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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 21.184 

the airplane complies with the applica-
ble requirements of that part. 


New aircraft manufactured under 

the provisions of § 21.6(b). An applicant 
for a standard airworthiness certificate 
for a new aircraft manufactured under 
the provisions of § 21.6(b) is entitled to 
a standard airworthiness certificate 

(1) The applicant presents evidence to 

the FAA that the aircraft conforms to 
a type design approved under a type 
certificate or supplemental type cer-
tificate and to applicable Airworthi-
ness Directives; 

(2) The aircraft has been inspected in 

accordance with the performance rules 
for a 100-hour inspections set forth in 
§ 43.15 of this chapter and found air-
worthy by a person specified in para-
graph (d)(2) of this section; and 

(3) The FAA finds after inspection, 

that the aircraft conforms to the type 
design, and is in condition for safe op-

[Amdt. 21–17, 32 FR 14927, Oct. 28, 1967] 





: For F





tations affecting § 21.183, see the List of CFR 
Sections Affected, which appears in the 
Finding Aids section of the printed volume 
and at 

§ 21.184

Issue of special airworthiness 

certificates for primary category 


New primary category aircraft man-

ufactured under a production certificate. 
An applicant for an original, special 
airworthiness certificate-primary cat-
egory for a new aircraft that meets the 
criteria of § 21.24(a)(1), manufactured 
under a production certificate, includ-
ing aircraft assembled by another per-
son from a kit provided by the holder 
of the production certificate and under 
the supervision and quality control of 
that holder, is entitled to a special air-
worthiness certificate without further 
showing, except that the FAA may in-
spect the aircraft to determine con-
formity to the type design and condi-
tion for safe operation. 


Imported aircraft. An applicant for 

a special airworthiness certificate-pri-
mary category for an imported aircraft 
type certificated under § 21.29 is enti-
tled to a special airworthiness certifi-
cate if the civil airworthiness author-
ity of the country in which the aircraft 

was manufactured certifies, and the 
FAA finds after inspection, that the 
aircraft conforms to an approved type 
design that meets the criteria of 
§ 21.24(a)(1) and is in a condition for 
safe operation. 


Aircraft having a current standard 

airworthiness certificate. An applicant 
for a special airworthiness certificate- 
primary category, for an aircraft hav-
ing a current standard airworthiness 
certificate that meets the criteria of 
§ 21.24(a)(1), may obtain the primary 
category certificate in exchange for its 
standard airworthiness certificate 
through the supplemental type certifi-
cation process. For the purposes of this 
paragraph, a current standard air-
worthiness certificate means that the 
aircraft conforms to its approved nor-
mal, utility, or acrobatic type design, 
complies with all applicable airworthi-
ness directives, has been inspected and 
found airworthy within the last 12 cal-
endar months in accordance with 
§ 91.409(a)(1) of this chapter, and is 
found to be in a condition for safe oper-
ation by the FAA. 


Other aircraft. An applicant for a 

special airworthiness certificate-pri-
mary category for an aircraft that 
meets the criteria of § 21.24(a)(1), and is 
not covered by paragraph (a), (b), or (c) 
of this section, is entitled to a special 
airworthiness certificate if— 

(1) The applicant presents evidence to 

the FAA that the aircraft conforms to 
an approved primary, normal, utility, 
or acrobatic type design, including 
compliance with all applicable air-
worthiness directives; 

(2) The aircraft has been inspected 

and found airworthy within the past 12 
calendar months in accordance with 
§ 91.409(a)(1) of this chapter and; 

(3) The aircraft is found by the FAA 

to conform to an approved type design 
and to be in a condition for safe oper-


Multiple-category airworthiness cer-

tificates  in the primary category and 
any other category will not be issued; a 
primary category aircraft may hold 
only one airworthiness certificate. 

[Doc. No. 23345, 57 FR 41368, Sept. 9, 1992, as 
amended by Amdt. 21–70, 57 FR 43776, Sept. 
22, 1992] 

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