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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 21.150 

(b) An applicant for an amendment to 

a production certificate to add a type 
certificate or model, or both, must 
comply with §§ 21.137, 21.138, and 21.150. 

(c) An applicant may apply to amend 

its production limitation record to 
allow the manufacture and installation 
of an interface component, provided— 

(1) The applicant owns or has a li-

cense to use the design and installation 
data for the interface component and 
makes that data available to the FAA 
upon request; 

(2) The applicant manufactures the 

interface component; 

(3) The applicant’s product conforms 

to its approved type design and the 
interface component conforms to its 
approved type design; 

(4) The assembled product with the 

installed interface component is in a 
condition for safe operation; and 

(5) The applicant complies with any 

other conditions and limitations the 
FAA considers necessary. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2013–0933, Amdt. 21–98, 80 FR 
59031, Oct. 1, 2015, as amended by Amdt. 21– 
98A, 80 FR 59031, Dec. 17, 2015] 

§ 21.150

Changes in quality system. 

After the issuance of a production 


(a) Each change to the quality sys-

tem is subject to review by the FAA; 

(b) The holder of a production certifi-

cate must immediately notify the 
FAA, in writing, of any change that 
may affect the inspection, conformity, 
or airworthiness of its product or arti-

Subpart H—Airworthiness 




: Docket No. 5085, 29 FR 14569, Oct. 

24, 1964, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 21.171


This subpart prescribes procedural 

requirements for the issue of airworthi-
ness certificates. 

§ 21.173


Any registered owner of a U.S.-reg-

istered aircraft (or the agent of the 
owner) may apply for an airworthiness 
certificate for that aircraft. An appli-

cation for an airworthiness certificate 
must be made in a form and manner ac-
ceptable to the FAA, and may be sub-
mitted to any FAA office. 

[Amdt. 21–26, 34 FR 15244, Sept. 30, 1969] 

§ 21.175

Airworthiness certificates: 


(a) Standard airworthiness certifi-

cates are airworthiness certificates 
issued for aircraft type certificated in 
the normal, utility, acrobatic, com-
muter, or transport category, and for 
manned free balloons, and for aircraft 
designated by the FAA as special class-
es of aircraft. 

(b) Special airworthiness certificates 

are primary, restricted, limited, light- 
sport, and provisional airworthiness 
certificates, special flight permits, and 
experimental certificates. 

[Amdt. 21–21, 33 FR 6858, May 7, 1968, as 
amended by Amdt. 21–60, 52 FR 8043, Mar. 13, 
1987; Amdt. 21–70, 57 FR 41368, Sept. 9, 1992; 
Amdt. 21–85, 69 FR 44861, July 27, 2004] 

§ 21.177

Amendment or modification. 

An airworthiness certificate may be 

amended or modified only upon appli-
cation to the FAA. 

§ 21.179


An airworthiness certificate is trans-

ferred with the aircraft. 

§ 21.181


(a) Unless sooner surrendered, sus-

pended, revoked, or a termination date 
is otherwise established by the FAA, 
airworthiness certificates are effective 
as follows: 

(1) Standard airworthiness certifi-

cates, special airworthiness certifi-
cates—primary category, and air-
worthiness certificates issued for re-
stricted or limited category aircraft 
are effective as long as the mainte-
nance, preventive maintenance, and al-
terations are performed in accordance 
with Parts 43 and 91 of this chapter and 
the aircraft are registered in the 
United States. 

(2) A special flight permit is effective 

for the period of time specified in the 

(3) A special airworthiness certificate 

in the light-sport category is effective 
as long as— 

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