Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 21.147
complies with the requirements of this
§ 21.142
Production limitation record.
The FAA issues a production limita-
tion record as part of a production cer-
tificate. The record lists the type cer-
tificate number and model of every
product that the production certificate
holder is authorized to manufacture,
and identifies every interface compo-
nent that the production certificate
holder is authorized to manufacture
and install under this part.
[Doc. No. FAA–2013–0933, Amdt. 21–98, 80 FR
59031, Oct. 1, 2015, as amended by Amdt. 21–
98A, 80 FR 59031, Dec. 17, 2015]
§ 21.143
A production certificate is effective
until surrendered, suspended, revoked,
or the FAA otherwise establishes a ter-
mination date.
§ 21.144
The holder of a production certificate
may not transfer the production cer-
§ 21.145
(a) The holder of a production certifi-
cate may—
(1) Obtain an aircraft airworthiness
certificate without further showing,
except that the FAA may inspect the
aircraft for conformity with the type
design; or
(2) In the case of other products, ob-
tain approval from the FAA for instal-
lation on type-certificated aircraft.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of
§ 147.3 of this chapter, the holder of a
production certificate for a primary
category aircraft, or for a normal, util-
ity, or acrobatic category aircraft of a
type design that is eligible for a special
airworthiness certificate in the pri-
mary category under § 21.184(c), may—
(1) Conduct training for persons in
the performance of a special inspection
and preventive maintenance program
approved as a part of the aircraft’s
type design under § 21.24(b), provided a
person holding a mechanic certificate
with appropriate airframe and power-
plant ratings issued under part 65 of
this chapter gives the training; and
(2) Issue a certificate of competency
to persons successfully completing the
approved training program, provided
the certificate specifies the aircraft
make and model to which the certifi-
cate applies.
§ 21.146
Responsibility of holder.
The holder of a production certificate
(a) Amend the document required by
§ 21.135 as necessary to reflect changes
in the organization and provide these
amendments to the FAA.
(b) Maintain the quality system in
compliance with the data and proce-
dures approved for the production cer-
(c) Ensure that each completed prod-
uct or article for which a production
certificate has been issued, including
primary category aircraft assembled
under a production certificate by an-
other person from a kit provided by the
holder of the production certificate,
presented for airworthiness certifi-
cation or approval conforms to its ap-
proved design and is in a condition for
safe operation;
(d) Mark the product or article for
which a certificate or approval has
been issued. Marking must be in ac-
cordance with part 45 of this chapter,
including any critical parts;
(e) Identify any portion of the prod-
uct or article (e.g., sub-assemblies,
component parts, or replacement arti-
cles) that leave the manufacturer’s fa-
cility as FAA approved with the manu-
facturer’s part number and name,
trademark, symbol, or other FAA ap-
proved manufacturer’s identification;
(f) Have access to type design data
necessary to determine conformity and
airworthiness for each product and ar-
ticle produced under the production
(g) Retain its production certificate
and make it available to the FAA upon
request; and
(h) Make available to the FAA infor-
mation regarding all delegation of au-
thority to suppliers.
§ 21.147
Amendment of production cer-
(a) A holder of a production certifi-
cate must apply for an amendment to a
production certificate in a form and
manner prescribed by the FAA.
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jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with CFR