manufactured
products or articles and witness any
tests, including any inspections or
tests at a supplier facility, necessary
to determine compliance with this sub-
§ 21.141
The FAA issues a production certifi-
cate after finding that the applicant
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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 21.147
complies with the requirements of this
§ 21.142
Production limitation record.
The FAA issues a production limita-
tion record as part of a production cer-
tificate. The record lists the type cer-
tificate number and model of every
product that the production certificate
holder is authorized to manufacture,
and identifies every interface compo-
nent that the production certificate
holder is authorized to manufacture
and install under this part.
[Doc. No. FAA–2013–0933, Amdt. 21–98, 80 FR
59031, Oct. 1, 2015, as amended by Amdt. 21–
98A, 80 FR 59031, Dec. 17, 2015]
§ 21.143
A production certificate is effective
until surrendered, suspended, revoked,
or the FAA otherwise establishes a ter-
mination date.
§ 21.144
The holder of a production certificate
may not transfer the production cer-
§ 21.145
(a) The holder of a production certifi-
cate may—
(1) Obtain an aircraft airworthiness
certificate without further showing,
except that the FAA may inspect the
aircraft for conformity with the type
design; or
(2) In the case of other products, ob-
tain approval from the FAA for instal-
lation on type-certificated aircraft.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of
§ 147.3 of this chapter, the holder of a
production certificate for a primary
category aircraft, or for a normal, util-
ity, or acrobatic category aircraft of a
type design that is eligible for a special
airworthiness certificate in the pri-
mary category under § 21.184(c), may—
(1) Conduct training for persons in
the performance of a special inspection
and preventive maintenance program
approved as a part of the aircraft’s
type design under § 21.24(b), provided a
person holding a mechanic certificate
with appropriate airframe and power-
plant ratings issued under part 65 of
this chapter gives the training; and
(2) Issue a certificate of competency
to persons successfully completing the
approved training program, provided
the certificate specifies the aircraft
make and model to which the certifi-
cate applies.
§ 21.146
Responsibility of holder.
The holder of a production certificate
(a) Amend the document required by
§ 21.135 as necessary to reflect changes
in the organization and provide these
amendments to the FAA.
(b) Maintain the quality system in
compliance with the data and proce-
dures approved for the production cer-
(c) Ensure that each completed prod-
uct or article for which a production
certificate has been issued, including
primary category aircraft assembled
under a production certificate by an-
other person from a kit provided by the
holder of the production certificate,
presented for airworthiness certifi-
cation or approval conforms to its ap-
proved design and is in a condition for
safe operation;
(d) Mark the product or article for
which a certificate or approval has
been issued. Marking must be in ac-
cordance with part 45 of this chapter,
including any critical parts;
(e) Identify any portion of the prod-
uct or article (e.g., sub-assemblies,
component parts, or replacement arti-
cles) that leave the manufacturer’s fa-
cility as FAA approved with the manu-
facturer’s part number and name,
trademark, symbol, or other FAA ap-
proved manufacturer’s identification;
(f) Have access to type design data
necessary to determine conformity and
airworthiness for each product and ar-
ticle produced under the production
(g) Retain its production certificate
and make it available to the FAA upon
request; and
(h) Make available to the FAA infor-
mation regarding all delegation of au-
thority to suppliers.
§ 21.147
Amendment of production cer-
(a) A holder of a production certifi-
cate must apply for an amendment to a
production certificate in a form and
manner prescribed by the FAA.
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